VOD Station error response
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        VOD Station error response

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        Article summary


        If a wrong VOD Station API request is sent, or an error occurs during its processing, then the success/failure result is returned as an HTTP status code. The detailed message is then returned in JSON format.

        There are two types or error codes: VOD Station API's "common error codes" and "API Gateway error codes."

        260000Unexpected error occurred
        260002Input value error
        260003Required request header omitted
        260004not found
        260006Not authorized (The resource needs to be checked if it is available for use by the account.)
        260008Request failed
        260009Internal error occurred
        260010The Sub Account doesn't have permission
        260011must has a valid value
        260012Unsupported protocol
        260013Invalid segment duration entered
        260017Invalid channel ID entered
        260021Invalid bucket name entered
        260022Starting channel is only available when the channel is in the Stopped status
        260023Stopping channel is only available when the channel is in the Running status
        260024Deleting channel is only available when the channel is in the Stopped status
        260025pageNo parameter must be 1 or more.
        260026Invalid date format
        260027Parameter error. The minimum days of use is 0
        260028Unsupported CDN type
        260029protocolList can't be left blank
        260030Unsupported CDN type. Only Global Edge is supported
        260032The channel name must be between 3 and 20 characters in length. Special characters except hyphens (-) are not allowed
        260033Invalid request data
        260034mediaEncryptionList size can't be greater than protocolList
        260035Unsupported media encryption protocol
        260036Only HLS can be applied for media encryption
        260037Only AES-128 encryption is supported currently
        260038Media encryption cannot be set together when setting HLS DRM
        260039DRM contentId can't be left blank
        260040DRM contentId must be "a-zA-Z0-9-_" and under 200 characters
        260041DRM systemId can't be left blank
        260042DRM systemId must be "a-zA-Z0-9-_" and under 200 characters
        260043DRM key URL can't be left blank
        260044DRM key format is invalid
        260045Encryption protocol not in protocolList
        260046Invalid DRM type code
        260047DRM type code doesn't match the protocol selected
        A valid type code must be entered
        260048Creation failed due to CDN limit
        260049 260051The service is temporarily unavailable. If the problem persists, then please contact Support
        260054It will be available for use after subscription
        260101Enter the category name between 3 and 20 characters in length, using numbers, English letters, hyphens (-) and underscores (_)
        260102Invalid categoryId
        260103The selected Object Storage can't be used
        260105Invalid input file path
        260106The folder already exists in the output path
        260107Failed to create the Object Storage folder
        260108It will be available for use after setting encoding options in the category
        260109The selected bucket is already in use
        260110The category being encoded can't be modified
        260111The category being encoded can't be deleted
        260112The output path must start with /
        260113Slash (/) can't be used consecutively (//) in the output path
        260114Special characters < > : " | ? * % can't be used for the output path
        260116The output path must consist of numbers and English letters, and be between 1 and 256 characters
        260117The trimming end point is earlier than its start point
        260118The start and end points must be set for trimming
        260201Invalid encodingOptionId
        260202Invalid encodingOption name
        260204Invalid encodingOptionType (AUDIO, NORMAL)
        260205The encodingOption provided by default can't be deleted
        260206The name already exists
        260207The audio channel is invalid (-2, 1, 2).
        260208The audio bitrate is invalid (16–320).
        260209The audio sampling rate is invalid (-2|11025|22050|32000|44100|48000).
        260210The video bitrate is invalid
        260211The video frame rate is invalid
        260212The video key frame rate is invalid (0–100).
        260213The video codec level is invalid (1|1b|1.1|1.2|1.3|2.1|2.2|3.1|3.2|4|4.1|4.2|5.1|5.2)
        260214The video width is invalid (96–4096)
        260215The video height is invalid (96–4096)
        260216Invalid pass settings (1-pass, 2-pass)
        260217The rateControl must be set to ABR if the pass setting is 2-pass
        260218The maximum frame rate is invalid (10–60)
        260219Both the video width and height can't exceed 2160.
        260059ProfileId is required when creating Global Edge
        260060regionType is required when creating Global Edge
        260305The Global Edge profile list can't be retrieved
        260306Failed to create new Global Edge
        260307Failed to get Global Edge

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        First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
        Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
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        Enter a valid password
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