User stop settings

        User stop settings

        Article summary

        We are preparing a localization service for the content. We will do our best to provide the localization service as soon as possible.

        User is suspended by user UID.


        projectIdStringOProjectId in GamePot SDK
        userIdStringOUserId of GamePot SDK

        Request header

        Header nameRequiredExplanation
        x-api-keyOAuthentication key issued by GamePot
        content-typeOSpecify Request body content type as application / json
        accept-languageXLanguage used

        Request body

        langStringOStop message language
        valueStringOReason for suspension
        defaultBooleanOSetting the default language
        If the language value of the device is not in messageMulti, the message set as true is exposed by default.
        true, false
        startedAtStringOStart date of suspensionYYYY-MM-DD HH:mm
        endedAtStringOEnd date of suspensionYYYY-MM-DD HH:mm


        Field nametypeExplanation
        statusIntResult (1: Success )
        idStringID suspended


        Request example

        curl --request POST \
        --url \
        --header 'accept-language: ko' \
        --header 'content-type: application/json' \
        --header 'x-api-key: 86dcgffae0641745432as02a8801ce5a5475f764fxxxxxxxxx'
          --data '{
        	"messageMulti": [
        			"lang": "ko",
        			"value": "테스트-ko",
        			"default": true
        	"startedAt": "2020-05-11 12:02",
        	"endedAt": "2020-05-25 22:00"

        Response example

          "status": 1,
          "result": {
            "memberBlock": {
              "id": "xxxxxxxxxxxxx"

        Error code

        Common error code that occurs when requesting Gamepot Open API.

        statusError code (1: Refer to Error code in case of success or failure )
        messageError details
        Error codeExplanation
        -1If you used a key that is not on the dashboard
        -2The key of the dashboard and the key of the header are different.
        -3When using a key deleted from the dashboard
        -4The dashboard used unused keys.
        -5If the key has expired
        -6If there is no project ID
          "status": -6,
          "message": "projectId was wrong."
        Plain text

        This is the error code that occurs when the user stop setting API is requested.

        Error codeExplanation
        -11lack of data in body
        -12messageMulti value is not JSON Array
        -13If the format of the startedAt value is not correct, only YYYY-MM-DD HH: mm format is possible
        -14If the format of the endedAt value is incorrect, only YYYY-MM-DD HH: mm format is possible
        -15When the data format of the messageMulti value is incorrect
        -16When there is no default true or multiple of messageMulti value data
        -100For users who have already been suspended

        Was this article helpful?

        Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
        First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
        Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
        Enter a valid email
        Enter a valid password
        Your profile has been successfully updated.