

        Article summary

        Available in Classic

        This is a load balancer rule.


        The syntax is as follows.

        private CommonCode protocolType;
        private Integer loadBalancerPort;
        private Integer serverPort;
        private String l7HealthCheckPath;
        private String certificateName;
        private String proxyProtocolUseYn;
        private String stickySessionUseYn;
        private String http2UseYn;
        private CommonCode serverProtocolType;


        The following describes the fields.

        protocolTypeCommonCodeRequiredProtocol type code
        • HTTP | HTTPS | TCP | UDP | ICMP
        loadBalancerPortIntegerRequiredLoad balancer port
        serverPortIntegerRequiredServer port
        l7HealthCheckPathStringConditionalL7 health check path
      • Required if the protocol type code is HTTP
      • certificateNameStringConditionalCertificate name
      • Required if the protocol type code is HTTPS
      • proxyProtocolUseYnStringRequiredProxy protocol use status
        stickySessionUseYnStringRequiredAccess by session usage status
        http2UseYnStringRequiredHTTP/2 protocol usage status
        serverProtocolTypeCommonCodeOptionalServer protocol type code
        • HTTP | HTTPS

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