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    Available in VPC


    Server instance


    private String serverInstanceNo;
    private String serverName;
    private String serverDescription;
    private Integer cpuCount;
    private Long memorySize;
    private CommonCode platformType;
    private String loginKeyName;
    private String publicIpInstanceNo;
    private String publicIp;
    private CommonCode serverInstanceStatus;
    private CommonCode serverInstanceOperation;
    private String serverInstanceStatusName;
    private Date createDate;
    private Date uptime;
    private String serverImageProductCode;
    private String serverProductCode;
    private Boolean isProtectServerTermination;
    private String zoneCode;
    private String regionCode;
    private String vpcNo;
    private String subnetNo;
    private NetworkInterfaceNoList networkInterfaceNoList;
    private String initScriptNo;
    private CommonCode serverInstanceType;
    private CommonCode baseBlockStorageDiskType;
    private CommonCode baseBlockStorageDiskDetailType;
    private String placementGroupNo;
    private String placementGroupName;
    private String memberServerImageInstanceNo;
    private List<BlockDevicePartition> blockDevicePartitionList;
    private CommonCode hypervisorType;
    private String serverImageNo;
    private String serverSpecCode;


    Parameter nameRequirement statusTypeDescription
    serverInstanceNoYesString- Server instance number
    NAVER Cloud Platform's identifier for identifying server instance (VM)
    serverNameYesStringServer name
    serverDescriptionNoStringServer description
    cpuCountYesIntegerNumber of virtual CPUs
    memorySizeYesLongMemory size in bytes
    platformTypeYesCommonCodePlatform type of OS image installed on server
    loginKeyNameYesStringThe name of login key assigned to the server instance
    publicIpInstanceNoNoStringThe public IP instance number assigned to the server instance
    publicIpNoStringThe public IP address assigned to the server instance
    serverInstanceStatusYesCommonCodeServer instance status
    'INIT (server INIT status)'
    'CREAT (server CREATED status)'
    'RUN (server RUN status)'
    'NSTOP (server NORMAL STOPPED status)'
    'TERMT (server TERMINATED status)'
    'FSTOP (server FAILURE STOPPED status)'
    'SD_FL (server SHUTDOWN FAILURE status)'
    'SD_FL (server RESTART FAILURE status)'
    'ST_FL (server START FAILURE status)'
    serverInstanceOperationYesCommonCodeServer instance OP
    'START (server START OP)'
    'SHTDN (server SHUTDOWN OP)'
    'RESTA (server RESTART OP)'
    'TERMT (server TERMINATE OP)'
    'NULL (server NULL OP)'
    'MIGRA (server MIGRATION OP)'
    'COPY (current COPY target)'
    'SETUP (current SETUP status)'
    'RESTA (forced server RESTART OP)'
    'SHTDN (forced server SHUTDOWN OP)'
    'CHNG (server SPEC CHANGE OP)'
    'CREAT (server CREATE OP)'
    serverInstanceStatusNameYesString- Server instance status name
    The current server instance status name is derived from the combination of the server instance status and server instance OP.
    'setting up'
    'hard rebooting'
    'shutting down'
    'hard shutting down'
    createDateYesDateCreation date 'format: "YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ"'
    uptimeYesDateUptime 'format : "YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ"'
    serverImageProductCodeYesString- Server image product code
    Product code corresponding to the server image product managed by NAVER Cloud Platform
    serverProductCodeYesString- Server product code
    Product code corresponding to the server product managed by NAVER Cloud Platform
    isProtectServerTerminationYesBoolean- Server termination protection status
    If true, does not terminate at the time of termination
    zoneCodeYesStringCode of the zone in which the server is located
    regionCodeYesStringCode of the region in which the server is located
    vpcNoYesStringNumber of the VPC in which the server is located
    subnetNoYesStringNumber of the subnet in which the server is located
    networkInterfaceNoListYesNetworkInterfaceNoListList of the network interface numbers assigned to the server
    initScriptNoNoString- Initialization script number
    The number of initialization script that is executed when the server is booted for the first time
    serverInstanceTypeYesCommonCodeServer instance type
    'MICRO (Micro)'
    'COMPT (Compact)'
    'STAND (Standard)'
    'GPU (Gpu)'
    'LDISK (Local Disk)'
    'CHADP (Cloud Hadoop)'
    'BM (BareMetal)'
    'VDS (Virtual Dedicated Server)'
    baseBlockStorageDiskTypeYesCommonCodeDefault block storage disk type
    baseBlockStorageDiskDetailTypeYesCommonCodeDefault block storage disk type details
    placementGroupNoNoString- Physical placement group number
    Number of the physical placement group to which the server instance is allocated
    placementGroupNameNoString- Physical placement group name
    Name of the physical placement group to which the server instance is allocated
    memberServerImageInstanceNoNoStringMember server image instance number
    blockDevicePartitionListNoList<BlockDevicePartition>- Block device partition list
    If Bare Metal server, partition information defined by the user is transmitted
    hypervisorTypeYesCommonCodeHypervisor type
    serverImageNoYesStringServer image number
    serverSpecCodeYesStringServer spec code

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