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    Article summary

    Basic information


    Go to SENS SMS API Swagger

    API Header

    Content-TypeMandatorySpecifies the request body content type as application/json (POST)
    x-ncp-apigw-timestampMandatory- Time elapsed in milliseconds since January 1, 1970 00:00:00 (UTC)
    - If the time difference compared to the API Gateway server is more than 5 minutes, then the request is considered invalid
    x-ncp-iam-access-keyMandatoryThis is the Access Key ID issued by the portal or Sub Account
    x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2Mandatory- Signature comprising the above example body encrypted with a SecretKey mapped with Access Key ID
    - HmacSHA256 is used as the HMAC encryption algorithm

    NAVER Cloud Platform authentication key and Signature creation guide


    Send message

    This sends SMS/LMS/MMS messages.

    Request URL

    Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
    x-ncp-apigw-timestamp: {Timestamp}
    x-ncp-iam-access-key: {Sub Account Access Key}
    x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2: {API Gateway Signature}

    Path Variables

    serviceIdMandatoryStringService IDService ID issued when registering the project


    Go to API header

    Request body

        "type":"(SMS | LMS | MMS)",
        "contentType":"(COMM | AD)",
                 "fileId": "string"
        "reserveTime": "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm",
        "reserveTimeZone": "string"
    typeMandatoryStringSMS TypeSMS, LMS, MMS (lowercase)
    contentTypeOptionalStringMessage type- COMM: regular message
    - AD: ad message
    - default: COMM
    countryCodeOptionalStringCountry number- Can only send to countries provided by SENS
    - default: 82
    - Country list to send international SMS
    fromMandatoryStringCaller IDOnly the pre-registered caller ID can be used
    subjectOptionalStringTitle of default messageOnly available in LMS and MMS
    - LMS, MMS: up to 40 bytes
    contentMandatoryStringContent of default message- SMS: up to 90 bytes
    - LMS, MMS: up to 2000 bytes
    messagesMandatoryObjectMessage information- Refer to items below (messages.XXX)
    - Up to 100
    messages.toMandatoryStringCalled numberOnly numbers except (-) can be entered
    messages.subjectOptionalStringTitle of individual messageOnly available in LMS and MMS
    - LMS, MMS: up to 40 bytes
    messages.contentOptionalStringContent of individual message- SMS: up to 90 bytes
    - LMS, MMS: up to 2000 bytes
    files.fileIdOptionalStringFile IDOnly available in MMS
    See Upload File
    reserveTimeOptionalStringReserved date and timeReserved date and time for message delivery (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm)
    reserveTimeZoneOptionalStringTime zone of reserved date and time- Time zone of reserved date and time (default: Asia/Seoul)
    - List of supported time zones
    - Use the TZ database name value
    • If the maximum supported size is exceeded, some content will be cut off and sent.
    • A message (subject, content) is encoded based on EUC-KR, and the message will be unable to be sent if it contains unsupported emoji characters.
    • If the subject and content are not specified in the messages, the values designated as default subject and content are sent.
    • The subject and content in the messages have priority over the default subject and content.
    • It is MMS type, but if there is no file to attach, it is sent as LMS.

    Response body

    requestIdMandatoryStringRequest ID
    requestTimeMandatoryDateTimeRequest timeyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS
    statusCodeMandatoryStringRequest status code- 202: success
    - Others: failed
    - Follows the HTTP status specification
    statusNameMandatoryStringRequest status name- Success: success
    - Fail: failed

    Response status

    HTTP StatusDesc
    202Accept (Successfully requested)
    400Bad Request
    404Not Found
    429Too Many Requests
    500Internal Server Error

    Upload files

    Upload files for sending MMS.

    Request URL

    Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
    x-ncp-apigw-timestamp: {Timestamp}
    x-ncp-iam-access-key: {Sub Account Access Key}
    x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2: {API Gateway Signature}

    Path Variables

    serviceIdMandatoryStringService IDService ID issued when registering the project


    Request body

    fileNameMandatoryStringFile name- File name with .jpg or .jpeg extension
    - Up to 40 characters
    fileBodyMandatoryStringFile body- Values that encoded .jpg or .jpeg images as Base64
    - Up to 300 KB per original file
    - Resolution up to 1500 * 1440

    If a file with the same file name and file size to be uploaded already exists, it is recognized as the same file and reused. (stored for 6 days)

    Response body

    fileIdMandatoryStringFile IDUsed when sending MMS messages
    createTimeMandatoryDateTimeFile upload time
    expireTimeMandatoryDateTimeFile expired time

    Response status

    HTTP StatusDesc
    200OK (Successfully uploaded)
    400Bad Request
    404Not Found
    429Too Many Requests
    500Internal Server Error

    Search for message delivery request

    Search for the message delivery request.

    Request URL

    x-ncp-apigw-timestamp: {Timestamp}
    x-ncp-iam-access-key: {Sub Account Access Key}
    x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2: {API Gateway Signature}

    Path Variables

    serviceIdMandatoryStringService IDService ID issued when registering the project


    requestIdMandatoryStringRequest IDDelivery request ID
    requestStartTimeMandatoryStringStart time of searchyyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
    requestEndTimeMandatoryStringEnd time of searchyyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
    completeStartTimeMandatoryStringStart time to complete deliveryyyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
    completeEndTimeMandatoryStringEnd time to complete deliveryyyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
    messageIdOptionalStringMessage ID
    typeOptionalStringMessage typeSMS, LMS, MMS
    contentTypeOptionalStringContent type- COMM: regular message
    - AD: ad message
    countryCodeOptionalStringCountry code
    statusOptionalStringDelivery request status- READY: ready
    - PROCESSING: being processed
    - COMPLETED: processing completed
    fromOptionalStringMessage calling numberNumbers without hyphens (-)
    toOptionalStringMessage received numberNumbers without hyphens (-)
    statusNameOptionalStringDevice reception status- SUCCESS: success
    - FAIL: failed
    pageIndexOptionalIntegerPage numberdefault: 0
    pageSizeOptionalIntegerPage sizedefault: 20, max: 100
    When viewing including requestId, default: 1000
    • History of delivering message can only be viewed within the last 90 days.
    • Either requestId or requestStartTime + requestEndTime or completeStartTime + completeEndTime is required.
    • requestStartTime + requestEndTime and completeStartTime + completeEndTime cannot be used simultaneously.
    • The query range from requestStartTime to requestEndTime is limited to a maximum of 30 days.
    • The query range from completeStartTime to completeEndTime is limited to a maximum of 24 hours.


    Go to API header

    Request body


    Response body

        "statusCode": "string",
        "statusName": "string",
        "messages": [
                "requestId": "string",
                "campaignId": "string",
                "messageId": "string",
                "requestTime": "string",
                "contentType": "string",
                "type": "string",
                "countryCode": "string",
                "from": "string",
                "to": "string",
                "completeTime": "string",
                "telcoCode": "string",
                "status": "string",
                "statusCode": "string",
                "statusName": "string",
                "statusMessage": "string"
        "pageIndex": "integer",
        "pageSize": "integer",
        "itemCount": "integer",
        "hasMore": "boolean"
    statusCodeMandatoryStringMessage delivery status to the messaging server- 202: success
    - Others: failed
    - Follows the HTTP status specification
    statusNameMandatoryStringName of the status of sending a message to the messaging server- Success: success
    - reserved: being reserved
    - Fail: failed
    messages.requestIdMandatoryStringMessage request ID
    messages.messageIdMandatoryStringMessage ID
    messages.requestTimeMandatoryStringDelivery request timeyyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
    messages.contentTypeMandatoryStringMessage type- COMM: regular message
    - AD: ad message
    messages.countryCodeMandatoryStringCountry number
    messages.fromMandatoryStringCaller ID
    messages.toMandatoryStringCalled number
    messages.statusMandatoryStringDelivery request status- READY: ready
    - PROCESSING: being processed
    - COMPLETED: processing completed
    messages.statusCodeOptionalStringCode of device reception status result- 0: success
    - Others: Failure (refer to the Error Code table)
    messages.statusNameOptionalStringName of device reception status result- Success: success
    - Fail: failed
    messages.statusMessageOptionalStringMessage of device reception status result
    messages.completeTimeOptionalStringDelivery completion timeyyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
    messages.telcoCodeOptionalStringNetwork operator code
    pageIndexMandatoryIntegerPage index (starting from 0)
    pageSizeMandatoryIntegerPage size
    itemCountMandatoryIntegerThe number of messages within the viewed page
    hasMoreMandatoryBooleanIndicates whether there is a next page

    The fields below that correspond to the received result are not queried until the request status is completed (status: COMPLETED).

    • statusCode
    • statusName
    • statusMessage
    • completeTime
    • telcoCode

    If the name of the delivery request status to the messaging server is "Reserved", the messages fields are not searched.

    Response status

    HTTP StatusDesc
    200OK (Successfully requested)
    400Bad Request
    404Not Found
    500Internal Server Error

    Search for message delivery result

    Search for the message delivery result.

    Request URL

    x-ncp-apigw-timestamp: {Timestamp}
    x-ncp-iam-access-key: {Sub Account Access Key}
    x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2: {API Gateway Signature}

    Path Variables

    serviceIdMandatoryStringService IDService ID issued when registering the project
    messageIdMandatoryStringMessage IDMessage identifier that is returned when searching for the message sending requests


    Go to API header

    Request body


    Response body

    statusCodeMandatoryStringMessage delivery status to the messaging server- 200: success
    - Others: failed
    statusNameMandatoryStringName of the status of sending a message to the messaging server- Success: success
    - Fail: failed
    messages.requestTimeMandatoryDateTimeRequest timeyyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
    messages.contentTypeMandatoryStringMessage type- COMM: regular message
    - AD: ad message
    messages.contentMandatoryStringMessage contentIt is possible to view the content requested for delivery as it is or to send the actual content according to the length limit for each type of request
    messages.countryCodeMandatoryStringCountry number
    messages.fromMandatoryStringCaller ID
    messages.toMandatoryStringCalled number
    messages.statusMandatoryStringDelivery status in the messaging server- READY: ready
    - PROCESSING: being processed
    - COMPLETED: processing completed
    messages.statusCodeMandatoryStringCode of device reception status result- 0: success
    - Others: failure (refer to the Error Code table)
    messages.statusNameMandatoryStringName of device reception status result- Success: success
    - Fail: failed
    messages.statusMessageMandatoryStringMessage of device reception status result
    messages.completeTimeMandatoryDateTimeDelivery completion timeyyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
    messages.telcoCodeMandatoryStringNetwork operator code
    files.nameOptionalStringName of attached fileOnly searchable in MMS
    files.fileIdOptionalStringAttached file IDOnly searchable in MMS

    History of message delivery result can only be viewed within the last 90 days.

    Response status

    HTTP StatusDesc
    200OK (Successfully requested)
    400Bad Request
    404Not Found
    500Internal Server Error

    Reserved message

    Search for reserved message status

    Search for the reservation status of message delivery.

    x-ncp-apigw-timestamp: {Timestamp}
    x-ncp-iam-access-key: {Sub Account Access Key}
    x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2: {API Gateway Signature}

    Path Variables

    serviceIdMandatoryStringService IDService ID issued when registering the project
    reserveIdMandatoryStringReserved message IDMessage identifier that is returned when searching for the reserved delivery requests (requestId)


    Go to API header

    Request body


    Response body

      "reserveId": "string",
      "reserveTimeZone": "string",
      "reserveTime": "string",
      "reserveStatus": "string"
    reserveIdMandatoryStringReserved message IDMessage identifier that is returned when searching for the reserved delivery requests (requestId)
    reserveTimeMandatoryStringReserved date and timeReserved date and time for message delivery (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm)
    reserveTimeZoneMandatoryStringTime zone of reserved date and time- Time zone of reserved date and time (default: Asia/Seoul)
    - List of supported time zones
    - Use the TZ database name value
    reserveStatusMandatoryStringReserved status- READY: waiting to be sent
    - PROCESSING: requesting delivery
    - CANCELED: delivery canceled
    - FAIL: delivery request failure
    - DONE: successful delivery request
    - STALE: delivery request failure (timeout)

    Response status

    HTTP StatusDesc
    200OK (successfully searched)
    400Bad Request
    404Not Found
    500Internal Server Error

    Cancel reserved message

    Cancel the reserved message delivery.

    x-ncp-apigw-timestamp: {Timestamp}
    x-ncp-iam-access-key: {Sub Account Access Key}
    x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2: {API Gateway Signature}

    Path Variables

    serviceIdMandatoryStringService IDService ID issued when registering the project
    reserveIdMandatoryStringReserved message IDMessage identifier that is returned when searching for the reserved delivery requests (requestId)


    Go to API header

    Request body


    Response body


    Response status

    HTTP StatusDesc
    204No Content (successfully deleted)
    400Bad Request
    404Not Found
    500Internal Server Error

    080 call block number

    Search for call block number

    Searches for the call block numbers.

    Request URL

    Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
    x-ncp-apigw-timestamp: {Timestamp}
    x-ncp-iam-access-key: {Sub Account Access Key}
    x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2: {API Gateway Signature}

    Path Variables

    serviceIdMandatoryStringService IDService ID issued when registering the project


    clientTelNoOptionalStringBlocked call numberCall block numbers registered in 080 service number
    pageSizeOptionalIntegerPage size- default: 100
    - Only numbers between 0 and 100 can be entered
    pageIndexOptionalIntegerPage indexdefault: 0
    startTimeOptionalIntegerSearch start time- Standard of call block registration time
    - default: all
    endTimeOptionalIntegerSearch end time- Standard of call block registration time
    - default: all


    Go to API header

    Request body


    Response body

         "clientTelNo": "string",
         "registerTime": "string",
         "registerType": "char"
    clientTelNoMandatoryStringBlocked call number
    registerTimeMandatoryStringRegistered timeforamt: LocalDateTime
    registerTypeMandatoryCharRegistering method- M(manual): manual registration
    - C(call): phone registration

    Response status

    HTTP StatusDesc
    400Bad Request
    404Not Found
    429Too Many Requests
    500Internal Server Error

    Register call block number

    This registers the numbers to be blocked.

    Request URL

    Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
    x-ncp-apigw-timestamp: {Timestamp}
    x-ncp-iam-access-key: {Sub Account Access Key}
    x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2: {API Gateway Signature}

    Path Variables

    serviceIdMandatoryStringService IDService ID issued when registering the project




    Go to API header

    Request body

    clientTelNoMandatoryStringBlocked call numberUp to 1000 requests available at a time (list)

    Response body

            "clientTelNo": "string",
            "registerTime": "string",
            "registerType": "char"
    clientTelNoMandatoryStringBlocked call number
    registerTimeMandatoryStringRegistered timeforamt: LocalDateTime
    registerTypeMandatoryCharRegistering method- M(manual): manual registration
    - C(call): phone registration

    Response status

    HTTP StatusDesc
    400Bad Request
    404Not Found
    429Too Many Requests
    500Internal Server Error

    Delete call block number

    This deletes the call block numbers.

    Request URL

    Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
    x-ncp-apigw-timestamp: {Timestamp}
    x-ncp-iam-access-key: {Sub Account Access Key}
    x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2: {API Gateway Signature}

    Path Variables

    serviceIdMandatoryStringService IDService ID issued when registering the project




    Go to API header

    Request body

    clientTelNoMandatoryStringBlocked call numberUp to 1000 requests available at a time (list)

    Response body


    Response status

    HTTP StatusDesc
    204No Content (successfully deleted)
    400Bad Request
    404Not Found
    429Too Many Requests
    500Internal Server Error

    Message sending examples

    SMS message

    Regular message

                "content":"content sent only to the corresponding number (optional) apart from the above content"

    Reserved message

        "reserveTime":"2019-07-25 17:09",
                "content":"content sent only to the corresponding number (optional) apart from the above content"

    Ad message

        "content":"(Ad) company name content [Free call block]08012345678",
                "content":"(Ad) company name content sent only to the number separately from the content above (optional) [Free call block] 08012345678"

    LMS message

    Regular message

                "subject":"title sent only to the number separately from the above content (optional)"
                "content":"content sent only to the corresponding number (optional) apart from the above content"

    Reserved message

        "reserveTime":"2019-07-25 17:09",
                "subject":"title sent only to the number separately from the above content (optional)"
                "content":"content sent only to the corresponding number (optional) apart from the above content"

    Ad message

        "content":"(Ad) company name content [Free call block]08012345678",
                "subject":"title sent only to the number separately from the above content (optional)"
                "content":"(Ad) company name content sent only to the number separately from the content above (optional) [Free call block] 08012345678"

    MMS message

    Regular message

                "subject":"title sent only to the number separately from the above content (optional)"
                "content":"content sent only to the corresponding number (optional) apart from the above content"
                "fileId": "4fe2078b-5926-42f2-b6b3-0c7bab9b8c5a"

    Reserved message

        "reserveTime":"2019-07-25 17:09",
                "subject":"title sent only to the number separately from the above content (optional)"
                "content":"content sent only to the corresponding number (optional) apart from the above content"
                "fileId": "4fe2078b-5926-42f2-b6b3-0c7bab9b8c5a"

    Ad message

        "content":"(Ad) company name content [Free call block]08012345678",
                "subject":"title sent only to the number separately from the above content (optional)"
                "content":"(Ad) company name content sent only to the number separately from the content above (optional) [Free call block] 08012345678"
                "fileId": "4fe2078b-5926-42f2-b6b3-0c7bab9b8c5a"

    Error Code

    EMMA v.3 reception result code

    • EMMA Version: EMMA V3.5.1 and above
    • IB G/W Report Code: result code received after transferring to the mobile operator
    • IB G/W Response Code: result code given by the relay company G/W after receiving the message
    • IB EMMA: Error Code processed by EMMA for message delivery request

    IB G/W Report Code

    2000failureDelivery timeout
    2001failureDelivery failure (wireless network)
    2002failureDelivery failure (wireless network -> device)
    2003failureDevice power off
    2004failureDevice message buffer full
    2005failureShadow area
    2006failureMessage deleted
    2007failureTemporary device problem
    3000InvalidDelivery unavailable
    3001InvalidNo subscriber
    3002InvalidAdult authentication failure
    3003InvalidCalled number format error
    3004InvalidDevice service temporarily unavailable
    3005InvalidDevice call processing status
    3006InvalidCall denied
    3007InvalidPhone can't receive callback URL
    3008InvalidOther device problems
    3009InvalidMessage format error
    3010InvalidDevice not supporting MMS
    3011InvalidServer error
    3013InvalidService denied
    3015InvalidNo delivery path
    3016InvalidAttachment size limit failure
    3017InvalidCaller ID protection rules violation
    3018InvalidIndividual mobile phone subscriber number subscribed to caller ID protection service
    3019InvalidCaller ID requested to be blocked by KISA (Korea Internet & Security Agency) or MSIT for all clients
    3022InvalidCharset Conversion Error
    3023InvalidNumbers not registered by Caller ID pre-registration

    IB G/W Response Code

    1001Server Busy (RS internal queue full)
    1002Called number format error
    1003Callback number error
    1005No. of use exceeded
    1006No attachment
    1008Attachment saving failure
    1010No CONTENT
    1011No CALLBACK
    1013No SUBJECT
    1014No attachment KEY
    1015No attachment name
    1016No attachment size
    1017No attachment content
    1018No delivery permission
    1019TTL exceeded
    1020charset conversion error
    S000Relay company request failed (server error)
    S001Relay company request failed (server error)
    S002Relay company request failed (invalid error)
    S003Relay company request failed (send to spam)
    S004Over quota
    S005Invalid MMS file
    S006MMS file not found
    S007Expired MMS file
    S008MMS file size exceeded
    S009MMS file resolution exceeded
    S010MMS file upload quota exceeded
    S011MMS file upload failed
    S012Calling number detail error
    S998Unexpected server error
    S999Other errors


    E900No Invalid-IB transfer key
    E901No called number
    E902For broadcast messages) No order of called numbers
    E903No title
    E904No message
    E905No callback number
    E906No message key
    E907No broadcast messages status
    E908No service type
    E909No delivery request time
    E910No TTL time
    E911No attachment extension when the service type is MMS MT
    E912No attachment in the attach_file folder when the service type is MMS MT
    E913Attachment size is 0 when the service type is MMS MT
    E914There are file group keys in the message table but no data in the file table when the service type is MMS MT
    E915Duplicate message
    E916Blocked number by auth server
    E917Blocked number by customer DB
    E919When it is prohibited to re-send the message because there is a delivery time limit.
    E920File group keys in the message table when the service type is LMS MT
    E921No file group keys in the message table when the service type is MMS MT
    E922Error in using restricted characters for broadcast message
    E999Other errors

    Was this article helpful?

    What's Next
    Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
    First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
    Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
    Enter a valid email
    Enter a valid password
    Your profile has been successfully updated.