

        Article summary

        Available in Classic and VPC

        Summarize long sentences by applying different options.


        This section describes the request format. The method and URI are as follows:


        Request headers

        The following describes the request headers.

        AuthorizationRequiredAPI key for authentication <e.g.,> Bearer nv-************
        Content-TypeRequiredRequest data format
        • application/json

        Request body

        You can include the following data in the body of your request:

        textsArrayRequiredSentence to summarize
        • 1-35,000 characters (based on Korean, including spaces)
        autoSentenceSplitterBooleanOptionalWhether to allow paragraph breaks in sentences to summarize
        • true (default) | false
          • true: Apply paragraph breaks, segCount, segMaxSize, and segMinSize
          • false: No paragraph breaks
        segCountIntegerOptionalNumber of paragraph breaks for the sentences to summarize
        • -1 (default) | 1 or higher
          • -1: The model automatically performs with optimal values
        segMaxSizeIntegerOptionalMaximum number of characters per paragraph when breaking paragraphs
        • 1-3000 (based on Korean, including spaces)
        segMinSizeIntegerOptionalMinimum number of characters per paragraph when breaking paragraphs
        • 0-segMaxSize value (default: 300)
        includeAiFiltersBooleanOptionalWhether to apply AI Filter
        • true | false (default)
          • true: Apply
          • false: Do not apply

        Request example

        The request example is as follows:

        curl --location --request POST '' \
        --header 'Authorization: Bearer {API Key}' \
        --header 'X-NCP-CLOVASTUDIO-REQUEST-ID: {Request ID}' \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        --data '{
                    "texts": [
                        "The following are some of the many features that CLOVA Studio offers. - Sentence generation: Just type in a few keywords and generate sentences based on those keywords for screenwriting, cover letter writing, email writing, marketing copy creation, etc. - Summarization: Identify key elements from a long article, such as a plot, report, or email, and summarize the article based on the set summary length. - Categorization: Categorize features such as sentence type, document index, sentiment, intent, or extract keywords from paragraphs. - Conversation: Create AIs with unique personas through example inputs to create conversational interfaces such as encyclopedic chatbots, custom chatbots, etc. - Sentence conversion: Convert sentences into sentences with a similar style to the entered example. AI Filter: AI Filter detects and alerts you when sensitive or unsafe output is being generated."
                    "autoSentenceSplitter": true,
                    "segCount": -1,
                    "segMaxSize": 1000,
                    "segMinSize": 300,
                    "includeAiFilters": false


        This section describes the response format.

        Response body

        The response body includes the following data:

        textString-Summary result
        inputTokensInteger-Number of tokens in the sentence to summarize

        Response example

        The response example is as follows:


        The following is a sample response upon a successful call.

            "status": {
                "code": "20000",
                "message": "OK"
            "result": {
                "text": "- Explaining the different features that CLOVA Studio offers",
                "inputTokens": 187


        The following is a sample response upon a failed call.

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