Search list of encoding options

        Search list of encoding options

        Article summary

        VOD Station provides an API to search encoding option details.



        Request headers

        Header nameDescription
        x-ncp-apigw-timestampThis is the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC.
        If the time difference compared to the API Gateway server is more than 5 minutes, then the request is considered invalid.
        x-ncp-iam-access-keyAccess Key ID value issued by the NAVER Cloud Platform portal
        x-ncp-iam-access-key:{Sub Account Access Key}
        x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2Signature encrypted with the Access Key ID value and Secret Key
        x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2:{API Gateway Signature}


        Field nameTypeDescriptionRemarks
        errorObjectResponds when a request fails
        Error response code and message
        error.codeIntegerError response code
        error.messageStringError response message
        content[]Array(Object)VOD Station OPEN API response object
        content[].disabledBooleanFiled provided to sub accounts
        Resource activation status for the Sub Account
        content[].idStringEncoding option ID
        content[].nameStringEncoding option name
        content[].formatStringConverted media file's container format
        content[].encodingOptionTypeStringEncoding option type
        content[].audioObjectObject for setting transcoding audio option
        content[].audio.codecStringAudio codec settings
        content[].audio.channelIntegerOutput audio's channel settings
        content[].audio.bitrateIntegerBit transfer rate settings of the video stream subject for transcoding (unit: Kbps)
        content[].audio.samplingRateIntegerOutput audio sampling rate (unit: Hz)
        content[].videoObjectObject for setting transcoding video option
        content[].video.codecStringVideo codec settings
        content[].video.codecOptionsObjectObject for setting video codec detailed options
        content[].video.codecOptions.profileStringConfigured video codec profile
        content[].video.codecOptions.levelStringConfigured video codec level
        content[].video.bitrateIntegerVideo stream's bit transfer rate (unit: Kbps)
        content[].video.widthIntegerOutput video’s width
        content[].video.heightIntegerOutput video’s height
        content[].video.framerateDoubleNumber of frames per second
        content[].video.keyframeIntervalIntegerInterval at which key frames are created in the video (unit: seconds)
        content[].video.rateControlStringBitrate distribution method
        content[].defaultSetBooleanWhether there's a preset provided by system
        totalIntegerTotal number of encoding options


        Request examples

        GET /api/v2/encoding-option

        Response examples

        HTTP/1.1 200 OK
        Server: nginx
        Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2018 09:53:32 GMT
        Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
        Connection: keep-alive
        Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
        x-ncp-trace-id: 36c9k60om4p3238cpmc9gm4cj4
          "content": [
                "disabled": false,
                "id": 10058,
                "encodingOptionType": "NORMAL",
                "name": "basic-enc-option",
                "format": "MP4",
                "video": {
                  "codec": "AVC",
                  "codecOptions": {
                    "profile": "MAIN",
                    "level": "3.1"
                  "bitrate": 5000,
                  "width": 1920,
                  "height": 1080,
                  "framerate": 30,
                  "maxFramerate": 30,
                  "keyframeInterval": 2,
                  "rateControl": "ABR",
                  "pass": "1-Pass"
                "audio": {
                  "codec": "AAC",
                  "bitrate": 192,
                  "channel": 2,
                  "samplingRate": 44100
          "total": 1

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