Alim Talk API

        Alim Talk API

        Article summary

        Basic information

        API URL

        Go to SENS Alim Talk API Swagger

        API Header

        Content-TypeMandatorySpecify the request body content type as application/json (POST)
        x-ncp-apigw-timestampMandatory- This is the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC
        - Request is considered invalid if the timestamp differs from the current time by more than 5 minutes
        x-ncp-iam-access-keyMandatoryThis is the access key ID issued by the portal or Sub Account
        x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2Mandatory- Signature that encrypts the body of the example above with secret key mapped to the access key ID
        - Use the HMAC-SHA256 encryption algorithm

        Go to the creation guide of NAVER Cloud Platform authentication key and signature


        Send message

        Sends a message.

        Request URL

        Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
        x-ncp-apigw-timestamp: {Timestamp}
        x-ncp-iam-access-key: {Sub Account Access Key}
        x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2: {API Gateway Signature}

        Path Variables

        serviceIdMandatoryStringService IDService ID issued when registering the project


        Go to API header

        Request body

                    "useSmsFailover": "boolean",
                    "failoverConfig": {
                        "type": "string",
                        "from": "string",
                        "subject": "string",
                        "content": "string"
            "reserveTime": "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm",
            "reserveTimeZone": "string"
        plusFriendIdMandatoryStringName of Kakao Talk Channel ((formerly) Plus Friend ID)
        templateCodeMandatoryStringTemplate code
        messagesMandatoryObjectMessage information- See items below (messages.XXX)
        - Up to 100
        messages.countryCodeOptionalStringRecipient country codedefault: 82
        messages.toMandatoryStringRecipient number
        messages.titleOptionalStringAlim Talk highlighted contentIt can only be used in a highlighting type template
        messages.contentMandatoryStringAlim Talk message content
        messages.headerContentOptionalStringAlim Talk header content- It can only be used in an item list type template
        - Less than 16 bytes can be entered
        messages.itemHighlightOptionalObjectItem highlightIt can only be used in an item list type template
        messages.itemHighlight.titleMandatoryStringItem highlight title- It can only be used in an item list type template
        When there's no image
        - Up to 30 characters can be entered (2 lines)
        - Up to 15 characters per line can be entered
        When there are images
        - Up to 21 characters can be entered (2 lines).
        - Up to 10 characters per line can be entered
        - If the length goes over 2 lines, then the excess is represented by an ellipsis
        messages.itemHighlight.descriptionMandatoryStringItem highlight description- It can only be used in an item list type template
        When there's no image
        - Up to 19 characters per line can be entered
        When there are images
        - Up to 13 characters per line can be entered
        - If the length goes over one line, then the excess is represented by an ellipsis
        messages.itemOptionalObjectItem listIt can only be used in an item list type template
        messages.messages.item.listMandatoryArray of ObjectItem list- It can only be used in an item list type template
        - It must be between 2 and 10
        messages.item.list.titleMandatoryStringItem list title- It can only be used in an item list type template
        - Up to 6 characters in length can be entered
        messages.item.list.descriptionMandatoryStringItem list description- It can only be used in an item list type template
        - Up to 23 characters in length can be entered
        messages.summaryOptionalObjectItem summary informationIt can only be used in an item list type template
        messages.summary.titleMandatoryStringItem summary title- It can only be used in an item list type template
        - Up to 6 characters in length can be entered
        messages.summary.descriptionMandatoryStringItem summary description- It can only be used in an item list type template
        - Allowed characters: currency symbols (unicode currency symbols, yuan, yen, won), currency codes (ISO 4217), number, commas, decimal points, spaces
        - Up to two decimal places allowed
        - Up to 23 characters in length can be entered
        messages.buttonsOptionalArray of ObjectAlim Talk message buttonSee the following template button information.
        messages.buttons.typeMandatoryStringButton typeSee the following template button information.
        messages.buttons.nameMandatoryStringButton nameSee the following template button information.
        messages.useSmsFailoverOptionalBooleanSMS failover use status- Available only on Kakao Talk Channels where failover is configured
        - Default: Follow the failover settings of Kakao Talk Channel
        messages.failoverConfigOptionalObjectFailover settingsSee the items below
        messages.failoverConfig.typeOptionalStringFailover SMS message type- SMS or LMS
        - Default: automatically applied according to the content length (SMS if 90 bytes or less, LMS if it exceeds 90 bytes)
        messages.failoverConfig.fromOptionalStringFailover SMS caller ID- Default: caller ID selected when setting up failover
        - Failover does not work when using an unauthorized caller ID
        messages.failoverConfig.subjectOptionalStringFailover SMS title- Used when operating in LMS type
        - Default: Kakao Talk Channel name
        messages.failoverConfig.contentOptionalStringFailover SMS contentDefault: Alim Talk message content (excluding button)
        reserveTimeOptionalStringReserved date and timeReserved date and time for message delivery (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm)
        reserveTimeZoneOptionalStringTime zone of reserved date and time- Time zone of reserved date and time (default: Asia/Seoul)
        - List of supported time zones
        * Use the TZ database name value
        • If you use mandatory fields in the request body, no spaces are allowed (only applicable when adding)
        • The content and buttons must be entered according to the registered and approved template specifications.
        • If the message you want to send does not meet the template specifications, then your request to send the message will fail.
        • If the template has images registered, then the registered images will be sent even if you don't insert it in the content in the request body when sending a message separately.
        • SMS failover works if the Alim Talk reception result code is not successful, and SMS alternative delivery through the failover feature is not performed for codes with the prefix B.

        You can check the Web console manual (formerly, user manual) for a guide on template registration and inspection. Go to Template Registration Guide

        Template button information

        TypeNameMandatory item
        DSTrack package
        WLWeb linklinkMobile, linkPc (URL starting with http:// or https://)
        ALApp linkschemeIos, schemeAndroid
        BKBot keyword
        MDSend message
        ACAdd channelThe button name is fixed as Add channel.

        List of supported couriers

        CourierCourier nameInvoice number
        ePOST KoreaKorea Post13-digit number, or 6-digit number + 7-digit number
        (separator is "-" or "_")
        LogenLogen11-digit number, or 3-digit number + 4-digit number + 4-digit number
        (separator is "-" or "_")
        ILYANG Logis- ILYANG Logis
        - ILYANG
        - ILYANG Logis
        9 to 11-digit number
        FedEX- FedEx
        - FedEx
        - fedex
        12-digit number
        HANJIN TRANSPORTATIONHANJIN TRANSPORTATION10-digit number or 12-digit number
        KYOUNGDONG EXPRESSKYOUNGDONG EXPRESS9 to 16-digit number, or 4-digit number + 3-digit number + 6-digit number
        (separator is "-")
        HAPDONG EXPRESSHAPDONG EXPRESS9 to 16-digit number
        - Hyundai Logistics
        12-digit number or 4-digit number + 4-digit number + 4-digit number
        (separator is "-")
        Nonghyup LogisNonghyup Logis12-digit number
        CHUNIL PARCELCHUNIL PARCEL11-digit number
        CUpost- CUpost
        - CU post
        10-digit number, 12-digit number, or 4-digit number + 4-digit number + 4-digit number
        (separator is "-" or "_")
        CVSnet convenience store logistics- GS postbox
        - GS convenience store logistics
        - CVSnet convenience store logistics
        10-digit number, 12-digit number, or 4-digit number + 4-digit number + 4-digit number
        (separator is "-" or "_")
        HandexHandex10-digit number or 14-digit number
        TNT Express- TNTExpress
        - TNT Express
        - TNT Express
        8 to 9-digit number
        USPSUSPS10-digit number, 22-digit number, or 2 uppercase English letters + 9-digit number + 2 uppercase English letters
        (no separator)
        EMSEMS2 uppercase English letters + 9-digit number + 2 uppercase English letters
        (no separator)
        DHLDHL10-digit number
        GOODSTOLUCKGOODSTOLUCK4-digit number + 4-digit number + 4-digit number
        (separator is "-")
        • Buttons are not automatically added for unsupported couriers.
          • You can use web link (WL) buttons to link to the tracking page.

        Response body

        requestIdMandatoryStringDelivery request ID
        requestTimeMandatoryDateTimeDelivery request timeyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS
        statusCodeMandatoryStringRequest status code- Success: 202
        - Failure: the rest
        - Follows the HTTP status specification.
        statusNameMandatoryStringRequest status name- Success: success
        - Being processed: processing
        - Being reserved: reserved
        - Failure: fail
        messages.messageIdMandatoryStringMessage ID
        messages.countryCodeOptionalStringRecipient country codedefault: 82
        messages.toMandatoryStringRecipient number
        messages.contentMandatoryStringAlim Talk message content
        messages.requestStatusCodeMandatoryStringDelivery request status code- Success: A000
        - Failure: other codes (reason for failure specified in the Desc category)
        messages.requestStatusNameMandatoryStringDelivery request status name- Success: success
        - Failure: fail
        messages.requestStatusDescMandatoryStringDelivery request status content
        messages.useSmsFailoverMandatoryBooleanSMS failover use status

        Response status

        HTTP StatusDesc
        202Accepted (delivery request completed)
        400Bad Request
        404Not Found
        500Internal Server Error

        Get message delivery request

        Get the message delivery request.

        Request URL

        x-ncp-apigw-timestamp: {Timestamp}
        x-ncp-iam-access-key: {Sub Account Access Key}
        x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2: {API Gateway Signature}

        Path Variables

        serviceIdMandatoryStringService IDService ID issued when registering the project


        requestIdMandatoryStringRequest IDDelivery request ID
        plusFriendIdMandatoryStringKakao channelName of the registered channel
        requestStartTimeMandatoryStringQuery start timeyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
        requestEndTimeMandatoryStringQuery end timeyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
        completeStartTimeMandatoryStringDelivery completion start timeyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
        completeEndTimeMandatoryStringDelivery completion end timeyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
        messageIdOptionalStringMessage ID
        requestStatusNameOptionalStringRequest statussuccess, fail
        messageStatusNameOptionalStringRequest statussuccess, processing, fail
        templateCodeOptionalStringTemplate codeRegistered template code
        toOptionalStringMessage recipient numberNumber excluding hyphens (-)
        pageIndexOptionalIntegerPage numberDefault: 0
        pageSizeOptionalIntegerPage sizeDefault: 20, Max: 100
        When querying including requestId, default: 100
        • You can only see the history of messages sent within the last 30 days.
        • One of the following must be specified: requestId, requestStartTime + requestEndTime, or completeStartTime + completeEndTime.
        • requestStartTime + requestEndTime and completeStartTime + completeEndTime can't be used at the same time.
        • The query range of requestStartTime to requestEndTime is limited to a maximum of 31 days.
        • The query range of completeStartTime to completeEndTime is limited to a maximum of 24 hours.
        • If the query condition does not include a requestId, plusFriendId is required.


        Go to API header

        Request body


        Response body

            "requestId": "string",
            "statusCode": "string",
            "statusName": "string",
            "messages": [
                    "requestTime": "string",
                    "messageId": "string",
                    "countryCode": "string",
                    "to": "string",
                    "content": "string",
                    "plusFriendId": "string",
                    "templateCode": "string",
                    "completeTime": "string",
                    "requestStatusCode": "string",
                    "requestStatusName": "string",
                    "requestStatusDesc": "string",
                    "messageStatusCode": "string",
                    "messageStatusName": "string",
                    "messageStatusDesc": "string",
                    "useSmsFailover": "boolean",
                    "failover": {
                        "smsServiceId": "string",
                        "requestId": "string",
                        "messageId": "string",
                        "requestStatusCode": "string",
                        "requestStatusName": "string",
                        "requestStatusDesc": "string",
                        "messageStatus": "string",
                        "messageStatusCode": "string",
                        "messageStatusName": "string",
                        "messageStatusDesc": "string"
            "pageSize": "integer",
            "pageIndex": "integer",
            "itemCount": "integer",
            "hasMore": "boolean"
        requestIdOptionalStringDelivery request IDDisplayed only when queried by requestId
        statusCodeMandatoryStringRequest status code202 - Success
        Others - Failure
        * Follows the HTTP status specification.
        statusNameMandatoryStringRequest status namesuccess - Success
        processing - Being delivered
        reserved - Being reserved
        fail - Failure
        messages.requestTimeMandatoryDateTimeDelivery request timeyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS
        messages.messageIdMandatoryStringMessage ID
        messages.countryCodeOptionalStringRecipient country codedefault: 82
        messages.toMandatoryStringRecipient number
        messages.contentMandatoryStringAlim Talk message content
        messages.plusFriendIdMandatoryStringName of Kakao Talk Channel ((formerly) Plus Friend ID)
        messages.templateCodeMandatoryStringTemplate code
        messages.completeTimeOptionalDateTimeDelivery reporting (processing completion) timeyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
        messages.requestStatusCodeMandatoryStringDelivery request status codeA000 - Success
        Other codes - Failure (reason for failure specified in the Desc category)
        messages.requestStatusNameMandatoryStringDelivery request status namesuccess - Success
        fail - Failure
        messages.requestStatusDescMandatoryStringDelivery request status content
        messages.messageStatusCodeMandatoryStringDelivery result status code0000 - Success
        Other codes - Failure (reason for failure specified in the Desc category)
        messages.messageStatusNameMandatoryStringDelivery result status namesuccess - Success
        processing - Being processed
            * Undergoing processing in the message delivery server after successful sending request
            * messageCode and messageDesc are not searched.
        fail - Failure
        messages.messageStatusDescMandatoryStringDelivery result status content
        messages.useSmsFailoverMandatoryBooleanSMS failover use status
        messages.failoverOptionalObjectSMS Failover
        messages.failover.smsServiceIdOptionalStringSMS failover service ID
        messages.failover.requestIdOptionalStringSMS failover delivery request ID
        messages.failover.messageIdOptionalStringSMS failover delivery message ID
        messages.failover.requestStatusCodeOptionalStringSMS failover delivery request status codeSee the Error code table.
        messages.failover.requestStatusNameOptionalStringSMS failover delivery request status namesuccess - Success
        fail - Failure
        messages.failover.requestStatusDescOptionalStringSMS failover delivery request status content
        messages.failover.messageStatusOptionalStringSMS failover delivery request statusREADY: ready
        PROCESSING: being processed
        COMPLETED: processing completed
        messages.failover.messageStatusCodeOptionalStringSMS failover delivery device received status result codeSee the Error code table.
        messages.failover.messageStatusNameOptionalStringSMS failover delivery device received result name
        messages.failover.messageStatusDescOptionalStringSMS failover delivery device received content
        pageSizeMandatoryIntegerPage size
        pageIndexMandatoryIntegerPage index (starts from 0)
        itemCountMandatoryIntegerNumber of messages in the pages retrieved
        hasMoreMandatoryBooleanIt indicates whether there is a next page
        • If the query condition does not include a requestId, then requestId is not included.

        Response status

        HTTP StatusDesc
        200OK (search completed)
        400Bad Request
        404Not Found
        500Internal Server Error

        Get message delivery result

        Searches the message delivery result.

        Request URL

        x-ncp-apigw-timestamp: {Timestamp}
        x-ncp-iam-access-key: {Sub Account Access Key}
        x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2: {API Gateway Signature}

        Path Variables

        serviceIdMandatoryStringService IDService ID issued when registering the project
        messageIdMandatoryStringMessage IDMessage identifier that is returned when the message is sent


        Go to API header

        Request body


        Response body

            "failover": {
        messageIdMandatoryStringMessage ID
        requestIdMandatoryStringDelivery request ID
        requestTimeMandatoryDateTimeDelivery request timeyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS
        completeTimeOptionalDateTimeDelivery reporting (processing completion) timeyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
        plusFriendIdMandatoryStringName of Kakao Talk Channel ((formerly) Plus Friend ID)
        templateCodeMandatoryStringTemplate code
        countryCodeOptionalStringRecipient country codedefault: 82
        toMandatoryStringRecipient number
        contentMandatoryStringAlim Talk message content
        requestStatusCodeMandatoryStringDelivery request status codeA000 - Success
        Other codes - Failure (reason for failure specified in the Desc category)
        requestStatusNameMandatoryStringDelivery request status namesuccess - Success
        fail - Failure
        requestStatusDescMandatoryStringDelivery request status content
        messageStatusCodeMandatoryStringDelivery result status code0000 - Success
        Other codes - Failure (reason for failure specified in the Desc category)
        messageStatusNameMandatoryStringDelivery result status namesuccess - Success
        processing - Being processed
            * Undergoing processing in the message delivery server after successful sending request
            * messageCode and messageDesc are not searched.
        fail - Failure
        messageStatusDescMandatoryStringDelivery result status content
        messages.useSmsFailoverMandatoryBooleanSMS failover use status
        messages.failoverOptionalObjectSMS failover use status
        messages.failover.smsServiceIdOptionalStringSMS failover service ID
        messages.failover.requestIdOptionalStringSMS failover delivery request ID
        messages.failover.requestStatusCodeOptionalStringSMS failover delivery request status codeSee the Error code table.
        messages.failover.requestStatusNameOptionalStringSMS failover delivery request status namesuccess - Success
        fail - Failure
        messages.failover.requestStatusDescOptionalStringSMS failover delivery request status content
        messages.failover.messageIdOptionalStringSMS failover delivery message ID
        messages.failover.messageStatusOptionalStringSMS failover delivery request statusREADY: ready
        PROCESSING: being processed
        COMPLETED: processing completed
        messages.failover.messageStatusCodeOptionalStringSMS failover delivery device received status result codeSee the Error code table.
        messages.failover.messageStatusNameOptionalStringSMS failover delivery device received result name
        messages.failover.messageStatusDescOptionalStringSMS failover delivery device received content

        Failover request status code

        E4000The failover settings are not valid
        E4001The failover settings information is omitted
        E4002The failover SMS service is not configured
        E4003The failover SMS type (SMS, LMS) is not configured
        E4004The failover SMS caller ID is not configured.
        E4005The failover SMS title is not configured
        E4006The failover SMS content is not configured
        E4007The failover SMS recipient number is not configured
        E4008The failover SMS service is not available
        E4009The failover SMS caller ID is not authenticated
        E4010The failover SMS free 080 unsubscribing service is not available
        E4999Failover settings parsing error (required to contact Support)
        E5000Internal error (required to contact Support)

        Response status

        HTTP StatusDesc
        200OK (search completed)
        400Bad Request
        404Not Found
        500Internal Server Error

        Reserved message

        Get reserved message status

        Get the reservation status of message delivery.

        x-ncp-apigw-timestamp: {Timestamp}
        x-ncp-iam-access-key: {Sub Account Access Key}
        x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2: {API Gateway Signature}

        Path Variables

        serviceIdMandatoryStringService IDService ID issued when registering the project
        reserveIdMandatoryStringReserved message IDMessage identifier that is returned when searching the reserved delivery requests (requestId)


        Go to API header

        Request body


        Response body

          "reserveId": "string",
          "reserveTimeZone": "string",
          "reserveTime": "string",
          "reserveStatus": "string"
        reserveIdMandatoryStringReserved message IDMessage identifier that is returned when searching the reserved delivery requests (requestId)
        reserveTimeMandatoryStringReserved date and timeReserved date and time for message delivery (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm)
        reserveTimeZoneMandatoryStringTime zone of reserved date and time- Time zone of reserved date and time (default: Asia/Seoul)
        - List of supported time zones
        * Use the TZ database name value
        reserveStatusMandatoryStringReservation status- Waiting to be sent: READY
        - Requesting to send: PROCESSING
        - Delivery canceled: CANCELED
        - Delivery request failure: FAIL
        - Delivery request successful: DONE
        - Delivery request failure (timeout): STALE

        Response status

        HTTP StatusDesc
        200OK (search completed)
        400Bad Request
        404Not Found
        500Internal Server Error

        Cancel reserved message

        Cancel the reserved message delivery.

        x-ncp-apigw-timestamp: {Timestamp}
        x-ncp-iam-access-key: {Sub Account Access Key}
        x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2: {API Gateway Signature}

        Path Variables

        serviceIdMandatoryStringService IDService ID issued when registering the project
        reserveIdMandatoryStringReserved message IDMessage identifier that is returned when searching the reserved delivery requests (requestId)


        Go to API header

        Request body


        Response body


        Response status

        HTTP StatusDesc
        204No Content (deletion completed)
        400Bad Request
        404Not Found
        500Internal Server Error

        Kakao Talk Channel

        Get channel

        Get Kakao Talk Channels.

        x-ncp-apigw-timestamp: {Timestamp}
        x-ncp-iam-access-key: {Sub Account Access Key}
        x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2: {API Gateway Signature}

        Path Variables

        serviceIdMandatoryStringService IDService ID issued when registering the project


        pageSizeOptionalIntegerPage sizedefault: 100 (Only numbers between 1 and 100 can be entered.)
        pageIndexOptionalIntegerPage indexdefault: 0


        Go to API header

        Request body


        Response body

                "createTime": "string",
                "updateTime": "string",
                "serviceId": "string",
                "channelId": "string",
                "channelName": "string",
                "channelStatus": "string",
                "useSmsFailover": "boolean",
                "failoverServiceId": "string",
                "failoverTelNo": "string",
                "isBlock": "boolean",
                "isDormant": "boolean"
        createTimeMandatoryStringCreation timeformat: LocalDateTime
        updateTimeOptionalStringEdited timeformat: LocalDateTime
        serviceIdMandatoryStringService IDService ID issued when registering the project
        channelIdMandatoryStringKakao Talk Channel ID
        channelNameMandatoryStringKakao Talk Channel name
        channelStatusMandatoryStringKakao Talk Channel status- Normal: ACTIVE
        - Deleted: DELETED
        - Being deleted permanently: DELETING_PERMANENTLY
        - Deleted permanently: PERMANENTLY_DELETED
        - Blocked: BLOCKED
        - Deletion pending: PENDING_DELETE
        useSmsFailoverMandatoryBooleanUse status of alternative SMS delivery
        failoverServiceIdOptionalStringFailover SMS service ID
        failoverTelNoOptionalStringFailover caller ID
        isBlockMandatoryBooleanChannel blocking status
        isDormantMandatoryBooleanChannel dormancy status

        Response status

        HTTP StatusDesc
        400Bad Request
        404Not Found
        429Too Many Requests
        500Internal Server Error

        Alim Talk template

        Get template

        Get Alim Talk templates registered in the Kakao Talk Channel.

        x-ncp-apigw-timestamp: {Timestamp}
        x-ncp-iam-access-key: {Sub Account Access Key}
        x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2: {API Gateway Signature}

        Path Variables

        serviceIdMandatoryStringService IDService ID issued when registering the project


        • channelId is a required value, and it returns the details of the template when using templateCode.
        • Additional information including comments is only displayed for detailed searches.
        channelIdMandatoryStringChannel IDChannel ID registered to Kakao Talk
        templateCodeMandatoryStringTemplate codeThe detailed search is returned when searched using templateCode
        Registered template code
        templateNameOptionalStringTemplate namelike search results are returned
        pageSizeOptionalIntegerPage sizedefault: 100 (Only numbers between 1 and 100 can be entered.)
        pageIndexOptionalIntegerPage indexdefault: 0


        Go to API header

        Request body


        Response body

                "createTime": "string",
                "updateTime": "string",
                "channelId": "string",
                "templateCode": "string",
                "templateName": "string",
                "categoryCode": "string",
                "categoryName": "string",
                "messageType" : "string",
                "emphasizeType" : "string",
                "content": "string",
                "adContent": "string",
                "extraContent": "string",
                "title": "string",
                "additionalTitle": "string",
                "comments": [
                        "commentId": "string",
                        "content": "string",
                        "status": "string",
                        "createTime": "string",
                        "attachment": [
                                "fileName": "string",
                                "fileUrl": "string"
                "templateInspectionStatus": "string",
                "templateStatus": "string",
                "imageName": "string",
                "imageUrl": "string",
                "headerContent": "string",
                "itemHighlight": {
                    "title": "string",
                    "description": "string",
                    "imageUrl": "string"
                "item": {
                    "list": [
                            "title": "string",
                            "description": "string"
                    "summary": {
                        "title": "string",
                        "description": "string"
                "securityFlag": "boolean",
                "isBlock": "boolean",
                "isDormant": "boolean"
        createTimeMandatoryStringCreation timeformat: LocalDateTime
        updateTimeOptionalStringEdited timeformat: LocalDateTime
        channelIdMandatoryStringKakao Talk Channel ID
        templateCodeMandatoryStringTemplate code
        templateNameMandatoryStringTemplate name
        categoryCodeMandatoryStringTemplate category code
        categoryNameMandatoryStringTemplate category name
        messageTypeMandatoryStringTemplate message type- BA: Basic type
        - EX: Additional information type
        - AD: Ad addition type
        - MI: Mixed type
        emphasizeTypeMandatoryStringTemplate emphasis type- NONE: Basic type
        - TEXT: Highlighting type
        - IMAGE: Image type
        - ITEM_LIST: Item list type
        contentMandatoryStringTemplate content
        adContentOptionalStringAd message
        extraContentOptionalStringAdditional Information
        titleOptionalStringHighlighting type title
        additionalTitleOptionalStringHighlighting type additional title
        comments.commentIdMandatoryStringInspection ID
        comments.contentMandatoryStringInspection content
        comments.statusMandatoryStringInspection status- Inspection completed: APR
        - Inspection rejected: REJ
        comments.createMandatoryStringInspection time
        comments.attachmentOptionalObjectInspection inquiry attachment
        comments.attachment.fileNameMandatoryStringFile name
        comments.attachment.fileUrlMandatoryStringFile URL
        templateInspectionStatusMandatoryStringTemplate inspection status- Accept: ACCEPT
        - Register: REGISTER
        - Inspection in progress: INSPECT
        - Completed: COMPLETE
        - Rejected: REJECT
        templateStatusMandatoryStringTemplate status- Normal: ACTIVE
        - Ready: READY
        - Stopped: STOP
        buttonsOptionalArray of ObjectAlim Talk message buttonSee the parent template button information.
        buttons.orderMandatoryIntegerButton orderButton registration order
        buttons.typeMandatoryStringButton typeSee the parent template button information.
        buttons.nameMandatoryStringButton nameSee the parent template button information.
        buttons.linkMobileOptionalStringMobile button linkSee the registered template button information.
        buttons.linkPcOptionalStringPC button linkSee the registered template button information.
        buttons.schemeIosOptionalStringiOS button schemeSee the registered template button information.
        buttons.schemeAndroidOptionalStringAndroid button schemeSee the registered template button information.
        titleOptionalStringHighlighting type title
        additionalTitleOptionalStringHighlighting type additional title
        useImageMandatoryBooleanImage usage status
        imageNameOptionalStringImage name
        imageUrlOptionalStringImage URL
        useHeaderContentMandatoryBooleanHeader usage status
        headerContentOptionalStringHeader content
        useItemHighlightMandatoryBooleanItem highlight usage status
        useItemHighlightImageMandatoryBooleanItem highlight image usage status
        itemHighlightOptionalObjectItem highlightDisplayed only when using item highlight
        itemHighlight.titleOptionalStringItem highlight title
        itemHighlight.descriptionOptionalStringItem highlight content
        itemHighlight.imageUrlOptionalStringItem highlight image URL
        itemOptionalObjectItemDisplayed only when using item
        item.listOptionalStringItem listDisplayed only when using item list
        item.list.titleOptionalStringItem name
        item.list.descriptionOptionalStringItem content
        item.summaryOptionalStringItem summary informationDisplayed only when using item summary information
        item.summary.titleOptionalStringItem summary information name
        item.summary.descriptionOptionalStringItem summary information content
        securityFlagMandatoryBooleanSecurity setting status
        isBlockMandatoryBooleanTemplate blocking status
        isDormantMandatoryBooleanTemplate dormancy status
        • channelId is a required value, and it returns the details of the template when using templateCode.
        • Additional information including comments is only displayed for detailed searches.

        Response status

        HTTP StatusDesc
        400Bad Request
        404Not Found
        429Too Many Requests
        500Internal Server Error


        Alim Talk reception result code

        StatusError textDesc
        0000-Normal delivery
        1001NoJsonBodyRequest body is not in JSON format.
        1002InvalidHubPartnerKeyInvalid partner key
        1003InvalidSenderKeyInvalid outgoing profile key
        1004NoValueJsonElementName not found in request body (JSON)
        1005SenderNotFoundOutgoing profile not found
        1006DeletedSenderDeleted outgoing profile
        1007StoppedSenderBlocked outgoing profile
        1011ContractNotFoundContract information not found
        1012InvalidUserKeyExceptionInvalid format of user key request
        1013InvalidAppLinkInvalid app connection
        1014InvalidBizNumInvalid business registration number
        1015TalkUserIdNotFonudInvalid app user id request
        1016BizNumNotEqualMismatched business registration number
        1020InvalidReceiveUserExceptionNo valid user identifier value
        1021BlockedProfileBlocked Kakao Talk Channel (check from the Kakao Talk Channel operation tool)
        1022DeactivatedProfileClosed Kakao Talk Channel (check from the Kakao Talk Channel operation tool)
        1023DeletedProfileDeleted Kakao Talk Channel (check from the Kakao Talk Channel operation tool)
        1024DeletingProfileDeletion-pending Kakao Talk Channel (check from the Kakao Talk Channel operation tool)
        1025SpammedProfileMessage-blocked Kakao Talk Channel (check from the Kakao Talk Channel operation tool)
        1026UnableUseMessageTypeThe request was made with response_method unavailable for the msg_type. (image Alim Talk (AI) can't be sent in real time)
        1027-Message delivery failure due to channel message restriction status
        1030InvalidParameterExceptionInvalid parameter request
        1033-Template type and message type mismatch
        2000FailedToCheckFriendshipExceptionError when checking the friend relationship with the Talk Channel (system error)
        2003FailedToSendMessageByNoFriendshipExceptionMessage delivery failure (if Kakao Talk Channel is not added in the test server)
        2004FailedToMatchTemplateExceptionError when checking template match (internal Kakao error)
        2005FailedToReadImageExceptionError reading image meta information from Kakao
        2006FailedToMatchSerialNumberPrefixPatternSerial number format mismatch
        3000UnexceptedExcetpionOccurrence of an unexpected error
        3005AckTimeoutExceptionA message was sent, but the read receipt was not confirmed (success uncertain)
        3006FailedToSendMessageExceptionMessage delivery failed due to Kakao's internal system error.
        3008InvalidPhoneNumberExceptionPhone number error
        3010JsonParsseExcetpionJSON parsing error
        3011MessageNotFoundExceptionMessage does not exist.
        3012SerialNumberDuplicatedExceptionMessage serial number is duplicated. (A unique value must be assigned for the message serial number.)
        3013MessageEmptyExceptionBlank message
        3014MessageLengthOverLimitExceptionMessage length limit error (exceeding 1000 characters for text type, 400 characters for image type)
        3015TemplateNotFoundExceptionTemplate not found
        3016NoMatchedTemplateExceptionMessage content does not match the template.
        3018NoSendAvailableExceptionMessage could not be sent.
        3019MessageNoUserExceptionNot a Talk user
        3020MessageUserBlockedAlimTalkExceptionAlim Talk blocked
        3021MessageNotSupportedKakaotalkExceptionMinimum support version for Talk not met
        3022NoSendAvailableTimeExceptionOutside the time available for sending messages (Friend Talk/marketing messages can be sent from 08:00 to 20:00.)
        3023MessageInvalidVideoExceptionUnable to send the video embedded in the message (the video address or thumbnail image address is incorrect or the thumbnail image does not meet the specifications)
        3024MessageInvaildImageExceptionThe image contained in the message can't be sent.
        3025ExceedMaxVariableLengthExceptionVariable character limit exceeded
        3026Button chat_extra(event)-InvalidExtra(EventName)Exception '([A-Za-z0-9_]{1,50})'Inquiry/bot switching button extra, event character limit exceeded
        3027NoMatchedTemplateButtonExceptionButton content does not match the template.
        3028NoMatchedTemplateTitleExceptionMessage highlighting title does not match the template.
        3029ExceedMaxTitleLengthExceptionMessage highlighting title length limit exceeded (50 characters)
        3031-Text type mismatch
        3030NoMatchedTemplateWithMessageTypeExceptionMessage type does not match the template highlight type.
        3031NoMatchedTemplateHeaderExceptionHeader does not match the template.
        3032ExceedMaxHeaderLengthExceptionHeader length limit exceeded (16 characters)
        3033NoMatchedTemplateItemHighlightExceptionItem highlight does not match the template.
        3034ExceedMaxItemHighlightTitleLengthExceptionItem highlight title length limit exceeded (30 characters with no images, 21 characters with images)
        3035ExceedMaxItemHighlightDescriptionLengthExceptionItem highlight description length limit exceeded (19 characters with no images, 14 characters with images)
        3036NoMatchedTemplateItemListExceptionItem list does not match the template.
        3037ExceedMaxItemDescriptionLengthExceptionItem's description length limit exceeded in the item list (23 characters)
        3038NoMatchedTemplateItemSummaryExceptionItem summary information does not match the template
        3039ExceedMaxItemSummaryDescriptionLengthExceptionItem summary information's description length limit exceeded (14 characters)
        3040InvalidItemSummaryDescriptionExceptionItem summary information's description includes characters that are not allowed (inclusion of characters other than currency symbol/code, number, comma, period, and space)
        3041MessageInvalidWideItemListLengthExceptionWide item list count minimum, maximum mismatch
        3042NoMatchedTemplateRepresentLinkExceptionRepresentative link does not match template
        3046ExceedMaxAdditionalContentLengthExceptionAdditional information maximum length limit error
        3047ExceedMaxCommerceTitleLengthExceptionCommerce information product name maximum length limit error
        3050MessageNotSupportedUnsubscribeExceptionOpt-out specifications (N type) not supported
        3051InvalidateCarouselItemMinException or InvalidateCarouselItemMaxExceptionCarousel item list count minimum, maximum mismatch
        3052CarouselMessageLengthOverLimitExceptionCarousel item message length exceeded
        3056WideItemListTitleLengthOverLimitExceptionWide item list title length limit error
        3058CarouselHeaderLengthOverLimitExceptionCarousel header length limit error
        3059MessageNotSupportedCouponExceptionCoupon specifications not supported
        4000ResponseHistoryNotFoundExceptionMessage delivery result not found
        4001UnKnownMessageStatusErrorUnknown message status
        7011-Serial number pattern error
        7014-Message validity timeout error
        8512-Recipient type not found
        8514-request_id not found
        8520-Unsupported product type error
        8521-Message type not supported error
        8522-Test type not supported error
        8523-Response method not supported error
        8530-Recipient list size error
        8999-Internal server error
        9998The service is not currently provided.The admin is checking a problem that occurred in the system
        9999The admin is checking an unknown problem that occurred in the systemThe admin is checking a problem that occurred in the system
        B000Prepare to relay failedFailure of preliminary work for forwarding to the relay company
        B001Request to relay failedRelay company delivery failure
        B002Filtering for request to relay failedFiltered due to invalid request
        B003Invalid phone number formatInvalid caller ID format
        B004Quota ExceedQuota exceeded
        B005Message processing timeout exceedThe difference between the message request time and processing time is outside the allowable range
        B400Invalid RequestMessage format error
        B999Unexpected server errorUnexpected error

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        First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
        Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
        Enter a valid email
        Enter a valid password
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