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    Article Summary

    Can be used in a VPC environment.


    Set load balancer subnet.
    Set it by including the subnets already set. You can add subnets in different zones from the previous subnets.


    Request parameter

    Parameter nameRequirement statusTypeRestrictionsDescription
    regionCodeNoString- Region code
    You can decide the region of the load balancer instance to change subnet settings.
    You can obtain regionCode through the getRegionList action.
    Default: Selects the first region of the getRegionList search results.
    loadBalancerInstanceNoYesString- Load balancer instance number to change subnet settings
    You can obtain loadBalancerInstanceNo through the getLoadBalancerInstanceList action.
    subnetNoList.NYesList- List of the subnet numbers
    Either subnetNoList or loadBalancerSubnetList, one of two must be entered.
    loadBalancerSubnetList is applied for both subnetNoList and loadBalancerSubnetList when they are delivered.
    Selects a subnet in the same VPC as the selected load balancer.
    You can select a subnet for load balancer per zone.
    Selects by including subnets previously set.
    You can obtain subnetNo through the getSubnetList action.
    E.g., subnetNoList.1=1234&subnetNoList.2=2345
    loadBalancerSubnetList.N.subnetNoConditionalString- Subnet number
    Either subnetNoList or loadBalancerSubnetList, one of two must be entered.
    loadBalancerSubnetList is applied for both subnetNoList and loadBalancerSubnetList when they are delivered.
    loadBalancerSubnetList.N.subnetNo is required when loadBalancerSubnetList is applied
    Selects a subnet in the same VPC as the selected load balancer.
    You can select a subnet for load balancer per zone.
    You can obtain subnetNo through the getSubnetList action.
    loadBalancerSubnetList.N.publicIpInstanceNoNoString- Public IP instance number
    It's only valid when loadBalancerNetworkTypeCode is PUBLIC.
    It can only be used in the SGN (Singapore) region.
    Default: A new public IP is created and assigned.
    responseFormatTypeNoString- Format type of the response result
    Options: xml | json
    Default: xml


    Response body


    Request examples

    GET {API_URL}/setLoadBalancerInstanceSubnet

    Response examples

            <codeName>LB USED state</codeName>
            <codeName>LB CHANGE OP</codeName>
            <codeName>Application Load Balancer</codeName>

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