Certificate Manager overview

        Certificate Manager overview

        Article summary

        Available in Classic and VPC

        Certificate Manager is a NAVER Cloud Platform service that enables you to issue, register, and manage certificates to be used by associated services (Load Balancer, CDN+, etc.). It provides APIs for certificate registration, deletion, and inquiry features in RESTful form, and you must complete IAM authentication with API Gateway to call the APIs.

        Common Certificate Manager settings

        The following describes commonly used request and response formats in Certificate Manager APIs.


        The following describes the common request format.

        API URL

        The request API URL is as follows.

        Request headers

        The following describes the headers.

        x-ncp-apigw-timestampRequiredThis is the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC
      • Request is considered invalid if the timestamp differs from the current time by more than 5 minutes
      • x-ncp-iam-access-keyRequiredAccess key issued on NAVER Cloud Platform
      • Issue and check access key: See Create authentication key
      • Issue and check access key for sub account: See Create sub account
      • x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2RequiredBase64-encoded signature that encrypts the request information with a secret key that maps to the access key issued on NAVER Cloud Platform, using the HMAC encryption algorithm (HmacSHA256)
      • Issue and check secret key: See Create authentication key
      • Create signature: See Create signature
      • AcceptRequiredResponse data format
      • application/json
      • Response

        The following describes the common response format.

        Response status codes

        The following describes the response status codes.

        HTTP status codeCodeMessageDescription
        2001002Unable to load certificate. Expecting PEM format file.Invalid PEM format
        2001004Failed to delete the certificate. Delete the instance being used first or replace the certificate being used for the instance.Failed to delete certificate (instance in use)
        2001004Failed to delete the certificate. No certificate was found with a matching with requested certificate name and certificate number.Failed to delete certificate (name, number mismatch)
        2002200No certificate was found.No certificate search results
        20026034The certificate is invalid.Invalid certificate
        20026040Public key in certificate does not match with private key.Invalid private key match
        400100Bad Request ExceptionRequest syntax error
        4002000CertificateName is invalid. certificateName can only contain 3-20 English alphabet, numbers, and "-" and must start with an alphabetic character.Invalid certificate name
        4002100CertificateName is missing; PrivateKey is missing; PublicKeyCertificate is missing; CertificateChain is missing.Unable to find the certificate's name, private key, public key, or chain
        401200Authentication FailedAuthentication failed
        401210Permission DeniedAccess unauthorized
        404300Not Found ExceptionNot found on server
        413430Request Entity Too LargeRequest size exceeded
        429400Quota ExceededRequest quota exceeded
        429410Throttle LimitedToo fast or frequent requests
        429420Rate LimitedToo many requests in a given time period
        503500Endpoint ErrorEndpoint error
        504510Endpoint TimeoutEndpoint timeout
        500900Unexpected ErrorUnknown error

        For response status codes common to NAVER Cloud Platform, see Ncloud API response status codes.

        Certificate Manager API

        The following describes the APIs provided by the Certificate Manager service.

        createExternalCertificateAdd external certificate
        deleteCertificateDelete certificate
        getCertificateListViewing a certificate

        NAVER Cloud Platform provides a variety of related resources to help users better understand Certificate Manager APIs.

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        First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
        Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
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