VOD Station error response
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VOD Station error response
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If a wrong VOD Station API request is sent, or an error occurs during its processing, then the success/failure result is returned as an HTTP status code. The detailed message is then returned in JSON format.
There are two types or error codes: VOD Station API's "common error codes" and "API Gateway error codes."
Errors | Description |
260000 | Unexpected error occurred |
260002 | Input value error |
260003 | Required request header omitted |
260004 | not found |
260006 | Not authorized (The resource needs to be checked if it is available for use by the account.) |
260008 | Request failed |
260009 | Internal error occurred |
260010 | The Sub Account doesn't have permission |
260011 | must has a valid value |
260012 | Unsupported protocol |
260013 | Invalid segment duration entered |
260017 | Invalid channel ID entered |
260021 | Invalid bucket name entered |
260022 | Starting channel is only available when the channel is in the Stopped status |
260023 | Stopping channel is only available when the channel is in the Running status |
260024 | Deleting channel is only available when the channel is in the Stopped status |
260025 | pageNo parameter must be 1 or more. |
260026 | Invalid date format |
260027 | Parameter error. The minimum days of use is 0 |
260028 | Unsupported CDN type |
260029 | protocolList can't be left blank |
260030 | Unsupported CDN type. Only Global Edge is supported |
260032 | The channel name must be between 3 and 20 characters in length. Special characters except hyphens (-) are not allowed |
260033 | Invalid request data |
260034 | mediaEncryptionList size can't be greater than protocolList |
260035 | Unsupported media encryption protocol |
260036 | Only HLS can be applied for media encryption |
260037 | Only AES-128 encryption is supported currently |
260038 | Media encryption cannot be set together when setting HLS DRM |
260039 | DRM contentId can't be left blank |
260040 | DRM contentId must be "a-zA-Z0-9-_" and under 200 characters |
260041 | DRM systemId can't be left blank |
260042 | DRM systemId must be "a-zA-Z0-9-_" and under 200 characters |
260043 | DRM key URL can't be left blank |
260044 | DRM key format is invalid |
260045 | Encryption protocol not in protocolList |
260046 | Invalid DRM type code |
260047 | DRM type code doesn't match the protocol selected A valid type code must be entered |
260048 | Creation failed due to CDN limit |
260049 260051 | The service is temporarily unavailable. If the problem persists, then please contact Support |
260054 | It will be available for use after subscription |
260101 | Enter the category name between 3 and 20 characters in length, using numbers, English letters, hyphens (-) and underscores (_) |
260102 | Invalid categoryId |
260103 | The selected Object Storage can't be used |
260105 | Invalid input file path |
260106 | The folder already exists in the output path |
260107 | Failed to create the Object Storage folder |
260108 | It will be available for use after setting encoding options in the category |
260109 | The selected bucket is already in use |
260110 | The category being encoded can't be modified |
260111 | The category being encoded can't be deleted |
260112 | The output path must start with / |
260113 | Slash (/) can't be used consecutively (//) in the output path |
260114 | Special characters < > : " | ? * % can't be used for the output path |
260116 | The output path must consist of numbers and English letters, and be between 1 and 256 characters |
260117 | The trimming end point is earlier than its start point |
260118 | The start and end points must be set for trimming |
260201 | Invalid encodingOptionId |
260202 | Invalid encodingOption name |
260204 | Invalid encodingOptionType (AUDIO, NORMAL) |
260205 | The encodingOption provided by default can't be deleted |
260206 | The name already exists |
260207 | The audio channel is invalid (-2, 1, 2). |
260208 | The audio bitrate is invalid (16–320). |
260209 | The audio sampling rate is invalid (-2|11025|22050|32000|44100|48000). |
260210 | The video bitrate is invalid |
260211 | The video frame rate is invalid |
260212 | The video key frame rate is invalid (0–100). |
260213 | The video codec level is invalid (1|1b|1.1|1.2|1.3|2.1|2.2|3.1|3.2|4|4.1|4.2|5.1|5.2) |
260214 | The video width is invalid (96–4096) |
260215 | The video height is invalid (96–4096) |
260216 | Invalid pass settings (1-pass, 2-pass) |
260217 | The rateControl must be set to ABR if the pass setting is 2-pass |
260218 | The maximum frame rate is invalid (10–60) |
260219 | Both the video width and height can't exceed 2160. |
260059 | ProfileId is required when creating Global Edge |
260060 | regionType is required when creating Global Edge |
260305 | The Global Edge profile list can't be retrieved |
260306 | Failed to create new Global Edge |
260307 | Failed to get Global Edge |
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