- API overview
- API overview
- Calling and authenticating API
- API data types
- Platform
- Account
- AppliedCreditHistory
- AppliedProductDiscountHistory
- Coin
- CoinHistory
- CoinHistoryList
- CoinUseHistory
- Contract
- ContractList
- ContractDemandCost
- ContractDemandCostList
- ContractProduct
- ContractSummary
- ContractSummaryList
- ContractUsageList
- ContractUsageByDaily
- ContractUsageListByDaily
- CostRelationCode
- CostRelationCodeList
- CountryPeriodUnit
- CountryUnit
- Credit
- CreditHistory
- CreditHistoryList
- CreditUseHistory
- DemandCost
- DemandCostList
- Discount
- DiscountList
- PackageUnit
- PeriodUnit
- Price
- PriceList
- Product(For Billing)
- ProductList(For Billing)
- ProductCategoryList
- ProductDemandCost
- ProductDemandCostList
- ProductDemandCostByDiscount
- ProductDemandCostByDiscountList
- ProductDemandType
- ProductDiscount
- ProductDiscountHistory
- ProductDiscountHistoryList
- ProductDiscountUseHistory
- ProductPrice
- ProductPriceList
- Region(For Billing)
- RegionList(For Billing)
- SectionPrice
- SectionPriceList
- ShareCoinSnapshot
- Usage
- UseDate
- Compute
- AccessControlGroup
- AccessControlGroupList
- AccessControlGroupNoList
- AccessControlGroupRule
- AccessControlGroupRuleList
- ActivityLog
- ActivityLogList
- AdjustmentType
- AdjustmentTypeList
- AutoScalingGroup
- AutoScalingGroupList
- BlockDevicePartition
- BlockStorageInstance
- BlockStorageInstanceList
- BlockStorageMapping
- BlockStorageSnapshotInstance
- BlockStorageSnapshotInstanceList
- BlockStorageVolumeType
- BlockStorageVolumeTypeList
- CommonCode
- CommonResponse
- FlowLogConfiguration
- FlowLogConfigurationList
- HypervisorTypeList
- InAutoScalingGroupServerInstance
- InitScript
- InitScriptList
- KeyName
- LaunchConfiguration
- LaunchConfigurationList
- LoginKey
- LoginKeyList
- MemberServerImage
- MemberServerImageInstance
- MemberServerImageInstanceList
- NetworkInterface
- NetworkInterfaceList
- NetworkInterfaceNoList
- PlacementGroup
- PlacementGroupList
- PrivateKey
- Process
- ProcessList
- Product
- ProductList
- ProtocolType
- PublicIpInstance
- PublicIpInstanceList
- Raid
- RaidList
- Region
- RegionList
- RootPassword
- RootPasswordServerInstance
- RootPasswordServerInstanceList
- ScalingPolicy
- ScalingPolicyList
- ScheduledUpdateGroupAction
- ScheduledUpdateGroupActionList
- SecondaryIpList
- ServerImage
- ServerImageList
- ServerInstance
- ServerInstanceList
- ServerInstanceNoList
- ServerSpec
- ServerSpecList
- SharedLoginIdList
- SuspendedProcess
- Zone
- ZoneList
- Storage
- Networking
- HostHeaderCondition
- HostHeaderList
- HostHeaderList
- IpList
- LoadBalancerInstance
- LoadBalancerInstanceList
- LoadBalancerIpList
- LoadBalancerListener
- loadBalancerListenerCertificate
- LoadBalancerListenerNoList
- LoadBalancerRule
- loadBalancerListenerCertificateList
- LoadBalancerListenerList
- LoadBalancerRuleAction
- LoadBalancerRuleNoList
- LoadBalancerSubnet
- LoadBalancerRuleCondition
- LoadBalancerRuleList
- NatGatewayInstance
- NatGatewayInstanceList
- NetworkAcl
- NetworkAclDenyAllowGroup
- NetworkAclRule
- NetworkAclDenyAllowGroupList
- NetworkAclList
- NetworkAclRuleList
- PathPatternCondition
- PathPatternList
- PolicyDetailResponse
- PolicyListResponse
- PolicyRequest
- ProfileDetailResponse
- ProfileListResponse
- ProfileRequest
- RedirectionAction
- Route
- RouteList
- RouteTable
- RouteTableList
- Subnet
- SubnetList
- SubnetNoList
- Target
- TargetGroup
- TargetNoList
- TargetSubnet
- TargetGroupAction
- TargetGroupNoList
- TargetGroupWeight
- TargetGroupList
- TargetList
- TargetSubnetList
- TargetVpc
- TargetVpcList
- Vpc
- VpcList
- VpcPeeringInstance
- VpcPeeringInstanceList
- CipherSuiteList
- Database
- CloudDbProduct
- CloudDbProductList
- Cloud DB for MySQL
- CloudMysqlBackup
- CloudMysqlBackupList
- CloudMysqlBackupDetail
- CloudMysqlBackupDetailList
- CloudMysqlConfigList
- CloudMysqlDatabase
- CloudMysqlDatabaseList
- CloudMysqlDbServerLog
- CloudMysqlDbServerLogList
- CloudMysqlEventHistory
- CloudMysqlEventHistoryList
- CloudMysqlInstance
- CloudMysqlInstanceList
- CloudMysqlInstanceForHiveMetaStore
- CloudMysqlInstanceListForHiveMetaStore
- CloudMysqlRecoveryTime
- CloudMysqlServerInstance
- CloudMysqlUser
- CloudMysqlUserList
- CloudMysqlUserForHiveMetaStore
- CloudMysqlUserListForHiveMetaStore
- Cloud DB for Redis
- CloudRedisBackup
- CloudRedisBackupList
- CloudRedisBackupDetail
- CloudRedisBackupDetailList
- CloudRedisBucket
- CloudRedisBucketList
- CloudRedisConfigGroup
- CloudRedisConfigGroupList
- CloudRedisConfigGroupVersion
- CloudRedisConfigGroupVersionList
- CloudRedisInstance
- CloudRedisInstanceList
- CloudRedisServerInstance
- Cloud DB for MSSQL
- CloudMssqlBackup
- CloudMssqlBackupList
- CloudMssqlBackupDetail
- CloudMssqlBackupDetailList
- CloudMssqlBucket
- CloudMssqlBucketList
- CloudMssqlCharacterSet
- CloudMssqlCharcterSetList
- CloudMssqlConfigGroup
- CloudMssqlConfigGroupList
- CloudMssqlFolder
- CloudMssqlFolderList
- CloudMssqlInstance
- CloudMssqlInstanceList
- CloudMssqlLogBackupFile
- CloudMssqlLogBackupFileList
- CloudMssqlLogFile
- CloudMssqlLogFileList
- CloudMssqlServerInstance
- Cloud DB for MongoDB
- Cloud DB for PostgreSQL
- CloudPostgresqlBackup
- CloudPostgresqlBackupList
- CloudPostgresqlBackupDetail
- CloudPostgresqlBackupDetailList
- CloudPostgresqlBucket
- CloudPostgresqlBucketList
- CloudPostgresqlConfigList
- CloudPostgresqlDatabase
- CloudPostgresqlDatabaseList
- CloudPostgresqlDbServerLog
- CloudPostgresqlDbServerLogList
- CloudPostgresqlInstance
- CloudPostgresqlInstanceList
- CloudPostgresqlServerInstance
- CloudPostgresqlUser
- CloudPostgresqlUserList
- Application Services
- GeoLocation
- Cloud Outbound Mailer
- AddressBookRequest
- AddressBookResponse
- AttachFile
- Category
- CountByStatus
- EmailRecipientType
- EmailReservationStatus
- EmailStatus
- HistoryActionType
- MailListResponse
- NesDateTime
- Recipient
- RecipientForRequest
- RecipientGroupFilter
- RequesterType
- RequestListResponse
- SendBlockHistoryResponse
- Sort
- TemplateBackupStatus
- TemplateExportRequestResponse
- TemplateStructureResponse
- UnsubscribersListResponse
- GeolocationList
- Big Data & Analytics
- Cloud Hadoop (VPC)
- CloudHadoopAddOn
- CloudHadoopAddOnList
- CloudHadoopBucket
- CloudHadoopBucketList
- CloudHadoopClusterType
- CloudHadoopClusterTypeList
- CloudHadoopInstance
- CloudHadoopInstanceList
- CloudHadoopLoginKey
- CloudHadoopLoginKeyList
- CloudHadoopNotebookBucket
- CloudHadoopNotebookBucketList
- CloudHadoopNotebookComponent
- CloudHadoopNotebookComponentList
- CloudHadoopNotebookInstance
- CloudHadoopNotebookInstanceList
- CloudHadoopNotebookServerInstance
- CloudHadoopNotebookVersion
- CloudHadoopObject
- CloudHadoopObjectList
- CloudHadoopServerInstance
- CloudHadoopVersion
- Data Forest
- AccountResponse
- AiAppContainer
- AiAppData
- AiAppDocker
- AiAppResource
- AiAppResponse
- AiAppTypeSpec
- AiWorkspaceConfig
- AiWorkspaceResponse
- AppComponentRequest
- AppComponentResponse
- AppContainerResponse
- AppResponse
- CreateAppRequest
- DependableApp
- GetAccountDetailResponse
- GetAccountListResponse
- GetAiAppDetailResponse
- GetAiAppListResponse
- GetAiWorkspaceConfigurationListResponse
- GetAiWorkspaceDetailResponse
- GetAiWorkspaceListResponse
- GetAppBasicSettingResponse
- GetAppDetailResponse
- GetAppListResponse
- QuotaResponse
- SubmitAiAppResponse
- Cloud Hadoop (VPC)
- Platform
- Classic
- Platform
- Account
- AppliedCreditHistory
- AppliedProductDiscountHistory
- Coin
- CoinHistory
- CoinHistoryList
- CoinUseHistory
- Contract
- ContractList
- ContractDemandCost
- ContractDemandCostList
- ContractProduct
- ContractSummary
- ContractSummaryList
- ContractUsageList
- ContractUsageByDaily
- ContractUsageListByDaily
- CostRelationCode
- CostRelationCodeList
- CountryPeriodUnit
- CountryUnit
- Credit
- CreditHistory
- CreditHistoryList
- CreditUseHistory
- DemandCost
- DemandCostList
- Discount
- DiscountList
- PackageUnit
- PeriodUnit
- Price
- PriceList
- Product (For Billing)
- ProductList (For Billing)
- ProductCategoryList
- ProductDemandCost
- ProductDemandCostList
- ProductDemandCostByDiscount
- ProductDemandCostByDiscountList
- ProductDemandType
- ProductDiscount
- ProductDiscountHistory
- ProductDiscountHistoryList
- ProductDiscountUseHistory
- ProductPrice
- ProductPriceList
- Region(For Billing)
- RegionList(For Billing)
- SectionPrice
- SectionPriceList
- ShareCoinSnapshot
- Usage
- UseDate
- Compute
- AccessControlGroup
- AccessControlGroupList
- AccessControlRule
- AccessControlRuleList
- ActivityLog
- ActivityLogList
- AsgPolicy
- AutoScalingGroup
- AutoScalingGroupList
- BlockDevicePartition
- BlockStorageInstance
- BlockStorageInstanceList
- BlockStorageSnapshotInstance
- BlockStorageSnapshotInstanceList
- CollectingInfo
- CollectingInfoList
- CommonCode
- CommonResponse
- ConfigurationLog
- ConfigurationLogList
- InAutoScalingGroupServerInstance
- InitScript
- InitScriptList
- InstanceTag
- InstanceTagList
- LaunchConfiguration
- LaunchConfigurationList
- LoginKey
- LoginKeyList
- MemberServerImage
- MemberServerImageList
- PortForwardingConfiguration
- PortForwardingConfigurationList
- PortForwardingRule
- PortForwardingRuleList
- PrivateKey
- Process
- ProcessList
- Product
- ProductList
- PublicIpInstance
- PublicIpInstanceList
- Raid
- RaidList
- Region
- RegionList
- RootPassword
- RootPasswordServerInstance
- RootPasswordServerInstanceList
- ScalingPolicy
- ScalingPolicyList
- ScheduledUpdateGroupAction
- ScheduledUpdateGroupActionList
- ServerInstance
- ServerInstanceList
- ServerInstanceNoList
- SharedLoginIdList
- SuspendedProcess
- Zone
- ZoneList
- Storage
- Networking
- DomainCreateRequest
- DomainDetailResponse
- DomainListResponse
- DomainQueryResponse
- DomainResponse
- DomainUsage
- LbRecordResponse
- LoadBalancedServerInstance
- LoadBalancerInstance
- LoadBalancerInstanceList
- LoadBalancerInstanceSummary
- LoadBalancerRule
- RecordCreateRequest
- RecordResponse
- RecordUpdateRequest
- ServerHealthCheckStatus
- SslCertificate
- SslCertificateList
- Application Services
- GeoLocation
- Cloud Outbound Mailer
- AddressBookRequest
- AddressBookResponse
- AttachFile
- Category
- CountByStatus
- EmailRecipientType
- EmailReservationStatus
- EmailStatus
- HistoryActionType
- MailListResponse
- NesDateTime
- Recipient
- RecipientForRequest
- RecipientGroupFilter
- RequesterType
- RequestListResponse
- SendBlockHistoryResponse
- Sort
- TemplateBackupStatus
- TemplateExportRequestResponse
- TemplateStructureResponse
- UnsubscribersListResponse
- Big Data & Analytics
- AggregatedResult
- AggregateSchema
- AutocompleteSearchQuery
- AutocompleteSearchSchema
- BuildInfo
- Container
- DocProperty
- GroupBySchema
- Index
- IndexProcessor
- QueryAnalysisField
- Schema
- SearchAggregate
- SearchHighlighting
- SearchPassage
- SearchQuery
- SearchResultProcessing
- SearchScope
- SearchSetting
- Section
- UserDbUpload
- Management & Governance
- ChartDataWidgetDto
- CreateOrUpdateMetricsGrpDto
- CreateOrUpdateRuleGroupDto
- DataQueryRequest
- DataQueryRequestMetricInfo
- DeleteRuleGroupItemDto
- DimensionDto
- DimensionsSelected
- DirectRuleGroupCreateDto
- EventSearchRequest
- EventSearchRequestById
- FieldDto
- MetricListRequest
- MetricsGroupItem
- MonitorGroupItem
- MonitorGrpDto
- PersonalRecipientNotification
- PMCreateUpdateDto
- RecipientNotification
- RuleGroupItemDto
- SuspendRuleItemDto
- TypeGroupRelatedRuleDto
- WidgetMetricInfoDto
- Platform
- Platform
- Compute
- Server (VPC)
- Server (VPC) overview
- Server
- Login Key
- Placement Group
- getServerInstanceList
- getServerInstanceDetail
- createServerInstances
- startServerInstances
- stopServerInstances
- rebootServerInstances
- terminateServerInstances
- changeServerInstanceSpec
- getRootPassword
- getRootPasswordServerInstanceList
- setProtectServerTermination
- interruptServerInstance
- Server Image
- removeServerImageSharingPermission
- addServerImageSharingPermission
- getServerImageList
- getServerImageDetail
- createServerImageFromSnapshot
- createServerImage
- deleteServerImage
- getMemberServerImageInstanceList
- getMemberServerImageInstanceDetail
- createMemberServerImageInstance
- deleteMemberServerImageInstances
- setMemberServerImageSharingPermission
- addMemberServerImageSharingPermission
- removeMemberServerImageSharingPermission
- Storage
- Snapshot
- Public IP
- Init Script
- Network Interface
- getNetworkInterfaceList
- unassignSecondaryIps
- assignSecondaryIps
- getNetworkInterfaceDetail
- createNetworkInterface
- deleteNetworkInterface
- attachNetworkInterface
- detachNetworkInterface
- addNetworkInterfaceAccessControlGroup
- removeNetworkInterfaceAccessControlGroup
- enableFlowLog
- disableFlowLog
- getFlowLogConfigurationList
- Common
- Server (VPC) metrics
- Server
- Server Overview
- getServerProductList
- getServerImageProductList
- getRaidList
- getZoneList
- getRegionList
- getInitScriptList
- getLoginKeyList
- createLoginKey
- deleteLoginKey
- importLoginKey
- getAccessControlGroupList
- getAccessControlGroupServerInstanceList
- getAccessControlRuleList
- getServerInstanceList
- createServerInstances
- recreateServerInstance
- terminateServerInstances
- changeServerInstanceSpec
- rebootServerInstances
- startServerInstances
- stopServerInstances
- getRootPassword
- getRootPasswordServerInstanceList
- getMemberServerImageList
- createMemberServerImage
- deleteMemberServerImages
- getBlockStorageInstanceList
- createBlockStorageInstance
- deleteBlockStorageInstances
- changeBlockStorageVolumeSize
- attachBlockStorageInstance
- detachBlockStorageInstances
- createBlockStorageSnapshotInstance
- deleteBlockStorageSnapshotInstances
- getBlockStorageSnapshotInstanceList
- getPublicIpTargetServerInstanceList
- createPublicIpInstance
- associatePublicIpWithServerInstance
- disassociatePublicIpFromServerInstance
- deletePublicIpInstances
- getPortForwardingRuleList
- getPublicIpInstanceList
- deletePortForwardingRules
- createInstanceTags
- deleteInstanceTags
- getInstanceTagList
- addPortForwardingRules
- getPortForwardingConfigurationList
- setMemberServerImageSharingPermission
- addMemberServerImageSharingPermission
- removeMemberServerImageSharingPermission
- setProtectServerTermination
- interruptServerInstance
- Server metrics
- Auto Scaling (VPC)
- Auto Scaling Overview
- Launch Configuration
- Auto Scaling Group
- getAutoScalingGroupList
- getAutoScalingGroupDetail
- createAutoScalingGroup
- updateAutoScalingGroup
- deleteAutoScalingGroup
- setDesiredCapacity
- getScheduledActionList
- putScheduledUpdateGroupAction
- deleteScheduledUpdateGroupAction
- getScalingProcessTypeList
- suspendProcesses
- resumeProcesses
- getAutoScalingActivityLogList
- getAutoScalingPolicyList
- getAdjustmentTypeList
- putScalingPolicy
- deleteScalingPolicy
- executePolicy
- Auto Scaling (VPC) metrics
- Auto Scaling
- Auto Scaling Overview
- setServerInstanceHealth
- putScheduledUpdateGroupAction
- updateAutoScalingGroup
- resumeProcesses
- executePolicy
- deletePolicy
- deleteScheduledAction
- getLaunchConfigurationList
- terminateServerInstanceInAutoScalingGroup
- getAutoScalingGroupList
- deleteAutoScalingLaunchConfiguration
- getScheduledActionList
- putScalingPolicy
- getAutoScalingActivityLogList
- createLaunchConfiguration
- getScalingProcessTypeList
- suspendProcesses
- getAutoScalingConfigurationLogList
- getAdjustmentTypeList
- createAutoScalingGroup
- getAutoScalingPolicyList
- deleteAutoScalingGroup
- setDesiredCapacity
- Auto Scaling metrics
- Cloud Functions
- Cloud Functions overview
- v2.1
- Get package list
- Get package
- Put Package
- Delete package
- Get action list
- Get action
- Put Action
- Post action
- Delete action
- Get action's activation list
- Get action's activation detail
- Get Trigger List
- Get trigger
- Put Trigger
- Post trigger
- Delete trigger
- Post Trigger Link Action
- Delete Trigger Link Action
- Get trigger's activation list
- Get trigger's activation detail
- Get activation list
- v2.0
- Get package list
- Get package
- Put package
- Delete package
- Get action list
- Get action
- Put Action
- Post action
- Delete action
- Get action's activation list
- Get action's activation detail
- Get trigger list
- Get trigger
- Put Trigger
- Post trigger
- Delete trigger
- Post trigger link action
- Delete trigger link action
- Get trigger's activation list
- Get trigger's activation detail
- Get activation list
- Metadata (VPC)
- Server (VPC)
- Containers
- Container Registry
- Ncloud Kubernetes Service (VPC)
- Ncloud Kubernetes Service overview
- Get cluster list
- Get cluster
- Create cluster
- Upgrade cluster version
- Set cluster audit log
- Add cluster subnet
- Set cluster OIDC
- View cluster OIDC
- Set cluster IP ACL
- View cluster IP ACL
- Edit cluster LB subnet
- Set cluster termination protection
- Set cluster secret encryption
- Set cluster authentication mode
- Get cluster IAM access list
- Get cluster IAM access
- Create cluster IAM access
- Edit cluster IAM access
- Delete cluster IAM access
- Delete cluster
- View WorkerNode
- Delete WorkerNode
- View NodePool
- Create NodePool
- Edit NodePool
- Edit NodePool subnet
- Edit NodePool label
- Edit NodePool taint
- Upgrade NodePool
- Delete NodePool
- View kubeconfig
- Reset kubeconfig
- View supported K8s versions
- View server image
- View server specifications
- Ncloud Kubernetes Service (VPC) metrics
- Storage
- Object Storage
- Object Storage overview
- ListBuckets
- PutBucket
- ListObjects
- ListObjectsV2
- HeadBucket
- DeleteBucket
- PutBucketACL
- GetBucketACL
- PutBucketCORS
- GetBucketCORS
- DeleteBucketCORS
- ListMultipartUploads
- PutObject
- PutObject (Copy)
- GetObject
- HeadObject
- DeleteObject
- DeleteMultipleObjects
- PutObjectACL
- GetObjectACL
- OptionsObjectCORS
- InitiateMultipartUpload
- UploadPart
- ListParts
- CompleteMultipartUpload
- AbortMultipartUpload
- Object Storage metrics
- Archive Storage
- Object Storage
- Networking
- VPC Overview
- VPC Management
- Subnet Management
- Network ACL
- getNetworkAclList
- getNetworkAclDetail
- createNetworkAcl
- deleteNetworkAcl
- setSubnetNetworkAcl
- getNetworkAclRuleList
- addNetworkAclInboundRule
- addNetworkAclOutboundRule
- removeNetworkAclInboundRule
- removeNetworkAclOutboundRule
- setNetworkAclDescription
- getNetworkAclDenyAllowGroupList
- getNetworkAclDenyAllowGroupDetail
- createNetworkAclDenyAllowGroup
- deleteNetworkAclDenyAllowGroup
- setNetworkAclDenyAllowGroupIpList
- setNetworkAclDenyAllowGroupDescription
- NAT Gateway
- VPC Peering
- Route Table
- Load Balancer (VPC)
- Load Balancer Overview
- Load Balancer
- createLoadBalancerInstance
- changeLoadBalancerInstanceConfiguration
- setLoadBalancerDescription
- setLoadBalancerInstanceSubnet
- deleteLoadBalancerInstances
- getLoadBalancerInstanceDetail
- getLoadBalancerInstanceList
- createLoadBalancerListener
- changeLoadBalancerListenerConfiguration
- deleteLoadBalancerListeners
- getLoadBalancerListenerList
- getLoadBalancerRuleList
- addLoadBalancerListenerCertificate
- removeLoadBalancerListenerCertificate
- getLoadBalancerListenerCertificateList
- Target Group
- Load Balancer metrics
- Load Balancer
- Load Balancer Overview
- createLoadBalancerInstance
- changeLoadBalancerInstanceConfiguration
- changeLoadBalancedServerInstances
- deleteLoadBalancerInstances
- getLoadBalancerInstanceList
- getLoadBalancedServerInstanceList
- getLoadBalancerTargetServerInstanceList
- addLoadBalancerSslCertificate
- deleteLoadBalancerSslCertificate
- getLoadBalancerSslCertificateList
- Load Balancer metrics
- Global DNS
- Global Traffic Manager
- Profile
- Policy
- Policy overview
- Create traffic policy
- Edit traffic policy
- Delete traffic policy
- View traffic policy
- View traffic policy details
- View traffic policy resource details
- Edit traffic policy resource
- Edit specific resource of traffic policy
- Edit traffic policy health check
- Delete traffic policy health check
- View traffic policy resource type
- View traffic policy health check region
- View traffic policy Load Balancer type
- Geo / CIDR Map
- Monitoring
- Database
- Cloud DB
- CloudDB Overview
- createCloudDBInstance
- deleteCloudDBServerInstance
- getCloudDBInstanceList
- getCloudDBConfigGroupList
- getCloudDBImageProductList
- getCloudDBProductList
- rebootCloudDBServerInstance
- flushCloudDBInstance
- setObjectStorageInfo
- downloadDmsFile
- uploadDmsFile
- getObjectStorageBackupList
- getBackupList
- restoreDmsDatabase
- restoreDmsTransactionLog
- getDmsOperation
- getCloudDBBackupDetailList
- exportBackupToObjectStorage
- getDbServerLogList
- exportDbServerLogToObjectStorage
- Cloud DB for Redis metrics
- Cloud DB for PostgreSQL (VPC)
- Cloud DB for PostgreSQL (on VPC) overview
- addCloudPostgresqlDatabaseList
- addCloudPostgresqlUserList
- changeCloudPostgresqlUserList
- createCloudPostgresqlInstance
- createCloudPostgresqlReadReplicaInstance
- deleteCloudPostgresqlDatabaseList
- deleteCloudPostgresqlInstance
- deleteCloudPostgresqlReadReplicaInstance
- deleteCloudPostgresqlUserList
- exportBackupToObjectStorage
- exportDbServerLogToObjectStorage
- getCloudPostgresqlBackupDetailList
- getCloudPostgresqlBackupList
- getCloudPostgresqlBucketList
- getCloudPostgresqlDatabaseList
- getCloudPostgresqlImageProductList
- getCloudPostgresqlInstanceDetail
- getCloudPostgresqlInstanceList
- getCloudPostgresqlProductList
- getCloudPostgreSqlTargetSubnetList
- getCloudPostgresqlTargetVpcList
- getCloudPostgresqlUserList
- getDbServerLogList
- rebootCloudPostgresqlServerInstance
- Cloud DB for PostgreSQL (VPC) metrics
- Cloud DB for MySQL (VPC)
- Cloud DB for MySQL (VPC) overview
- addCloudMysqlDatabaseList
- addCloudMysqlUserList
- changeCloudMysqlServerSpec
- changeCloudMysqlUserList
- createCloudMysqlInstance
- createCloudMysqlRecoveryInstance
- createCloudMysqlSlaveInstance
- deleteCloudMysqlDatabaseList
- deleteCloudMysqlInstance
- deleteCloudMysqlServerInstance
- deleteCloudMysqlUserList
- exportBackupToObjectStorage
- exportDbServerLogToObjectStorage
- getCloudMysqlBackupDetailList
- getCloudMysqlBackupList
- getCloudMysqlDatabaseList
- getCloudMysqlEventHistoryList
- getCloudMysqlImageProductList
- getCloudMysqlInstanceDetail
- getCloudMysqlInstanceList
- getCloudMysqlProductList
- getCloudMysqlRecoveryTime
- getCloudMysqlTargetSubnetList
- getCloudMysqlTargetVpcList
- getCloudMysqlUserList
- getDbServerLogList
- rebootCloudMysqlServerInstance
- Cloud DB for MySQL (VPC) metrics
- Cloud DB for Redis (VPC)
- Cloud DB for Redis (on VPC) Overview
- createCloudRedisConfigGroup
- createCloudRedisInstance
- deleteCloudRedisConfigGroup
- deleteCloudRedisInstance
- getCloudRedisBackupDetailList
- getCloudRedisBackupList
- getCloudRedisConfigGroupList
- getCloudRedisImageProductList
- getCloudRedisInstanceDetail
- getCloudRedisInstanceList
- getCloudRedisProductList
- getCloudRedisManualBackupList
- flushAllCloudRedisServerInstance
- createCloudRedisManualBackup
- deleteCloudRedisManualBackup
- getCloudRedisConfigGroupVersionList
- getCloudRedisTargetSubnetList
- getCloudRedisTargetVpcList
- exportBackupToObjectStorage
- getCloudRedisBucketList
- rebootCloudRedisServerInstance
- getCloudRedisManualBackupDetailList
- Cloud DB for Redis (VPC) metrics
- Cloud DB for MSSQL (VPC)
- Cloud DB for MSSQL (VPC) overview
- createCloudMssqlInstance
- createCloudMssqlSlaveInstance
- deleteCloudMssqlInstance
- deleteCloudMssqlServerInstance
- exportBackupToObjectStorage
- exportDbServerLogsToObjectStorage
- getCloudMssqlLogBackupFileList
- getCloudMssqlBackupDetailList
- getCloudMssqlBackupList
- getCloudMssqlCharacterSetList
- getCloudMssqlConfigGroupList
- getCloudMssqlImageProductList
- getCloudMssqlInstanceDetail
- getCloudMssqlInstanceList
- getCloudMssqlProductList
- getCloudMssqlTargetSubnetList
- getCloudMssqlTargetVpcList
- getCloudMssqlBucketList
- getCloudMssqlFolderList
- getCloudMssqlLogFileList
- rebootCloudMssqlServerInstance
- Cloud DB for MSSQL (VPC) metrics
- Cloud DB for MongoDB (VPC)
- Cloud DB for MongoDB (VPC) 概述
- exportDbServerLogToObjectStorage
- getDbServerLogList
- addCloudMongoDbUserList
- changeCloudMongoDbConfigCount
- changeCloudMongoDbMongosCount
- changeCloudMongoDbShardCount
- changeCloudMongoDbSecondaryCount
- changeCloudMongoDbUserList
- createCloudMongoDbInstance
- deleteCloudMongoDbInstance
- deleteCloudMongoDbUserList
- getCloudMongoDbBucketList
- exportBackupToObjectStorage
- getCloudMongoDbBackupDetailList
- getCloudMongoDbBackupList
- getCloudMongoDbImageProductList
- getCloudMongoDbInstanceDetail
- getCloudMongoDbInstanceList
- getCloudMongoDbProductList
- getCloudMongoDbTargetSubnetList
- getCloudMongoDbTargetVpcList
- getCloudMongoDbUserList
- rebootCloudMongoDbServerInstance
- Cloud DB for MongoDB (VPC) metrics
- Cloud DB
- Security
- Secure Zone
- Secure Zone overview
- addAddressGroup
- addPolicy
- checkAddressGroupNameDuplicated
- checkPolicyNameDuplicated
- deleteAddressGroup
- deletePolicy
- getAddressGroup
- getAddressGroupList
- getDefaultDenyEventLogStatus
- getHourlyTrafficUsageList
- getIpsecAddress
- getMemberActionLog
- getMemberInfo
- getPolicy
- getPolicyList
- getTrafficLog
- getTrafficUsage
- rearrangePolicy
- setDefaultDenyEventLogStatus
- updateAddressGroup
- updatePolicy
- File Safer
- Security Monitoring
- Web Security Checker
- Key Management Service
- Key Management Service overview
- KMS API 1.0
- KMS API 2.0
- Account Auth API
- Create Key
- Get Key Info
- Get Key List
- Get Public Key
- Delete Key
- Enable Key
- Disable Key
- Enable Key Version
- Disable Key Version
- Rotate Key
- Request Key Deletion
- Cancel Key Deletion
- Enable IP ACL
- Disable IP ACL
- Get ACL Rule List
- Add ACL Rule
- Delete ACL Rule
- Create Token Generator
- Get Token Generator
- Update Token Generator
- Delete Token Generator
- Create Token Set
- Get Key Activity Logs
- Get Latest Use Info
- Get Key Version List
- Update Memo
- Update Rotation Period
- Enable Auto Rotation
- Disable Auto Rotation
- Encrypt
- Decrypt
- Create Custom Key
- Re-encrypt
- Sign
- Verify
- Token Auth API
- Account Auth API
- Certificate Manager
- PrivateCA
- Private CA overview
- Activate Sub CA
- Add CA User
- Create CA
- Create Ocsp
- Delete CA
- Delete CA User
- Delete Ocsp
- Get CA
- Get CA Chain
- Get CA Crl
- Get CA List
- Get CA User List
- Get Crl Config
- Get End Cert
- Get End Cert List
- Get Sub Csr
- Issue End Cert
- Revoke End Cert
- Rotate CRL
- Sign End Csr
- Sign Sub Csr
- Trim Ca
- Update CA
- Update Crl Config
- Webshell Behavior Detector
- Secret Manager
- Secret Manager overview
- Secret Management
- Create Secret
- Get Secret List
- Get Secret Detail
- Get Secret Value
- Update Secret Value
- Update Secret Stage Value
- Get Protection Key List
- Update Protection Key
- Update Secret Memo
- Update Rotation Period
- Update Rotation Trigger
- Delete Rotation Trigger
- Execute Rotation Job
- Cancel Rotation Job
- Retry Rotation Job
- Rollback Rotation Job
- Enable Secret
- Disable Secret
- Enable Auto Rotation
- Disable Auto Rotation
- Request Secret Deletion
- Cancel Secret Deletion
- Delete Secret
- Secret Rotate Control
- Secure Zone
- AI Services
- CLOVA Chatbot
- NCLUE overview
- Get feature
- Get feature list
- Create feature
- Delete feature
- Get task
- Get task list
- Create task
- Delete task
- Get task run
- Get task run list
- Create task run
- Delete task run
- Get shopping intent
- Get shopping intent list
- Create shopping intent
- Delete shopping intent
- Download shopping intent
- Get custom attributes
- Get custom attributes list
- Create custom attributes
- Delete custom attributes
- CLOVA Speech
- CLOVA Studio
- CLOVA GreenEye
- Papago Translation
- Papago Image Translation
- Application Services
- GeoLocation
- Simple & Easy Notification Service
- API Gateway
- API Gateway overview
- API Key
- Authorizer
- Canary Test
- Dashboard API Key
- Dashboard Event
- Dashboard Product
- Document
- Export
- Gateway Response
- Gateway Response Header
- Gateway Response Template
- Method
- Method Request Body
- Method Request Parameter
- Method Response
- Method Response Body
- Method Response Header
- Model
- Product
- Published Product
- Resource
- Stage
- Stage Deployment
- Stage Resource
- Usage Plan
- API Gateway Release Notes
- Cloud Outbound Mailer
- Cloud Outbound Mailer Overview
- createMailRequest
- getMail
- getMailList
- getMailRequestList
- getMailRequestStatus
- createFile
- getFile
- deleteFile
- createTemplate
- createTemplateExportRequest
- getTemplate
- getTemplateExportRequestList
- getTemplateStructure
- updateTemplate
- updateTemplateLocationOrName
- exportTemplate
- importTemplate
- deleteTemplate
- restoreTemplate
- createCategory
- updateCategory
- deleteCategory
- createAddressBook
- getAddressBook
- deleteAddressBook
- deleteAddress
- deleteRecipientGroup
- deleteRecipientGroupRelation
- deleteRecipientGroupRelationEmpty
- getSendBlockList
- registerUnsubscribers
- getUnsubscribersList
- deleteUnsubscribers
- createConfig
- getConfig
- Big Data & Analytics
- Cloud Hadoop (VPC)
- Cloud Hadoop (VPC) Overview
- backupClusterConfiguration
- changeCloudHadoopNodeCount
- changeCloudHadoopNodeSpec
- createCloudHadoopInstance
- createCloudHadoopNotebookInstance
- deleteCloudHadoopInstance
- deleteCloudHadoopNotebookInstance
- getCloudHadoopAddOnList
- getCloudHadoopBucketList
- getCloudHadoopClusterTypeList
- getCloudHadoopImageProductList
- getCloudHadoopInstanceDetail
- getCloudHadoopInstanceList
- getCloudHadoopLoginKeyList
- getCloudHadoopMysqlInstanceList
- getCloudHadoopMysqlUserList
- getCloudHadoopNotebookBucketList
- getCloudHadoopNotebookComponentList
- getCloudHadoopNotebookImageProductList
- getCloudHadoopNotebookInstanceDetail
- getCloudHadoopNotebookInstanceList
- getCloudHadoopNotebookProductList
- getCloudHadoopObjectList
- getCloudHadoopProductList
- getCloudHadoopTargetSubnetList
- getCloudHadoopTargetVpcList
- saveExternalHiveMetaStore
- testConnectExternalHiveMetaStore
- Cloud Hadoop (VPC) metrics
- Cloud Hadoop
- Cloud Search
- Cloud Search overview
- Get domain list
- Delete domain
- Create domain
- Edit domain
- Get domain
- Check domain name
- Change Default Ranking
- View Ranking List
- Delete Ranking
- Create Ranking
- View Ranking
- Get autocomplete
- View temporary domain lists
- Delete temporary domain
- Create temporary domain
- Edit temporary domain
- Temporary domain view
- Validate schema
- Edit schema
- Get schema history
- Get schema
- Search documents
- Document management
- Manage Object Storage documents
- Query Analysis Count
- Query Analysis Group By Count
- Query Analysis Time Series
- View DB Connection
- DB Connection check (VPC)
- Map DB table
- Map DB table (VPC)
- Search DB table
- Search DB table (VPC)
- Run DB upload
- Run DB upload (VPC)
- Search DB upload
- Search autocomplete
- Enable and edit autocomplete
- Get autocomplete history
- Change container count
- Get container list
- Change container type
- Get monitoring data
- Get stop word policy list
- Delete stop word policy
- Set stop word policy
- Get stop word policy
- Get available language
- Get morphological analysis options - available languages
- Get morphological analyzer - specific language
- Search thesaurus list
- Search thesaurus version
- Delete thesaurus
- Thesaurus settings
- Edit thesaurus
- Search thesaurus name
- Synonym dictionary view
- Confirm duplicate thesaurus
- Change usage limits
- Get usage limits
- Cloud Search metrics
- Search Engine Service (VPC)
- Overview of the Search Engine Service
- Cluster
- Create search engine cluster
- Get Search Engine version
- Search OS product
- Search node product
- Search VPC list
- Search subnet list
- Delete Search Engine Cluster
- Add Search Engine Cluster node
- Restart Search Engine Cluster
- Reset Search Engine User password
- Get Elasticsearch Cluster list
- Get Search Engine Cluster Data node
- Get Search Engine Cluster ACG
- Search the specifications of each Search Engine Cluster node group
- Search the specifications that can be changed for each Search Engine Cluster node group
- Change the node specifications of the Search Engine Cluster
- Change search engine cluster node type
- Search authentication key list
- Rolling Upgrade Pre Check
- Rolling Upgrade Cluster
- View Rolling Upgrade progress status
- Dashboard
- Monitoring
- Snapshot
- Import
- Search Engine Service metrics
- Cloud Data Streaming Service(VPC)
- Overview of the Cloud data streaming service
- Cluster
- View Cluster Rolling restart progress status
- Cluster Rolling restart requests
- Cluster Rolling restart precheck
- View Rolling Upgrade progress status
- Rolling UpGrade requests
- Rolling Upgrade precheck
- Creating a cloud data streaming service cluster
- Creating a Cloud Data Streaming Service Cluster (Return ID)
- Search Cloud Data Streaming Service Version
- Get OS product
- Search node product
- Search VPC list
- Search subnet list
- Delete Cloud Data Streaming Service Cluster
- Add Cloud Data Streaming Service Cluster node
- Restart all services
- Restart CMAK
- Restart Kafka
- Restart Kafka by node
- Reset CMAK connection password
- Search Cloud Data Streaming Service Cluster list
- Search single Cloud Data Streaming Service cluster
- Search Cloud Data Streaming Service Cluster node
- Cloud Data Streaming Service Cluster Get an ACG
- Check cluster status
- Check broker node information
- Download certificate
- Enable public domain
- Disable public domain
- View a list of load balancers
- Enable the broker node's public endpoint
- Disable the broker node's public endpoint
- Search the specifications by node group
- Search the specifications that can be changed for each node group
- Change Node specifications
- Monitoring
- ConfigGroup
- Create config group
- Delete Config Group
- View Config Group information
- Modify Config Group description
- View list of ConfigGroup for each Kafka version
- Get list of clusters using config group
- View list of Config Group Kafka properties
- Save Config Group Kafka properties settings
- Apply Config Group to cluster
- Cloud Data Streaming Service metrics
- Data Forest
- Data Forest Overview
- Accounts
- Notebooks
- getVpcList
- getVpcDetail
- getSubnetList
- getSubnetDetail
- getTypeList
- getServerTypeList
- getList
- getDetail
- getUserConfigurationSpecList
- checkAvailableName
- getLoginKeyList
- getObjectStorageBucketDetail
- getObjectStorageBucketList
- getAcgRuleList
- restart
- delete
- create
- setUserConfigurationList
- setObjectStorageBucket
- Apps
- AI workspaces
- AI Apps
- Data Box Frame
- Data Box Frame overview
- Data Box Frame Code
- get-data-box-frame-list
- get-data-box-frame-detail
- get-data-box-frame-infra-list
- get-data-box-list
- get-data-box-summary-info
- get-data-box-infra-list
- get-hadoop-cluster-info
- get-linux-info
- get-tensor-flow-info
- get-bucket-list
- get-import-apply-list
- get-import-apply-detail
- get-target-nas-list
- get-export-apply-list
- get-export-apply-detail
- get-ssl-vpn-account-list
- get-source-nas-list
- get-export-file-approve-list
- get-export-file-approve-detail
- return-data-box-frame
- change-data-box-frame-nas-volume-size
- return-data-box
- change-data-box-nas-volume-size
- set-block-external-network
- apply-file-import
- apply-file-export
- return-file-export-apply
- export-file-approve
- export-file-reject
- modify-data-box-frame-admin-infra
- modify-data-box
- create-data-box
- Data Catalog
- Data Flow
- Data Query
- Cloud Data Box
- Cloud Hadoop (VPC)
- Blockchain
- Blockchain Service
- Blockchain Service overview
- Get network list
- Get network information
- Get organization list
- Get organization information
- Download organization connection information
- Get orderer list
- Get orderer information
- Download orderer connection information
- Get orderer pod log
- Get orderer pod usage
- Get peer list
- Get peer information
- Get peer pod log
- Get peer pod usage
- Get CA list
- Get CA information
- Get CA identity
- Download CA identity
- Get CA pod log
- Get CA pod usage
- Blockchain Service
- Business Applications
- Content Delivery
- Developer Tools
- SourceCommit
- SourceBuild
- SourceBuild Overview
- Project List
- View project details
- Create Project
- Change Project Settings
- Delete Project
- Start Build
- Cancel build
- build history
- Operating System List
- compute type list
- runtime type list
- runtime version list
- Docker Engine List
- SourceCommit Repository Lookup
- SourceCommit Branch Lookup
- Object Storage Bucket List
- Container Registry List
- SourceDeploy
- SourceDeploy Overview
- Project List
- Create Project
- Delete Project
- Stage List
- Stage Detail
- Stage Create
- Stage Update
- Stage Delete
- Scenario List
- Scenario details
- Create scenario
- Edit scenario
- Delete Scenario
- Start Deployment
- Cancel Deployment
- Request Deployment Approval
- Approve Deployment
- Deployment Rejection
- Approve Canary Deployment
- Canary Deployment Rejection
- Deployment History List
- Deployment History Details
- Querying the Canary
- Canary Analysis Report
- Server list
- AutoScalingGroup List Lookup
- KubernetesService Cluster List
- targetGroup list(VPC)
- SourceCommit Repository list
- SourceCommit Branch list
- SourceBuild list
- ObjectStorage Bucket List
- ObjectStorage Object List
- SourcePipeline
- SourcePipeline Overview
- Project List
- Project details
- Project creation
- Edit project
- Delete Project
- Run Pipeline
- Pipeline cancel
- Execution History List
- Running history details
- SourceCommit repository list
- SourceCommit branch list
- SourceBuild project list
- SourceDeploy project list
- SourceDeploy stage list
- SourceDeploy scenario list
- List of scheduled trigger time zones
- Digital Twin
- Gaming
- GAMEPOT overview
- User Lookup
- Searching blocked user
- User stop settings
- Daily access (DAU) inquiry
- New User (NRU) Lookup
- Simultaneous access (CCU) inquiry
- Payment inquiry
- Payment cancellation inquiry
- Billing Sales Statistics Inquiry
- Character inquiry
- General coupon usage inquiry
- Using coupon
- Post notice
- Leaderboard
- Manage friend
- Advance reservation participation
- Advance reservation verification code sending
- Advance reservation verification code check
- Identity authentication result query
- Game Chat
- Hybrid & Private Cloud
- Management & Governance
- Cloud Log Analytics
- Sub Account
- Sub Account overview
- Subaccounts
- Get sub account list
- Get sub account
- Create sub account
- Edit sub account
- Delete sub account
- Get access key
- Create access key
- Delete access key
- Set access key status
- Get login access key
- Set login access key
- Check login ID
- Check login password
- Get idle session expiration time
- Set idle session expiration time
- Get login password expiration date
- Set login password expiration date
- Reset login password
- Assign policy
- Delete policy
- Add group
- Delete group
- Get console access rule
- Edit console access rule
- Get API access rule
- Edit sub account API access rule
- Get two-factor authentication information
- Get tag
- Add tag
- Delete tag
- Get user ID
- Get user information
- Groups
- Policies
- Roles
- Get role list
- Get role
- Create role
- Edit role
- Delete role
- Assign policy
- Delete policy
- Get role (Account) application target
- Add role (Account) application target
- Delete role (Account) application target
- Add role (Server, Service) application target
- Delete role (Server, Service) application target
- Set role list status
- Set role status
- Get tag
- Add tag
- Remove tag
- Get switchable role
- Register switchable role
- Edit switchable role
- Delete switchable role
- External access
- Get trust anchor list
- Get trust anchor
- Create trust anchor
- Edit trust anchor
- Enable trust anchor
- Disable trust anchor
- Delete trust anchor
- Get profile list
- Get profile
- Create profile
- Edit profile
- Enable profile
- Disable profile
- Delete profile
- Get subject list
- Get subject
- Get subject activity list
- Get CRL list
- Get CRL
- Create CRL
- Edit CRL
- Enable CRL
- Disable CRL
- Delete CRL
- Secure Token Service
- Web service Monitoring System
- Effective Log Search & Analytics
- Network Traffic Monitoring
- Cloud Activity Tracer
- Resource Manager
- Cloud Insight
- Cloud Insight overview
- Dashboard
- Event
- Event Rule
- CopyRuleGroup
- CreateMetricsGrp
- CreateMonitorGrp
- CreateRuleDirectly
- CreateRuleGroup
- DeleteMetricGroupForce
- DeleteMetricsGrp
- DeleteMetricsGrpByProdKeyAndId
- DeleteMonitorGroupForce
- DeleteMonitorGrp
- DeleteRuleGroup
- DeleteRuleGroupByProdKeyAndId
- GetAllMonitorGrp
- GetMetricsGroup
- GetMetricsGroupList
- GetMonitorGrp
- GetNotificationRecipientList
- GetRuleGroup
- GetRuleGroupByMetricGroupIds
- GetRuleGroupByMonitorGroupIds
- GetRuleGroupList
- RemoveResourceFromRules
- SearchMetricList
- UpdateMetricsGroup
- UpdateMonitorGrp
- UpdateRuleGroup
- Schema
- Custom Resource
- Planned Maintenance
- Plugin
- Server
- Data
- Integration
- Cloud Insight metrics
- Ncloud Single Sign-On
- Ncloud Single Sign-On overview
- Application
- Tenant
- External IdP
- Viewing external IDP
- Registering external IDP
- Editing external IDP
- Deleting external IDP
- Viewing attribute mapper
- Editing attribute mapper
- External IDP metadata parsing
- Viewing metadata of Ncloud Single Sign-On
- Viewing URL data of Ncloud Single Sign-On
- Set login with external IDP
- Connecting Organization
- SSO User
- Viewing user list
- Viewing single user
- Creating user
- Creating users in batch
- Editing user
- Deleting user list
- Deleting user
- User login ID validation
- Viewing User Access Rules
- Editing User Access Rules
- Viewing user profile
- Viewing list of groups including user
- Viewing single group including user
- Adding user to group
- Deleting user from group
- Changing user status
- Viewing user session
- Expire user session
- Viewing list of assignments to which user belongs
- Deleting user from assignment
- View MFA device owned by user
- Add MFA device to user
- Delete MFA device from user
- Group
- Permission Set
- Viewing Permission Set list
- View single permission set
- Creating Permission Set
- Editing Permission Set
- Deleting multiple Permission Sets
- Delete permission set
- Validating Permission Set name
- Deleting policies in Permission Set
- Viewing list of policies in Permission Set
- Checking whether Permission Set has policy
- Assignment
- Viewing assignment list
- Viewing single assignment
- Creating assignment
- Edit assignment
- Deleting assignment
- Assignment status change
- View assignment target
- Add Assignment Target
- Deleting assignment target
- Viewing list of IP ACLs in assignment
- Adding IP ACL to assignment
- Deleting IP ACL in assignment
- Viewing account list
- Checking whether account has user-defined policy
- Cloud Advisor (VPC)
- Cloud Advisor overview
- Search for check categories
- Search for checklist status
- Search for checklist
- Search for a summary of the results
- Request for check
- Search for a summary of check results
- Search for details of check results
- Check results detailed inclusion settings
- Check results detailed exclusion settings
- Download check results
- Organization
- Media
- Live Station
- Live Station overview
- Channel Management
- Quality Profile
- Quality Setting
- Recording
- Re-Stream Management
- VOD to Live Management
- Event
- Live Station error codes
- VOD Station
- Video Player Enhancement
- One Click Multi DRM
- B2B Prism Live Studio
- Media Connect Center
- Live Station
- Migration
Basic information
API Header
Item | Mandatory | Description |
Content-Type | Mandatory | Specifies the request body content type as application/json (POST) |
x-ncp-apigw-timestamp | Mandatory | - Time elapsed in milliseconds since January 1, 1970 00:00:00 (UTC) - If the time difference compared to the API Gateway server is more than 5 minutes, then the request is considered invalid |
x-ncp-iam-access-key | Mandatory | This is the Access Key ID issued by the portal or Sub Account |
x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2 | Mandatory | - Signature comprising the above example body encrypted with a SecretKey mapped with Access Key ID - HmacSHA256 is used as the HMAC encryption algorithm |
NAVER Cloud Platform authentication key and Signature creation guide
Send message
This sends SMS/LMS/MMS messages.
Request URL
POST https://sens.apigw.ntruss.com/sms/v2/services/{serviceId}/messages
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
x-ncp-apigw-timestamp: {Timestamp}
x-ncp-iam-access-key: {Sub Account Access Key}
x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2: {API Gateway Signature}
Path Variables
Item | Mandatory | Type | Description | Remarks |
serviceId | Mandatory | String | Service ID | Service ID issued when registering the project |
Request body
"type":"(SMS | LMS | MMS)",
"contentType":"(COMM | AD)",
"fileId": "string"
"reserveTime": "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm",
"reserveTimeZone": "string"
Item | Mandatory | Type | Description | Remarks |
type | Mandatory | String | SMS Type | SMS, LMS, MMS (lowercase) |
contentType | Optional | String | Message type | - COMM: regular message - AD: ad message - default: COMM |
countryCode | Optional | String | Country number | - Can only send to countries provided by SENS - default: 82 - Country list to send international SMS |
from | Mandatory | String | Caller ID | Only the pre-registered caller ID can be used |
subject | Optional | String | Title of default message | Only available in LMS and MMS - LMS, MMS: up to 40 bytes |
content | Mandatory | String | Content of default message | - SMS: up to 90 bytes - LMS, MMS: up to 2000 bytes |
messages | Mandatory | Object | Message information | - Refer to items below (messages.XXX) - Up to 100 |
messages.to | Mandatory | String | Called number | Only numbers except (-) can be entered |
messages.subject | Optional | String | Title of individual message | Only available in LMS and MMS - LMS, MMS: up to 40 bytes |
messages.content | Optional | String | Content of individual message | - SMS: up to 90 bytes - LMS, MMS: up to 2000 bytes |
files.fileId | Optional | String | File ID | Only available in MMS See Upload File |
reserveTime | Optional | String | Reserved date and time | Reserved date and time for message delivery (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm) |
reserveTimeZone | Optional | String | Time zone of reserved date and time | - Time zone of reserved date and time (default: Asia/Seoul) - List of supported time zones - Use the TZ database name value |
- If the maximum supported size is exceeded, some content will be cut off and sent.
- A message (subject, content) is encoded based on EUC-KR, and the message will be unable to be sent if it contains unsupported emoji characters.
- If the subject and content are not specified in the messages, the values designated as default subject and content are sent.
- The subject and content in the messages have priority over the default subject and content.
- It is MMS type, but if there is no file to attach, it is sent as LMS.
Response body
Item | Mandatory | Type | Description | Remarks |
requestId | Mandatory | String | Request ID | |
requestTime | Mandatory | DateTime | Request time | yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS |
statusCode | Mandatory | String | Request status code | - 202: success - Others: failed - Follows the HTTP status specification |
statusName | Mandatory | String | Request status name | - Success: success - Fail: failed |
Response status
HTTP Status | Desc |
202 | Accept (Successfully requested) |
400 | Bad Request |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | Not Found |
429 | Too Many Requests |
500 | Internal Server Error |
Upload files
Upload files for sending MMS.
Request URL
POST https://sens.apigw.ntruss.com/sms/v2/services/{serviceId}/files
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
x-ncp-apigw-timestamp: {Timestamp}
x-ncp-iam-access-key: {Sub Account Access Key}
x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2: {API Gateway Signature}
Path Variables
Item | Mandatory | Type | Description | Remarks |
serviceId | Mandatory | String | Service ID | Service ID issued when registering the project |
Request body
Item | Mandatory | Type | Description | Remarks |
fileName | Mandatory | String | File name | - File name with .jpg or .jpeg extension - Up to 40 characters |
fileBody | Mandatory | String | File body | - Values that encoded .jpg or .jpeg images as Base64 - Up to 300 KB per original file - Resolution up to 1500 * 1440 |
If a file with the same file name and file size to be uploaded already exists, it is recognized as the same file and reused. (stored for 6 days)
Response body
Item | Mandatory | Type | Description | Remarks |
fileId | Mandatory | String | File ID | Used when sending MMS messages |
createTime | Mandatory | DateTime | File upload time | |
expireTime | Mandatory | DateTime | File expired time |
Response status
HTTP Status | Desc |
200 | OK (Successfully uploaded) |
400 | Bad Request |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | Not Found |
429 | Too Many Requests |
500 | Internal Server Error |
Search for message delivery request
Search for the message delivery request.
Request URL
GET https://sens.apigw.ntruss.com/sms/v2/services/{serviceId}/messages
x-ncp-apigw-timestamp: {Timestamp}
x-ncp-iam-access-key: {Sub Account Access Key}
x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2: {API Gateway Signature}
Path Variables
Item | Mandatory | Type | Description | Remarks |
serviceId | Mandatory | String | Service ID | Service ID issued when registering the project |
Item | Mandatory | Type | Description | Remarks |
requestId | Mandatory | String | Request ID | Delivery request ID |
requestStartTime | Mandatory | String | Start time of search | yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss |
requestEndTime | Mandatory | String | End time of search | yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss |
completeStartTime | Mandatory | String | Start time to complete delivery | yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss |
completeEndTime | Mandatory | String | End time to complete delivery | yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss |
messageId | Optional | String | Message ID | |
type | Optional | String | Message type | SMS, LMS, MMS |
contentType | Optional | String | Content type | - COMM: regular message - AD: ad message |
countryCode | Optional | String | Country code | |
status | Optional | String | Delivery request status | - READY: ready - PROCESSING: being processed - COMPLETED: processing completed |
from | Optional | String | Message calling number | Numbers without hyphens (-) |
to | Optional | String | Message received number | Numbers without hyphens (-) |
statusName | Optional | String | Device reception status | - SUCCESS: success - FAIL: failed |
pageIndex | Optional | Integer | Page number | default: 0 |
pageSize | Optional | Integer | Page size | default: 20, max: 100 When viewing including requestId, default: 1000 |
- History of delivering message can only be viewed within the last 90 days.
- Either requestId or requestStartTime + requestEndTime or completeStartTime + completeEndTime is required.
- requestStartTime + requestEndTime and completeStartTime + completeEndTime cannot be used simultaneously.
- The query range from requestStartTime to requestEndTime is limited to a maximum of 30 days.
- The query range from completeStartTime to completeEndTime is limited to a maximum of 24 hours.
Request body
Response body
"statusCode": "string",
"statusName": "string",
"messages": [
"requestId": "string",
"campaignId": "string",
"messageId": "string",
"requestTime": "string",
"contentType": "string",
"type": "string",
"countryCode": "string",
"from": "string",
"to": "string",
"completeTime": "string",
"telcoCode": "string",
"status": "string",
"statusCode": "string",
"statusName": "string",
"statusMessage": "string"
"pageIndex": "integer",
"pageSize": "integer",
"itemCount": "integer",
"hasMore": "boolean"
Item | Mandatory | Type | Description | Remarks |
statusCode | Mandatory | String | Message delivery status to the messaging server | - 202: success - Others: failed - Follows the HTTP status specification |
statusName | Mandatory | String | Name of the status of sending a message to the messaging server | - Success: success - reserved: being reserved - Fail: failed |
messages.requestId | Mandatory | String | Message request ID | |
messages.messageId | Mandatory | String | Message ID | |
messages.requestTime | Mandatory | String | Delivery request time | yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss |
messages.contentType | Mandatory | String | Message type | - COMM: regular message - AD: ad message |
messages.countryCode | Mandatory | String | Country number | |
messages.from | Mandatory | String | Caller ID | |
messages.to | Mandatory | String | Called number | |
messages.status | Mandatory | String | Delivery request status | - READY: ready - PROCESSING: being processed - COMPLETED: processing completed |
messages.statusCode | Optional | String | Code of device reception status result | - 0: success - Others: Failure (refer to the Error Code table) |
messages.statusName | Optional | String | Name of device reception status result | - Success: success - Fail: failed |
messages.statusMessage | Optional | String | Message of device reception status result | |
messages.completeTime | Optional | String | Delivery completion time | yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss |
messages.telcoCode | Optional | String | Network operator code | |
pageIndex | Mandatory | Integer | Page index (starting from 0) | |
pageSize | Mandatory | Integer | Page size | |
itemCount | Mandatory | Integer | The number of messages within the viewed page | |
hasMore | Mandatory | Boolean | Indicates whether there is a next page |
The fields below that correspond to the received result are not queried until the request status is completed (status: COMPLETED).
- statusCode
- statusName
- statusMessage
- completeTime
- telcoCode
If the name of the delivery request status to the messaging server is "Reserved", the messages fields are not searched.
Response status
HTTP Status | Desc |
200 | OK (Successfully requested) |
400 | Bad Request |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | Not Found |
500 | Internal Server Error |
Search for message delivery result
Search for the message delivery result.
Request URL
GET https://sens.apigw.ntruss.com/sms/v2/services/{serviceId}/messages/{messageId}
x-ncp-apigw-timestamp: {Timestamp}
x-ncp-iam-access-key: {Sub Account Access Key}
x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2: {API Gateway Signature}
Path Variables
Item | Mandatory | Type | Description | Remarks |
serviceId | Mandatory | String | Service ID | Service ID issued when registering the project |
messageId | Mandatory | String | Message ID | Message identifier that is returned when searching for the message sending requests |
Request body
Response body
Item | Mandatory | Type | Description | Remarks |
statusCode | Mandatory | String | Message delivery status to the messaging server | - 200: success - Others: failed |
statusName | Mandatory | String | Name of the status of sending a message to the messaging server | - Success: success - Fail: failed |
messages.requestTime | Mandatory | DateTime | Request time | yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss |
messages.contentType | Mandatory | String | Message type | - COMM: regular message - AD: ad message |
messages.content | Mandatory | String | Message content | It is possible to view the content requested for delivery as it is or to send the actual content according to the length limit for each type of request |
messages.countryCode | Mandatory | String | Country number | |
messages.from | Mandatory | String | Caller ID | |
messages.to | Mandatory | String | Called number | |
messages.status | Mandatory | String | Delivery status in the messaging server | - READY: ready - PROCESSING: being processed - COMPLETED: processing completed |
messages.statusCode | Mandatory | String | Code of device reception status result | - 0: success - Others: failure (refer to the Error Code table) |
messages.statusName | Mandatory | String | Name of device reception status result | - Success: success - Fail: failed |
messages.statusMessage | Mandatory | String | Message of device reception status result | |
messages.completeTime | Mandatory | DateTime | Delivery completion time | yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss |
messages.telcoCode | Mandatory | String | Network operator code | |
files.name | Optional | String | Name of attached file | Only searchable in MMS |
files.fileId | Optional | String | Attached file ID | Only searchable in MMS |
History of message delivery result can only be viewed within the last 90 days.
Response status
HTTP Status | Desc |
200 | OK (Successfully requested) |
400 | Bad Request |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | Not Found |
500 | Internal Server Error |
Reserved message
Search for reserved message status
Search for the reservation status of message delivery.
GET https://sens.apigw.ntruss.com/sms/v2/services/{serviceId}/reservations/{reserveId}/reserve-status
x-ncp-apigw-timestamp: {Timestamp}
x-ncp-iam-access-key: {Sub Account Access Key}
x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2: {API Gateway Signature}
Path Variables
Item | Mandatory | Type | Description | Remarks |
serviceId | Mandatory | String | Service ID | Service ID issued when registering the project |
reserveId | Mandatory | String | Reserved message ID | Message identifier that is returned when searching for the reserved delivery requests (requestId) |
Request body
Response body
"reserveId": "string",
"reserveTimeZone": "string",
"reserveTime": "string",
"reserveStatus": "string"
Item | Mandatory | Type | Description | Remarks |
reserveId | Mandatory | String | Reserved message ID | Message identifier that is returned when searching for the reserved delivery requests (requestId) |
reserveTime | Mandatory | String | Reserved date and time | Reserved date and time for message delivery (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm) |
reserveTimeZone | Mandatory | String | Time zone of reserved date and time | - Time zone of reserved date and time (default: Asia/Seoul) - List of supported time zones - Use the TZ database name value |
reserveStatus | Mandatory | String | Reserved status | - READY: waiting to be sent - PROCESSING: requesting delivery - CANCELED: delivery canceled - FAIL: delivery request failure - DONE: successful delivery request - STALE: delivery request failure (timeout) |
Response status
HTTP Status | Desc |
200 | OK (successfully searched) |
400 | Bad Request |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | Not Found |
500 | Internal Server Error |
Cancel reserved message
Cancel the reserved message delivery.
DELETE https://sens.apigw.ntruss.com/sms/v2/services/{serviceId}/reservations/{reserveId}
x-ncp-apigw-timestamp: {Timestamp}
x-ncp-iam-access-key: {Sub Account Access Key}
x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2: {API Gateway Signature}
Path Variables
Item | Mandatory | Type | Description | Remarks |
serviceId | Mandatory | String | Service ID | Service ID issued when registering the project |
reserveId | Mandatory | String | Reserved message ID | Message identifier that is returned when searching for the reserved delivery requests (requestId) |
Request body
Response body
Response status
HTTP Status | Desc |
204 | No Content (successfully deleted) |
400 | Bad Request |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | Not Found |
500 | Internal Server Error |
080 call block number
Search for call block number
Searches for the call block numbers.
Request URL
GET https://sens.apigw.ntruss.com/sms/v2/services/{serviceId}/unsubscribes
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
x-ncp-apigw-timestamp: {Timestamp}
x-ncp-iam-access-key: {Sub Account Access Key}
x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2: {API Gateway Signature}
Path Variables
Item | Mandatory | Type | Description | Remarks |
serviceId | Mandatory | String | Service ID | Service ID issued when registering the project |
Item | Mandatory | Type | Description | Remarks |
clientTelNo | Optional | String | Blocked call number | Call block numbers registered in 080 service number |
pageSize | Optional | Integer | Page size | - default: 100 - Only numbers between 0 and 100 can be entered |
pageIndex | Optional | Integer | Page index | default: 0 |
startTime | Optional | Integer | Search start time | - Standard of call block registration time - default: all |
endTime | Optional | Integer | Search end time | - Standard of call block registration time - default: all |
Request body
Response body
"clientTelNo": "string",
"registerTime": "string",
"registerType": "char"
Item | Mandatory | Type | Description | Remarks |
clientTelNo | Mandatory | String | Blocked call number | |
registerTime | Mandatory | String | Registered time | foramt: LocalDateTime |
registerType | Mandatory | Char | Registering method | - M(manual): manual registration - C(call): phone registration |
Response status
HTTP Status | Desc |
200 | OK |
400 | Bad Request |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | Not Found |
429 | Too Many Requests |
500 | Internal Server Error |
Register call block number
This registers the numbers to be blocked.
Request URL
POST https://sens.apigw.ntruss.com/sms/v2/services/{serviceId}/unsubscribes
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
x-ncp-apigw-timestamp: {Timestamp}
x-ncp-iam-access-key: {Sub Account Access Key}
x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2: {API Gateway Signature}
Path Variables
Item | Mandatory | Type | Description | Remarks |
serviceId | Mandatory | String | Service ID | Service ID issued when registering the project |
Request body
Item | Mandatory | Type | Description | Remarks |
clientTelNo | Mandatory | String | Blocked call number | Up to 1000 requests available at a time (list) |
Response body
"clientTelNo": "string",
"registerTime": "string",
"registerType": "char"
Item | Mandatory | Type | Description | Remarks |
clientTelNo | Mandatory | String | Blocked call number | |
registerTime | Mandatory | String | Registered time | foramt: LocalDateTime |
registerType | Mandatory | Char | Registering method | - M(manual): manual registration - C(call): phone registration |
Response status
HTTP Status | Desc |
200 | OK |
400 | Bad Request |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | Not Found |
429 | Too Many Requests |
500 | Internal Server Error |
Delete call block number
This deletes the call block numbers.
Request URL
DELETE https://sens.apigw.ntruss.com/sms/v2/services/{serviceId}/unsubscribes
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
x-ncp-apigw-timestamp: {Timestamp}
x-ncp-iam-access-key: {Sub Account Access Key}
x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2: {API Gateway Signature}
Path Variables
Item | Mandatory | Type | Description | Remarks |
serviceId | Mandatory | String | Service ID | Service ID issued when registering the project |
Request body
Item | Mandatory | Type | Description | Remarks |
clientTelNo | Mandatory | String | Blocked call number | Up to 1000 requests available at a time (list) |
Response body
Response status
HTTP Status | Desc |
204 | No Content (successfully deleted) |
400 | Bad Request |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | Not Found |
429 | Too Many Requests |
500 | Internal Server Error |
Message sending examples
SMS message
Regular message
"content":"content sent only to the corresponding number (optional) apart from the above content"
Reserved message
"reserveTime":"2019-07-25 17:09",
"content":"content sent only to the corresponding number (optional) apart from the above content"
Ad message
"content":"(Ad) company name content [Free call block]08012345678",
"content":"(Ad) company name content sent only to the number separately from the content above (optional) [Free call block] 08012345678"
LMS message
Regular message
"subject":"title sent only to the number separately from the above content (optional)"
"content":"content sent only to the corresponding number (optional) apart from the above content"
Reserved message
"reserveTime":"2019-07-25 17:09",
"subject":"title sent only to the number separately from the above content (optional)"
"content":"content sent only to the corresponding number (optional) apart from the above content"
Ad message
"content":"(Ad) company name content [Free call block]08012345678",
"subject":"title sent only to the number separately from the above content (optional)"
"content":"(Ad) company name content sent only to the number separately from the content above (optional) [Free call block] 08012345678"
MMS message
Regular message
"subject":"title sent only to the number separately from the above content (optional)"
"content":"content sent only to the corresponding number (optional) apart from the above content"
"fileId": "4fe2078b-5926-42f2-b6b3-0c7bab9b8c5a"
Reserved message
"reserveTime":"2019-07-25 17:09",
"subject":"title sent only to the number separately from the above content (optional)"
"content":"content sent only to the corresponding number (optional) apart from the above content"
"fileId": "4fe2078b-5926-42f2-b6b3-0c7bab9b8c5a"
Ad message
"content":"(Ad) company name content [Free call block]08012345678",
"subject":"title sent only to the number separately from the above content (optional)"
"content":"(Ad) company name content sent only to the number separately from the content above (optional) [Free call block] 08012345678"
"fileId": "4fe2078b-5926-42f2-b6b3-0c7bab9b8c5a"
Error Code
EMMA v.3 reception result code
- EMMA Version: EMMA V3.5.1 and above
- IB G/W Report Code: result code received after transferring to the mobile operator
- IB G/W Response Code: result code given by the relay company G/W after receiving the message
- IB EMMA: Error Code processed by EMMA for message delivery request
IB G/W Report Code
Code | Classification | Meaning |
0 | success | Succeeded |
2000 | failure | Delivery timeout |
2001 | failure | Delivery failure (wireless network) |
2002 | failure | Delivery failure (wireless network -> device) |
2003 | failure | Device power off |
2004 | failure | Device message buffer full |
2005 | failure | Shadow area |
2006 | failure | Message deleted |
2007 | failure | Temporary device problem |
3000 | Invalid | Delivery unavailable |
3001 | Invalid | No subscriber |
3002 | Invalid | Adult authentication failure |
3003 | Invalid | Called number format error |
3004 | Invalid | Device service temporarily unavailable |
3005 | Invalid | Device call processing status |
3006 | Invalid | Call denied |
3007 | Invalid | Phone can't receive callback URL |
3008 | Invalid | Other device problems |
3009 | Invalid | Message format error |
3010 | Invalid | Device not supporting MMS |
3011 | Invalid | Server error |
3012 | Invalid | Spam |
3013 | Invalid | Service denied |
3014 | Invalid | Others |
3015 | Invalid | No delivery path |
3016 | Invalid | Attachment size limit failure |
3017 | Invalid | Caller ID protection rules violation |
3018 | Invalid | Individual mobile phone subscriber number subscribed to caller ID protection service |
3019 | Invalid | Caller ID requested to be blocked by KISA (Korea Internet & Security Agency) or MSIT for all clients |
3022 | Invalid | Charset Conversion Error |
3023 | Invalid | Numbers not registered by Caller ID pre-registration |
IB G/W Response Code
Code | Meaning |
1001 | Server Busy (RS internal queue full) |
1002 | Called number format error |
1003 | Callback number error |
1004 | SPAM |
1005 | No. of use exceeded |
1006 | No attachment |
1007 | Attachment |
1008 | Attachment saving failure |
1009 | No CLIENT_MSG_KEY |
1010 | No CONTENT |
1011 | No CALLBACK |
1013 | No SUBJECT |
1014 | No attachment KEY |
1015 | No attachment name |
1016 | No attachment size |
1017 | No attachment content |
1018 | No delivery permission |
1019 | TTL exceeded |
1020 | charset conversion error |
S000 | Relay company request failed (server error) |
S001 | Relay company request failed (server error) |
S002 | Relay company request failed (invalid error) |
S003 | Relay company request failed (send to spam) |
S004 | Over quota |
S005 | Invalid MMS file |
S006 | MMS file not found |
S007 | Expired MMS file |
S008 | MMS file size exceeded |
S009 | MMS file resolution exceeded |
S010 | MMS file upload quota exceeded |
S011 | MMS file upload failed |
S012 | Calling number detail error |
S998 | Unexpected server error |
S999 | Other errors |
Code | Meaning |
E900 | No Invalid-IB transfer key |
E901 | No called number |
E902 | For broadcast messages) No order of called numbers |
E903 | No title |
E904 | No message |
E905 | No callback number |
E906 | No message key |
E907 | No broadcast messages status |
E908 | No service type |
E909 | No delivery request time |
E910 | No TTL time |
E911 | No attachment extension when the service type is MMS MT |
E912 | No attachment in the attach_file folder when the service type is MMS MT |
E913 | Attachment size is 0 when the service type is MMS MT |
E914 | There are file group keys in the message table but no data in the file table when the service type is MMS MT |
E915 | Duplicate message |
E916 | Blocked number by auth server |
E917 | Blocked number by customer DB |
E919 | When it is prohibited to re-send the message because there is a delivery time limit. |
E920 | File group keys in the message table when the service type is LMS MT |
E921 | No file group keys in the message table when the service type is MMS MT |
E922 | Error in using restricted characters for broadcast message |
E999 | Other errors |