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    Available in VPC

    Cloud DB for MySQL instance


    private String cloudMysqlInstanceNo;
    private String cloudMysqlServiceName;
    private String cloudMysqlInstanceStatusName;
    private CommonCode cloudMysqlInstanceStatus;
    private CommonCode cloudMysqlInstanceOperation;
    private String cloudMysqlImageProductCode;
    private String engineVersion;
    private CommonCode license;
    private Integer cloudMysqlPort;
    private Boolean isHa;
    private Boolean isMultiZone;
    private Boolean isBackup;
    private Integer backupFileRetentionPeriod;
    private String backupTime;
    private String generationCode;
    private Date createDate;
    private List<String> accessControlGroupNoList;
    private List<String> cloudMysqlConfigList;
    private List<CloudMysqlServerInstance> cloudMysqlServerInstanceList;


    FieldTypeRequirement statusDescriptionRestrictions
    cloudMysqlInstanceNoStringYCloud DB for MySQL instance number-
    cloudMysqlServiceNameStringYCloud DB for MySQL service name-
    cloudMysqlInstanceStatusNameStringYCloud DB for MySQL instance status name
    - settingup
    cloudMysqlInstanceStatusCommonCodeYCloud DB for MySQL instance status code
    -INIT (init)
    -CREAT (created)
    -DEL (deleted)
    cloudMysqlInstanceOperationCommonCodeYCloud DB for MySQL instance operation code
    -CREAT (create)
    -DEL (delete)
    -FO (failover)
    -NULL (no)
    -SETUP (setup)
    -UPGD (upgrade)
    -DWGD (downgrade)
    -BKP (backup)
    cloudMysqlImageProductCodeStringNCloud DB for MySQL image product code-
    engineVersionStringNCloud DB for MySQL engine version-
    licenseCommonCodeNCloud DB for MySQL license-
    cloudMysqlPortIntegerNCloud DB for MySQL port-
    isHaBooleanYHigh-availability (True/False)-
    isMultiZoneBooleanYMulti-zone (True/False)-
    isBackupBooleanNBackup (True/False)-
    backupFileRetentionPeriodIntegerNBackup file storage period-
    backupTimeStringNBackup time-
    generationCodeStringYServer generation code-
    createDateDateYDate generated-
    accessControlGroupNoListList<String>NList of ACG numbers-
    cloudMysqlConfigListList<String>NCloud DB for MySQL configuration list-
    cloudMysqlServerInstanceListList<CloudMysqlServerInstance>YCloud DB for MySQL server instance list-

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