

        Article summary


        Gets a list of global CDN instances.


        Request parameters

        cdnInstanceNoNStringCDN instance number
        pageNoNIntegerMin: 0,
        Max: 2147483647
        Page number based on the page size if the number of items is large.
        pageSizeNIntegerMin: 0,
        Max: 2147483647
        Number of items to be shown per page
        responseFormatTypeNStringJSON or XMLResponse type


        The API returns an HTTP status code indicating success or failure.

        HTTP status codeCode messageDescription
        401UnauthorizedAuthentication failed
        500Internal Server ErrorServer error


        cdnInstanceNoNStringCDN instance number
        cdnInstanceStatusNCommonCodeCDN instance status
        cdnInstanceOperationNCommonCodeCDN instance OP
        cdnInstanceStatusNameNStringCDN instance status name
        createDateNStringCreation date
        cdnInstanceDescriptionNStringCDN instance description
        serviceNameNStringService name
        globalCdnServiceDomainListNList<GlobalCdnServiceDomain>List of global CDN service domains
        serviceDomainTypeCodeNStringService domain type code
        protocolTypeCodeNStringProtocol type code
        defaultDomainNameNStringDefault domain name
        userDomainNameNStringUser domain name
        globalCdnRuleNGlobalCdnRuleGlobal CDN settings


        Request example

        Response example

        <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

        Error codes

        Error codeDescription
        29100Invalid Global CDN rule format.
        29101Cannot operate this Global CDN service. Please check status.
        29102Invalid Global CDN purge request.
        29103Invalid Global CDN service domain type code.
        29104Please enter Forward Host Header.
        29105Invalid Origin server.
        29106Invalid Origin server ports.
        29107Invalid Origin File Storage.
        29108Please enter Referrer Domain.
        29109Invalid service name.
        29110Please enter service domain.
        29111Invalid service domain.
        29112Invalid Global CDN instance.
        29113Only HTTP protocol is allowed when Origin is File Storage.
        29114This domain cannot set as origin.
        29115For HTTPS protocol, only CDN domain can be set.
        29116An error occurred in purge request.
        29117Invalid origin path.
        29118Invalid referrer domain.
        29119Invalid rule for access log.
        29120Invalid Forward Host Header.
        29121Referrer Domains can be added up to 50.
        29122Cannot request purge for the CDN service. Please check status.
        29123The purge function can only be used after about 3 hours after the creation request is made.
        29124There is an error in the service domain name entered during the purge request.

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        Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
        First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
        Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
        Enter a valid email
        Enter a valid password
        Your profile has been successfully updated.