Get player options
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        Get player options

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        Article summary

        The following describes how to get the options set for a player.


        GET {API_URL}/players/{player_no}/options

        Request parameter

        Field nameRequiredTypeRestrictionsDescription
        player_noYIntegerPath ParameterPlayer number


        Field nameTypeDescriptionNote
        result.optionsString(json)Set options

        Player option information

        Field nameRequiredTypeLimitDescription
        player_noYIntegerPlayer number
        optionYObject(json)Player option information
        option.aspectRatioNStringPaid/freeAspect ratio, default: 16/9,
        Options: 16/9, 4/3, 1/1, 9/16, 21/9
        option.autoPauseNBooleanPaid/freeAuto-stop playback when disabled
        option.autostartNBooleanPaid/freeWhether to autoplay, default: TRUE
        option.repeatNBooleanPaid/freeVideo looping, default: FALSE
        option.langNStringPaid/freeUI language settings, default: auto
        Options: auto, ko, en, ja
        option.mutedNBooleanPaid/freeMute, default: FALSE
        option.objectFitNStringPaid/freeVideo fit-to-frame, default: contain,
        Options: contain, cover, fill
        option.controlActiveTimeNIntegerPaid/freeControl bar activation time (ms)
        Default: 3000
        option.controlsNBooleanPaid/freeWhether to use the control bar, default: TRUE
        option.controlBtnNObjectPaidControl bar button visibility settings, changeable for paid only
        option.controlBtn.fullscreenNBooleanPaidFull screen, changeable for paid only, default: TRUE
        option.controlBtn.pictureInPictureNBooleanPaidMini player, changeable for paid only, default: TRUE
        option.controlBtn.playNBooleanPaidPlay button visibility, changeable for paid only, default: TRUE
        option.controlBtn.timesNBooleanPaidTime display, changeable for paid only, default: TRUE
        option.controlBtn.volumeNBooleanPaidVolume adjustment, changeable for paid only, default: TRUE
        option.controlBtn.settingNBooleanPaidSettings button visibility, changeable for paid only, default: TRUE
        option.controlBtn.subtitleNBooleanPaidSubtitle control button visibility, changeable for paid only, default: TRUE
        option.controlBtn.progressBarNBooleanPaidProgress bar usage, changeable for paid only, default: TRUE
        option.descriptionNotVisibleNBooleanPaidHide video metadata UI, metadata can only be set for paid, default: FALSE
        option.playRateSettingNArrayPaidDouble-speed selection options
        Changeable for paid only, default: [0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.5, 2]
        option.progressBarColorNStringPaidControl bar color, changeable for paid only
        Default: #4299f5
        option.seekingPreviewNBooleanPaidThumbnail preview, default: TRUE
        option.setStartTimeNStringPaidFirst release date
        option.startMutedInfoNotVisibleNBooleanPaidMute indication, default: FALSE
        option.keyboardShortcutNBooleanPaidKeyboard shortcuts, default: TRUE
        option.touchGesturesNBooleanPaidTouch gesture activation
        option.uiNStringPaidUI settings, default: all
        Configurable for paid only: all, mobile, pc
        option.lowLatencyModeNBooleanPaidLL-HLS ultra-latency mode support, keeping live video always in the latest segment
        Default: FALSE
        option.customBtnsNArrayPaidCustom button addition (up to 4)
        option.customBtns.uiYStringPaidCustom button device environment UI (PC, mobile)
        option.customBtns.positionYStringPaidCustom button location settings (left-top, left-bottom, right-top, right-bottom)
        option.customBtns.flowNStringPaidCustom button creation location settings (left, right, default: left)
        option.customBtns.iconYStringPaidCustom button image URL settings

        Request example

        GET /api/v1/players/option?player_no=1
        Content-Type: application/json

        Success code


        Error code

        2004601Query string player_no is missing.
        2004801No player information.

        Response example

        HTTP/1.1 200 OK
        Server: nginx
        Date: Fri, 26 Feb 2021 09:53:32 GMT
        Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
        Connection: keep-alive
        Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
        x-ncp-trace-id: 36c9k60om4p3238cpmc9gm4cj4
          "code": "string",
          "message": "string",
          "result": {
            "env": "string",
            "option": {
              "aspectRatio": "string",
              "autoPause": true,
              "autostart": true,
              "controlActiveTime": 0,
              "controlBtn": {
                "fullscreen": true,
                "pictureInPicture": true,
                "play": true,
                "setting": true,
                "times": true,
                "volume": true,
                "subtitle": true,
                "progressBar": true
              "controls": true,
              "descriptionNotVisible": true,
              "keyboardShortcut": true,
              "muted": true,
              "objectFit": "string",
              "playRateSetting": [
              "progressBarColor": "string",
              "repeat": true,
              "seekingPreview": true,
              "startMutedInfoNotVisible": true,
              "touchGestures": true,
              "ui": "string"

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