Archive Storage Overview

        Archive Storage Overview

        Article summary


        NAVER Cloud Platform Archive Storage provides the OpenStack Swift API for managing and using storage.

        Version: 2.15.1 (Pike)


        For sub accounts, some APIs are available through an external API Gateway dedicated to sub accounts, rather than through a conventional calling domain.

        Common settings

        Calling domain (endpoint)

        While it supports both HTTP/HTTPS protocols, we recommend using HTTPS for data protection.

        URL by Region

        RegionAuthentication URLService URL


        NAVER Cloud Platform's Archive Storage creates a token through authentication information, and you can use the issued token to use the service.

        For the user information required to create a token, use the API authentication key created in Portal My Page > Manage account > Manage authentication key (access key ID is username and secret key is user password),

        and the project ID and domain ID information for the user can be checked through the [Check API usage information] button after subscribing for the service in the Archive Storage console.

        The following describes all the operations you can use when accessing NAVER Cloud Platform's Archive Storage using the OpenStack Swift API.
        For more information on how to use operations, including samples, see the Bucket operations and Object operations pages.

        Request headers

        The following describes commonly used request headers in Archive Storage API.


        Response headers

        The following describes commonly used response headers in Archive Storage API.

        Content-TypeString-MIME type of the response result
        Content-LengthString-Length of the response result (bytes)
        X-Trans-IdString-Transaction ID of the request
        X-Openstack-Request-IdString-Transaction ID of the request
        • Same as X-Trans-Id
        DateString-Response time of the request (UTC)


        Account operations

        The following describes operations to get the list of containers (buckets) belonging to an account, get metadata, and get metadata settings.
        You can check your account by using a unique project ID, subscribing to the service in the Archive Storage console, and clicking the [Check API usage information] button.

        GETGet the list of containers (buckets) that belong to an account
        HEADGet the metadata for an account
        POSTSet or change metadata for an account

        Container (bucket) operations

        The following describes operations that create, delete, view, and control containers (buckets).

        PUTCreate container (bucket)
        GETGet the list of objects that belong to a container (bucket)
        HEADGet the metadata for a container (bucket)
        POSTSet and change the metadata of a container (bucket)
        DELETEDelete empty containers (buckets)

        Object operations

        The following describes operations that create, delete, view, and control objects.

        PUTUpload object
        Overwrite if there's an object with the same name
        COPYDuplicate an object from another location
        GETDownload object
        HEADGet the metadata for an object
        POSTSet or change metadata for an object
        DELETEDelete object

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