Data Catalog overview

        Data Catalog overview

        Article summary

        Available in VPC


        If you request subscription to Data Catalog, a catalog and built-in database are automatically created. A database is a set of tables, which stores metadata. The Database menu allows you to check the status of your catalog and create and manage databases.

        Common settings

        API URL

        Request header

        Header nameDescription
        Content-TypeSpecifies the request body content type as application/json (POST)
        x-ncp-apigw-timestampTime elapsed in milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC
        If the time difference compared to the API Gateway server is more than 5 minutes, then the request is considered invalid
        x-ncp-iam-access-keyAPI Key issued by NAVER Cloud Platform or Access Key issued by IAM
        x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2A signature that encrypts the body of the example above with the Secret Key mapped to Access Key
        HmacSHA256 is used as the HMAC encryption algorithm

        For more information, refer to the NAVER Cloud Platform API Guide.



        API nameDescription
        getCatalogsSearches for all catalog IDs of the user


        API nameDescription
        getConnectionsSearches for all connections in the user’s catalog
        getConnectionSearches for the connection with a specific connection ID in the user’s catalog


        API nameDescription
        getScannersSearches for all scanners in the user’s catalog
        getScannerSearches for the scanner with a specific scanner ID in the user’s catalog
        getScannerHistoriesChecks the execution history of a specific scanner in the user’s catalog
        runScannerRuns a specific scanner in the user’s catalog
        stopScannerStops a running scanner in the user’s catalog


        API nameDescription
        getDatabasesSearches for all databases in the user’s catalog
        getDatabaseSearches for a specific database with the database name of the user's catalog


        API nameDescription
        getTablesSearches for all tables in the user’s catalog
        getTableSearches for a specific table with the database/table name of the user's catalog
        getTablesByDatabaseSearches for all tables in a specific database with the database name of the user's catalog
        getTablePartitionsSearches for the partition key/value of a specific table with the database/table name of the user's catalog
        getTableTagsSearches for all tags in the table with the database/table name of the user's catalog
        getTableSchemaSearches for the schema of a specific table with the database/table name of the user's catalog
        getTableSchemaVersionsSearches for the schema version of a specific table with the database/table name of the user's catalog
        getTableSchemaByVersionSearches for the table schema with database/table name and schema version of the user’s catalog
        getTableSchemaAndPartitionKeysSearches for the schema/partition key of a specific table with the database/table name of the user catalog

        Error response format

        If a wrong API request is sent, or an error occurs during its processing, then the success/failure result is returned as an HTTP status code. The detailed message is then returned in JSON format.

        Response examples

          "error": {
            "errorCode": "integer",
            "message": "string"

        Error response

        HTTP statusError codeMessageDescriptionSolutions
        40011006Running Metastore is not foundNo metastore is runningSend an inquiry in Customer Support > Contact Us
        40014443This operation is not allowed in the current scanner state.Occurs when the requested operation is not allowed in the scanner statusCall the operation after checking the scanner status
        40414440The scanner can't be found.There is no information on the scanner you are searching forReconfirm the call value

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