Error code

        Error code

        Article summary

        Available in Classic and VPC

        The error codes are as follows:

        Error codesError code message
        180000Company does not exist
        180001Forbidden, please check the sync setting in console
        180002The service version does not support this function
        180004Upper dept external key not found
        180006Upper externalKey can not be the current dept externalKey
        180007Department not found
        180008Root dept can not be updated
        180009Upper dept can not be the current dept's sub dept
        180010Root dept can not be deleted
        180011External key exists
        180012Name exists
        180013Job grade not found
        180015Job position not found
        180016Service version only can create {0} users
        180017User login ID already exist
        180018Bad request
        180019User not found
        180020The user does not belong to this company
        180021Delete Admin not allowed
        180022Method not allowed
        180023Unsupported media type
        180024Internal server error
        181001Name is required
        181002Name format error
        181003External key format error
        181004Tel number format error
        181005Cell phone number format error
        181006Locale type format error
        181007Time zone format error
        181008User email address is required
        181009User email address format error
        181010Display order is required
        181011Display order format error

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        Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
        First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
        Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
        Enter a valid email
        Enter a valid password
        Your profile has been successfully updated.