

        Article summary


        Gets all your scheduled scaling actions that are not performed yet. You can get the actions that have already been performed, by using the getAutoScalingActivityLogList action.
        The results can be paginated. You can specify each page size (the number of items) and page number.


        Request parameters

        autoScalingGroupNameNStringMin: 1
        Max: 255
        Name of the Auto Scaling group to get
        scheduledActionNameListNListMin: 1
        Max: 255
        List of scheduled scaling action names to get
        startTimeNDateyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZdatetime earlier than or equal to the schedule start time.
        This field can be omitted if scheduledActionNameList is specified.
        Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ
        Example) 2018-07-25T17:50:00+0900
        endTimeNDateyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZdatetime earlier than or equal to the schedule start time.
        This field can be omitted if scheduledActionNameList is specified.
        Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ
        Example) 2018-07-25T17:50:00+0900
        pageNoNIntegerMin: 0, Max: 2147483647Page number for pagination
        If it is set to 0 by default, all items are displayed.
        pageSizeNIntegerMin: 0, Max: 2147483647Number of items to be shown per page.
        If it is set to 0 by default, all items are displayed.
        sortedByNoString-scheduledActionName (Scheduled action name)
        createDate (Creation date)
        Default: scheduledActionName (Scheduled action name)
        sortingOrderNString-ascending, descending
        Default: ascending


        Response body


        Request example


        Response example

                 <recurrenceInKST>0 0 10 * *</recurrenceInKST>
                 <recurrenceInKST>0 5 10 * *</recurrenceInKST>

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