Create dataset
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    Create dataset

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    Article Summary

    Create a dataset.



    Request body

    Parameter nameRequirement statusTypeRestrictionsDescription
    typeYesStringSelect one from among user, item, or interactionDataset type
    nameYesStringStart with English letter or underscore ( _ ). English letters, numbers, underscores ( _ ), and hyphens ( - ) are allowed. 3 to 20 characters can be entered.Dataset name
    descriptionYesStringEnter 0 to 100 charactersDataset description
    schemaNameYesStringSchema name createdSelect a schema for the dataset to create
    osInfo.regionYesStringKR, EN, JP ..Object storage region
    osInfo.bucketYesStringObject storage bucket name
    osInfo.keyYesStringObject storage key


    Field nameTypeDescriptionRemarks
    datasetIdStringDataset ID
    typeStringDataset type
    nameStringDataset name
    descriptionStringDataset description
    schemaNameStringSchema name
    statusStringService status
    osInfo.regionStringObject storage region
    osInfo.bucketStringObject storage bucket name
    osInfo.keyStringObject storage key
    connectedService[].serviceIdStringService ID using the dataset
    connectedService[].nameStringService name using the dataset
    createdDateStringDataset creation date
    updatedDateStringLast update

    Response status

    HTTP StatusDesc
    201Created (Successfully created)
    400Bad Request
    404Not Found
    500Internal Server Error


    Request example

    POST /api/v1/datasets
    accept: application/json
    x-ncp-iam-access-key: {Access key}
    x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2: {API GW signature}
    x-ncp-apigw-timestamp: {timestamp}
      "type": "item",
      "name": "item_dataset",
      "description": "abc",
      "schemaName": "test_item",
      "osInfo": {
        "region": "KR",
        "bucket": "aitems-820431800",
        "key": "bookmarks-items.csv"

    Response example

      "type": "item",
      "name": "item_dataset",
      "description": "abc",
      "datasetId": "3vewbw8r9r9",
      "schemaName": "test_item",
      "status": "enable",
      "osInfo": {
        "region": "KR",
        "bucket": "aitems-820431800",
        "key": "bookmarks-items.csv"
      "connectedService": [],
      "createdDate": "2021-08-21T15:47:58.302",
      "updatedDate": "2021-09-03T16:22:07.509"

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