

        Article summary


        Gets a list of server instances (VMs). The results can be paginated. userData is returned only when you get detailed information.


        Request parameters

        serverInstanceNoList.NNList<String>List of server instance numbers to get
        Get available values by using the getServerInstanceList action.
        Example) serverInstanceNoList.1=937507&serverInstanceNoList.2=1021003
        searchFilterNameNStringFilter name
        You can search server instances by server name and IP.
        Both private and public IP addresses are available.
        Options: serverName (Server name) | ip (IP address) [case insensitive]
        Map searchFilterName and searchFilterValue as follows.
        Example) searchFilterName=ip&searchFilterValue=
        Example) searchFilterName=serverName&searchFilterValue=monkeys
        searchFilterValueNStringFileter value
        This value is mapped with searchFilterName.
        pageNoNIntegerMin: 0, Max: 2147483647Page number
        You can paginate results with pageNo.
        pageSizeNIntegerMin: 0, Max: 2147483647Page size to show when paginating results.
        You can paginate results with pageSize.
        serverInstanceStatusCodeNStringMin: 0, Max: 5Server instance status code
        List of servers by server instance status code you want to get
        Get available values by using the getServerInstanceList action.
        Please refer to the server instance status (serverInstanceStatus) of a server instance data type(ServerInstance) for available status.
        Example) serverInstanceStatusCode=NSTOP
        regionNoNStringRegion number
        Region from which you want to get a list of servers.
        Get available values by using the getRegionList action.
        zoneNoNStringZone number
        Zone from which you want to get a list of servers.
        Get available values by using the getZoneList action.
        Default: The first zone of the region.
        baseBlockStorageDiskTypeCodeNStringMin: 1, Max: 5Server disk type code
        baseBlockStorageDiskDetailTypeCodeNStringMin: 1, Max: 5Detailed server disk type code
        Options: HDD | SSD
        sortedByNStringSort by
        You can sort servers by server name or server instance number.
        Options: serverName (Server name) | serverInstanceNo (Server instance number) [case insensitive]
        Default: serverInstanceNo
        Map sortedBy and sortingOrder as follows.
        Example) sortedBy=serverName&sortingOrder=ascending
        Example) sortedBy=serverInstanceNo&sortingOrder=descending
        sortingOrderNStringSorting order
        It shows results sorted by the specified sortedBy value in ascending or descending order.
        ascending | descending [case insensitive]
        Default: ascending
        serverInstanceTypeCodeList.NNList<String>List of server instance type codes you want to get
        Please refer to the server instance status (serverInstanceStatus) of a server instance data type(ServerInstance) for available status.
        Options: MICRO (Micro) | COMPT (Compact) | STAND (Standard) | HIMEM (High Memory) | GPU (GPU) | VDS (Virtual Dedicated Server)
        tagKeyList.NNList<String>Tag key of an instance to get
        You can use a tag key to get an instance.
        Get available values by using the getInstanceTagList action.
        Example) instanceTagList.1.tagKey=tag1
        tagKeyValue.NNList<String>Tag value of an instance to get
        You can use a tag value to get an instance.
        Get available values by using the getInstanceTagList action.
        Example) instanceTagList.1.tagValue=dolphins


        Response body


        Request example

        GET {SERVER_API_URL}/getServerInstanceList

        Response example

                <codeName>Linux 32 Bit</codeName>
                <codeName>Server normal stopped state</codeName>
                <codeName>Server NULL OP</codeName>
                <zoneDescription>Pyeongchon zone</zoneDescription>
                <codeName>Network Storage</codeName>
                <codeName>Micro Server</codeName>
                  <accessControlGroupDescription>Default AccessControlGroup</accessControlGroupDescription>

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        Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
        First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
        Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
        Enter a valid email
        Enter a valid password
        Your profile has been successfully updated.