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        Article summary

        Available in VPC


        Creates block storage instances.


        Request parameters

        Parameter nameRequirement statusTypeRestrictionsDescription
        regionCodeNoString- Region code
        Decides the Region in which the block storage instance will be created
        regionCode can be obtained through the getRegionList action
        Default: select the first Region shown in the getRegionList search results
        zoneCodeConditionalString- ZONE code
        Decides the zone in which the block storage instance will be created
        zoneCode can be obtained through the getZoneList action
        - Required for KVM block storage
        blockStorageNameNoStringMin : 3, Max : 30
        Only English letters, numbers, and the special character "-" can be used. It must start with an English letter
        It must end with an English letter or number
        - Name of block storage
        Default: NAVER Cloud Platform automatically assigns it
        blockStorageDiskDetailTypeCodeNoString- Detailed type code of the block storage disk
        Decides the detailed type for the block storage disk to be created
        Valid only for XEN block storage
        Options : SSD | HDD
        Default : SSD
        blockStorageVolumeTypeCodeConditionalString- Block storage volume type code
        Decides the volume type of the block storage to be created
        blockStorageVolumeTypeCode can be obtained through the getBlockStorageVolumeTypeList action
        - Required for KVM block storage
        Options : SSD | HDD | FB1 | CB1
        serverInstanceNoConditionalString- Server instance number
        It must be assigned to the server when creating the first block storage
        serverInstanceNo can be obtained through the getServerInstanceList action
        - Required for XEN block storage
        KVM block storage does not support assignment along with the creation, so there should be no serverInstanceNo
        blockStorageSnapshotInstanceNoNoString- Block storage snapshot instance number
        Entered when creating a block storage from a manually created snapshot
        blockStorageSnapshotInstanceNo can be obtained through the getBlockStorageSnapshotInstanceList action
        blockStorageSizeConditionalInteger- XEN block storage
        Min : 10, Max : 2000 GB
        - KVM block storage
        Min : 10, Max : 16380 GB
        Enter in 10 GB units
        - Block storage size
        Decides the size of the block storage to be created
        It is automatically determined when creating it using a XEN block storage snapshot
        It must be equal to or greater than the size of the snapshot when creating it using a XEN block storage snapshot.
        For more information on the restrictions for the size by volume type, see the user guide
        Compute > Server > VPC > Using Server > Server > Block Storage > Block Storage overview > Block Storage overview
        blockStorageDescriptionNoStringMin : 0, Max : 1000 BytesDescription of a block storage to be created
        isReturnProtectionNoBoolean- Server termination protection status
        Termination protection status can be set
        Options : true | false
        Default : false
        responseFormatTypeNoString- Format type of responses
        Options : xml | json
        Default : xml


        Response bodies


        Request examples

        GET {API_URL}/createBlockStorageInstance

        Response examples

                <codeName>Server BS</codeName>
                <codeName>Block storage INIT state</codeName>
                <codeName>Block Storage NULLOP</codeName>
                <codeName>Network Storage</codeName>

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