General coupon usage inquiry
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        General coupon usage inquiry

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        Article summary

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        Inquiry of general coupon usage
        Keyword coupon usage history is not displayed.


        projectIdStringOProjectId in GamePot SDK
        couponNumberStringO대시보드에서 발급한 쿠폰 번호Coupon number issued by the dashboard

        요청 헤더

        Header nameRequiredExplanation
        x-api-keyOAuthentication key issued by GamePot
        accept-languageXLanguage used


        statusInt결과값 (1: 성공)
        idString쿠폰 사용 내역 아이디
        statusBoolean쿠폰 사용 여부(true: 사용, false: 미사용)
        enableInt사용가능 여부
        numberString쿠폰 번호
        userdataString쿠폰 사용 유저 정보
        usedAtString쿠폰 사용일
        requestString쿠폰 사용 요청
        responseString쿠폰 사용 응답
        (coupon_id의) idString쿠폰 아이디
        (coupon_id의) enableint사용가능 여부
        typeString쿠폰 타입
        keywordString키워드 쿠폰 키워드
        usedint쿠폰 상태
        countint쿠폰 수량
        lengthint쿠폰 길이
        limitString아이템 수량
        prefixString쿠폰 접미사
        suffixString쿠폰 접두사
        store_idString스토어 아이디 (google,one,apple,galaxy)
        startedAtString쿠폰 사용 시작일
        endedAtString쿠폰 사용 종료일
        item_idString아이템 아이디
        store_item_idString아이템 스토어 아이디
        countint아이템 수량


        요청 예시

        curl --request GET \
          --url  \
          --header 'accept-language: ko' \
          --header 'x-api-key: 86dcgffae0641745432as02a8801ce5a5475f764fxxxxxxxxx'

        응답 예시

          "status": 1,
          "result": {
            "id": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
            "status": false,
            "enable": 1,
            "number": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
            "userdata": "",
            "usedAt": null,
            "createdAt": "Wed May 13 2020 12:12:04 GMT+0900 (Korean Standard Time)",
            "request": null,
            "response": null,
            "coupon_id": {
              "id": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
              "enable": 1,
              "type": "normal",
              "keyword": null,
              "desc": "Season 2 Update Pre-Reward Rewards",
              "used": 1,
              "count": 2010,
              "length": 7,
              "limit": null,
              "prefix": "",
              "suffix": "",
              "store_id": "",
              "startedAt": "Sun May 10 2020 16:35:00 GMT+0900 (Korean Standard Time)",
              "endedAt": "Sat May 23 2020 16:35:00 GMT+0900 (Korean Standard Time)",
              "items": [
                  "item_id": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
                  "store_item_id": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
                  "count": 10
                  "item_id": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
                  "store_item_id": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
                  "count": 1

        Error code

        Common error code that occurs when requesting Gamepot Open API.

        statusError code (1: Refer to Error code in case of success or failure )
        messageError details
        Error codeExplanation
        -1If you used a key that is not on the dashboard
        -2The key of the dashboard and the key of the header are different.
        -3When using a key deleted from the dashboard
        -4The dashboard used unused keys.
        -5If the key has expired
        -6If there is no project ID
          "status": -6,
          "message": "projectId was wrong."
        Plain text

        Was this article helpful?

        What's Next
        Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
        First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
        Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
        Enter a valid email
        Enter a valid password
        Your profile has been successfully updated.