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    Available in VPC

    Cloud DB for MSSQL server instance


    private String cloudMssqlServerInstanceNo;
    private String cloudMssqlServerName;
    private CommonCode cloudMssqlServerRole;
    private String cloudMssqlServerInstanceStatusName;
    private CommonCode cloudMssqlServerInstanceStatus;
    private CommonCode cloudMssqlServerInstanceOperation;
    private String regionCode;
    private String zoneCode;
    private String vpcNo;
    private String subnetNo;
    private Long dataStorageSize;
    private Integer cpuCount;
    private Long memorySize;
    private Boolean isPublicSubnet;
    private String cloudMssqlProductCode;
    private String privateDomain;
    private Date createDate;
    private Date uptime;
    private CommonCode dataStorageType;
    private Long usedDataStorageSize;


    ParametersTypeRequirement statusDescription
    cloudMssqlServerInstanceNoStringYCloud DB for MSSQL server instance number
    cloudMssqlServerNameStringYCloud DB for MSSQL server name
    cloudMssqlServerRoleCommonCodeYCloud DB for MSSQL server role
    cloudMssqlServerInstanceStatusNameStringYCloud DB for MSSQL server instance status name
    - creating
    - deleted
    - deleting
    - downgrading
    - pending
    - recovering
    - reinstalling
    - restarting
    - running
    - settingup
    - shuttingdown
    - stopped
    - upgrading
    - downgrading
    cloudMssqlServerInstanceStatusCommonCodeYCloud DB for MSSQL server instance status code
    - DEL (deleted)
    - PEND (pending)
    - RUN (running)
    - STOP (stopped)
    - FSTOP (failure stopped)
    cloudMssqlServerInstanceOperationCommonCodeYCloud DB for MSSQL server instance operation code
    - NOOP (no operation)
    - CREAT (create)
    - START (start)
    - RSTRT (restart)
    - SETUP (setup)
    - STOP (stop)
    - FO (failover)
    - DEL (delete)
    - UPGD (upgrade)
    - DWGD (downgrade)
    - RISTL (reinstall)
    regionCodeStringYRegion code
    zoneCodeStringYZone code
    vpcNoStringYVPC number
    subnetNoStringYSubnet number
    dataStorageSizeLongYData storage size
    cpuCountIntegerYCPU count
    memorySizeLongYMemory size
    isPublicSubnetBooleanNPublic subnet status
    cloudMssqlProductCodeStringNCloud DB for MSSQL product code
    privateDomainStringNPrivate domain name
    createDateDateNDate created
    uptimeDateNVM boot time
    dataStorageTypeCommonCodeNData storage type
    usedDataStorageSizeLongNSize of data storage in use

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