

        Article summary

        The latest service changes have not yet been reflected in this content. We will update the content as soon as possible. Please refer to the Korean version for information on the latest updates.

        Available in VPC

        Transfer backups of the cloud DB for MongoDB to the object storage.


        Request parameters

        ParameterTypeRequiredDescriptionService limits
        regionCodeStringNRegion code
        - regionCode can be obtained via the getRegionList action
        - Default: selects the first region of the getRegionList search results
        objectNameStringYObject name
        - You can obtain objectName through the getCloudMongoDbBackupDetailList action
        bucketNameStringYObject Storage bucket name
        - You can obtain bucketName through the getCloudMongoDbBucketList action
        cloudMongoDbInstanceNoStringYCloud DB for MongoDB instance number
        - cloudMongoDbInstanceNo obtained via the getCloudMongoDbInstanceList action
        responseFormatTypeStringNFormat type of the response result
        - options: xml | json
        - default: xml


        Request examples

        The following is an example of a request syntax.

        GET {API_URL}/exportBackupToObjectStorage

        Response examples

        The following is an example of a response syntax.

        If the response shows that format type (responseFormatType) is JSON

          "exportBackupToObjectStorageResponse": {
            "requestId": "cf51da47-c561-4ae1-b48e-e94f1c501da7",
            "returnCode": "0",
            "returnMessage": "success"

        If the response shows that format type (responseFormatType) is XML


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        First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
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        Your profile has been successfully updated.