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    Article summary


    Gets a list of Block Storage snapshot instances.


    Request parameters

    blockStorageSnapshotInstanceNoListNList<String>Duplicates not allowed.List of Block Storage snapshot instances
    The action gets Block Storage snapshots corresponding to the specified Block Storage snapshot instance numbers.
    originalBlockStorageInstanceNoListNList<String>Duplicates not allowed.List of source Block Storage instance numbers
    The action gets Block Storage snapshots corresponding to the specified source Block Storage instance numbers.
    Get available values by using the getBlockStorageInstanceList action.
    Example) originalblockStorageSnapshotInstanceNoList.1=1081369&originalblockStorageSnapshotInstanceNoList.2=1020175
    regionNoNStringRegion number
    You can filter Block Storage instances by region.
    Get available values by using the getRegionList action.
    pageNoNIntegerMin: 0, Max: 2147483647Page number of paginated results
    You can paginate results with pageNo.
    pageSizeNIntegerMin: 0, Max: 2147483647Page size to show when paginating results.
    You can paginate results with pageSize.


    Response body


    Request example

    GET {SERVER_API_URL}/getBlockStorageSnapshotInstanceList

    Response example

                <codeName>Block storage CREATED state</codeName>
                <codeName>Block Storage NULLOP</codeName>
              <blockStorageSnapshotInstanceDescription />
              <osInformation>Windows Server 2016 (64-bit)</osInformation>

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