Create NodePool
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        Create NodePool

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        Article summary

        Available in VPC

        Create a NodePool that sets the number of WorkerNodes in the cluster, their specifications, and more.


        The following describes the request format for the endpoint. The request format is as follows.


        Request headers

        For headers common to all Ncloud Kubernetes Service APIs, see Ncloud Kubernetes Service common headers.

        Request path parameters

        The following describes the parameters.

        uuidStringRequiredCluster's UUID

        Request syntax

        The request syntax is as follows.

          "name": "np4",
          "nodeCount": 2,
          "softwareCode": "SW.VSVR.OS.LNX64.UBNTU.SVR22.WRKND.G003",
          "serverSpecCode": "s2-g3",
          "storageSize": 100,
          "autoscale": {
            "enabled": false,
            "max": 3,
            "min": 1
          "labels": [
              "key": "label_key",
              "value": "value"
          "taints": [
              "key": "taints_key",
              "value": "value",
              "effect": "NoExecute"
          "serverRoleId": "string"

        Request body

        The following describes the request body.

        nameStringRequiredNodePool name
        nodeCountIntegerConditionalNumber of nodes to be registered
        • Required when autoscaling is not enabled
        softwareCodeStringOptionalServer image code
        serverSpecCodeStringOptionalServer specification code
        storageSizeIntegerOptionalStorage size
        autoscaleArrayOptionalAutoscale option
        autoscale.enabledBooleanOptionalAutoscale availability
        • true | false
          • true: use autoscale
          • false: not use autoscale
        autoscale.maxIntegerOptionalMaximum number of nodes available for autoscaling
        • Up to 250
        autoscale.minIntegerOptionalMinimum number of nodes available for autoscaling
        • 1 or more
        labels[]ArrayOptionalLabels to apply to all nodes in the NodePool
        labels[].keyStringConditionalKeys in labels
        • Required when setting labels
        labels[].valueStringConditionalValues in labels
        • Required when setting labels
        taints[]ArrayOptionalManage schedulers to avoid using nodes in a particular pod
        taints[].keyStringConditionalKeys in taints
        • Required when setting taints
        taints[].valueStringOptionalValues in taints
        • Optional even when setting taints
        taints[].effectStringConditionalscheduler management method
        • NoSchedule | PreferNoSchedule | NoExecute
        • Required when setting taints
        serverRoleIdStringOptionalID to assign roles to NodePool servers

        Request example

        The following is a sample request.

        curl --location '{uuid}/node-pool' \
        --header 'x-ncp-apigw-timestamp: {timestamp}' \
        --header 'x-ncp-iam-access-key: {access key}' \
        --header 'x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2: {API gateway signature}' \
        --data '{
          "name": "np4",
          "nodeCount": 2,
          "softwareCode": "SW.VSVR.OS.LNX64.UBNTU.SVR22.WRKND.G003",
          "serverSpecCode": "s2-g3",
          "storageSize": 100,
          "autoscale": {
            "enabled": true,
            "max": 2,
            "min": 1
          "labels": [
              "key": "label_key",
              "value": "value"
          "taints": [
              "key": "taints_key",
              "value": "value",
              "effect": "NoExecute"


        The following describes the response format.

        Response status codes

        For response status codes common to all Ncloud Kubernetes Service APIs, see Ncloud Kubernetes Service response status codes.

        Was this article helpful?

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