Adding category file
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    Adding category file

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    Article Summary

    VOD Station provides an API to add encoding files to categories.



    Request headers

    Header nameDescription
    x-ncp-apigw-timestampThis is the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC
    If the time difference compared to the API Gateway server is more than 5 minutes, then the request is considered invalid.
    x-ncp-iam-access-keyAccess key ID value issued by the NAVER Cloud Platform portal
    x-ncp-iam-access-key:{Sub Account Access Key}
    x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2Signature encrypted with the Access Key ID value and Secret Key
    x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2:{API Gateway Signature}
    Content-TypeSpecify the request body content type as application/json
    Content-Type: application/json

    Request body

    API field names in the request body are case sensitive.

    Field nameRequirement statusTypeRestrictionsDefault valueDescription
    bucketNameYesStringYou must enter the name of the bucket where the input file has been uploaded, httpDownload URL or bucketName, and filePath.
    pathListYesArray(String)Support for up to 100 input filesYou must enter the detailed path of the input file including the file name, httpDownload URL or bucketName, and filePath.
    httpDownloadUrlListYesArray(String)Support for up to 100 input files,
    http url format,
    Only receive inputs consisting of AVI, MOV, MP4, MP3, 3GP, MPG, MPEG, M4V, VOB, WMV, ASF, MKV, FLV, WEBM, GIF, AV1, MXF extensions.
    You must enter the detailed path of the input file including the file name, httpDownload URL or bucketName, and filePath.
    notificationUrlNoStringCallback URL settings for the input file (Overwrite Category notificationUrl Field)
    outputNoObjectOutput settings for the input file (overwrites the Category output field)
    output.bucketNameYesStringOutput bucket name
    output.filePathYesStringDetailed path to upload the output file
    output.thumbnailBucketNameOptionalStringIf not entered, follow the category settings.Thumbnail output bucket name
    output.thumbnailFilePathOptionalStringIf not entered, follow the category settings.
    Enter between 1 and 256 characters. (English letters, numbers, and special characters except for < > : " / \ ? * % are allowed.)
    Detailed path to upload the thumbnail output file
    output.accessControlNoStringPUBLIC_READ, PRIVATEPRIVATEDisclosure scope of the output file
    output.thumbnailAccessControlNoStringPUBLIC_READ, PRIVATEPRIVATEDisclosure scope of the output thumbnail
    output.withoutCategoryNameNoBooleantrue, falsefalseWhether a category name folder is created in the output path
    setAdvancedOptionsNoBooleantrue, falsefalseWhether advanced settings are set separately
    advancedOptionsNoObjectNULLAdvanced settings
    advancedOptions.trimmingNoObjectNULLOutput file trimming settings
    advancedOptions.trimming.startTimeCodeYesStringFormat: "HH:MM:SS.S"- Trimming start point
    Enter the value to fit the timecode format.
    advancedOptions.trimming.endTimeCodeYesStringFormat: "HH:MM:SS.S",
    A smaller value than the startTimeCode can't be entered.
    - Trimming end point
    Enter the value to fit the timecode format.
    advancedOptions.imageOverlayNoObjectNULLImage overlay settings
    advancedOptions.imageOverlay.inputYesObjectInput image
    advancedOptions.imageOverlay.input.bucketNameYesStringName of the bucket where the input image has been uploaded
    advancedOptions.imageOverlay.input.filePathYesStringDetailed path of the input image including the file name
    advancedOptions.imageOverlay.positionYesObjectLocation settings of image to be inserted
    advancedOptions.imageOverlay.position.xYesIntegerLocation of x-axis
    advancedOptions.imageOverlay.position.yYesIntegerLocation of y-axis
    advancedOptions.imageOverlay.sizeYesObejctSize settings of image to be inserted
    advancedOptions.imageOverlay.size.widthYesIntegerImage width
    advancedOptions.imageOverlay.size.heightYesIntegerImage height


    Field nameTypeDescriptionRemarks
    content[]Array(Object)VOD Station OPEN API response object
    content[].idIntegerFile encoding job ID
    content[].bucketNameStringName of the bucket where the input file has been uploaded
    content[].pathListArray(String)Detailed path of the input file including the file name
    content[].httpDownloadUrlArray(String)HTTP URL to download from outside
    content[].statusStringFile encoding statusCOMPLETE, WAITING, RUNNING, FAILURE, CANCELED
    content[].notificationUrlStringCallback URL settings
    content[].outputObjectOutput settings
    content[].output.bucketNameStringOutput bucket name
    content[].output.filePathStringDetailed path to upload the input file
    content[].output.thumbnailBucketNameStringThumbnail output bucket name
    content[].output.thumbnailFilePathStringThumbnail output file upload detailed path
    content[].output.accessControlStringDisclosure scope of the output file
    content[].output.thumbnailAccessControlStringDisclosure scope of the output thumbnail
    content[].output.withoutCategoryNameBooleanWhether a category name folder is created in the output path
    content[].advancedOptionsObjectAdvanced settings
    content[].advancedOptions.trimmingObjectOutput file trimming settings
    content[].advancedOptions.trimming.startTimeCodeStringTrimming start point
    content[].advancedOptions.trimming.endTimeCodeStringTrimming end point
    content[].advancedOptions.imageOverlayObjectImage overlay settings
    content[].advancedOptions.imageOverlay.inputObjectInput image
    content[].advancedOptions.imageOverlay.input.bucketNameStringName of the bucket where the input image has been uploaded
    content[].advancedOptions.imageOverlay.input.filePathStringDetailed path of the input image
    content[].advancedOptions.imageOverlay.positionObjectLocation settings of image to be inserted
    content[].advancedOptions.imageOverlay.position.xIntegerLocation of x-axis
    content[].advancedOptions.imageOverlay.position.yIntegerLocation of y-axis
    content[].advancedOptions.imageOverlay.sizeObejctSize settings of image to be inserted
    content[].advancedOptions.imageOverlay.size.widthIntegerImage width
    content[].advancedOptions.imageOverlay.size.heightIntegerImage height


    Request examples

    PUT /api/v2/category/10095/add-files
    Content-Type: application/json
      "bucketName": "vs-input",
      "pathList": [
        "SampleVideo_1280x720_5mb.mp4", "/1-path/SampleVideo_1920x1080_5m.mp4"

    Response examples

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Server: nginx
    Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2018 09:53:32 GMT
    Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
    Connection: keep-alive
    Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
    x-ncp-trace-id: 36c9k60om4p3238cpmc9gm4cj4
      "content": [
          "id": 10240,
          "bucketName": "vs-input",
          "filePath": "SampleVideo_1280x720_5mb.mp4",
          "status": "WAITING"
          "id": 10241,
          "bucketName": "vs-input",
          "filePath": "/1-path/SampleVideo_1920x1080_5m.mp4",
          "status": "WAITING"

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