Live Station のエラーコード
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        Live Station のエラーコード

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        Live Station APIリクエストが間違っていたり、処理中にエラーが発生した場合、HTTP状態コードで成功または失敗を返し、JSON形式で詳細メッセージを返します。

        エラーコードには Live Station APIの共通エラーコードと API Gatewayエラーコードの2種類があります。

        250000EXCEPTIONUnexpected error occurred.エラー発生
        250002INVALID_FORMAT{0}: invalid value.リクエスト値のフォーマットが正しくない
        250003REQUIRED_HEADERMissing required header.必須リクエストヘッダ漏れている
        250004NOT_FOUND{0} not found.リクエストリソースが見つからない
        250005NOT_AVAILABLE{0} not available.リクエストリソース使用不可
        250006UNAUTHORIZEDUnauthorized {0}.リクエストリソースに権限がない
        250007CONNECTION_FAILED{0} connection failed.コネクション接続に失敗
        250008REQUEST_FAILEDRequest failed.リクエスト失敗
        250009THIRD_SERVER_EXCEPTIONThird-party interface exception: {0}.内部エラー発生
        250010POLICY_CHECK_FAILEDWe cannot accomplish the task as permissions are not granted for the sub account.
        Please modify permissions for the account through the Sub Account service.
        Sub Account権限が十分ではない
        250011NEED_VALUE{0} must has a valid value有効な値ではない
        250012JSON_PARSE_GENERAL_ERRORInvalid request data,please checkデータが有効ではない
        250014FORMVALIDATION_FAILEDForm validation failedデータが有効ではない
        250016INTERNAL_SERVER_ERRORServer errorサーバエラー発生
        250018OPEN_API_BAD_REQUESTBad Request正しくないリクエスト
        250019OPEN_API_UNSUPPORTED_REGIONThe Region {0} not support now.現在サポートしないリージョン
        250020OPEN_API_INVALID_REGION_CODEInvalid region code {0}.有効ではないリージョンコード
        250021OPEN_API_PARAM_TYPE_ERRORInvalid parameter type.{0} can not convert to type {1}.有効ではないパラメータタイプ
        250022INVALID_HTTP_HTTPS_URLThe url that you specified is not invalid format.URLの形式が正しくない
        250023OPEN_API_USER_NO_PERMISSIONS{0} no permissions.APIの権限がない
        250024INVALID_PAGE_SIZEWRONG_PAGE_SIZENO_PARAMETER (valid range 1 ~ 100)サポートしない paze_size_noリクエスト
        250100CHANNEL_NOT_FOUNDChannel is not foundチャンネルが見つからない
        250101CHANNEL_IS_NOT_PUBLISHINGThis channel is not publishing now現在配信しているチャンネルではない
        250102CHANNEL_IS_PUBLISHINGThis channel is publishing現在配信しているチャンネル
        250103CHANNEL_NEVER_BEEN_PUBLISHEDThis channel has never been published.一度も配信されてないチャンネル
        250104CHANNEL_NAME_IS_WRONGChannel names can be entered with a minimum of 3 characters and a maximum of 20 characters. Special character "_" allowed.チャンネル名が Live Stationでサポートする形式ではない
        3자 이상 20자 이하, "_" 허용
        250105START_TEST_PUBLISH_FAILEDStart publish failed
        250106STOP_TEST_PUBLISH_FAILEDStop publish failed
        250107CDN_IS_NOT_RUNNINGThis channel's CDN is not runningこのチャンネルの CDNが動作しない
        250108CDN_NOT_SET_SECURE_TOKENCDN secure token cannot set
        250109CNANNEL_CANNOT_DELETE_DUE_TO_CDN_STATUSIf CDN status is creating or changing, channel cannot be deleted.CDN状態が作成中もしくは変更中の場合、チャンネルの削除はできない
        250110CHANNEL_CANNOT_CREATE_INSTANCECannot create channel, reason: {0}
        250111CHANNEL_CANNOT_CONFIGURE_NOTIFICATION_WRONG_NOTITYPEWrong notification typeNotificationのタイプが正しくない
        250112CHANNEL_CANNOT_CONFIGURE_NOTIFICATIONCannot configure Notification
        250113UNAVAILABLE_CHANNELIn order to return channel, CDN must be returned first.
        250114CHANNEL_CAN_DELETE_ONLY_READYChannel can be deleted only in 'READY' state.READY状態のチャンネルのみ返却可能
        250115CHANNEL_DID_NOT_SET_DVRThe channel didn't set DVRDVRが設定されていないチャンネル
        250116MISSING_QUALITYSET_IDThe request did not include the required "QualitySet"
        250118NEED_CDN_TYPEThe request did not include the required "CDN_TYPE"
        250119NEED_CDN_INSTANCE_NOThe cdnInstanceNo is needed when createCdn is false.
        250120WRONG_CDN_TYPEThe cdn type that you specified is not allowed: only "CDN_PLUS", "GCDN" is supported.- サポートしない CDNタイプ
        "CDN_PLUS", "GCDN" 만 지원
        250121WRONG_IMMEDIATE_ONA_IR_SETThe request channel did not set useDvr.
        250122WRONG_TIME_MACHINE_MIN_IN_SETThe timemachineMin should be 360.timemachineMinは360分にのみ設定可能
        250123NOT_FOUND_CHANNELIDThe specified channel Id does not exist.存在しないチャンネル ID
        250124NOT_FOUND_CDNThe request does not allowed: You can get url only cdn status is "RUNNING"
        250125NOT_FOUND_CHANNELThe request does not allowed: You can get url only channel status is "READY"
        250126INVALID_TARGET_PLATFORM_PROFESSIONALThe number of professional type can not exceed 5 : targetPlatform is allowed between 1 and 5
        250127INVALID_PLAN_TYPEThe plan type that you specified is not allowed.
        250128INVALID_TARGET_PLARFORM_STANDARDThe number of standard plan type can not exceed 3 : targetPlatform is allowed between 1 and 3
        250129INVALID_TARGET_INVALID_RTMP_URLThe input of rtmp url that you specified is not allowed
        250130INVALID_WRONG_TARGET_NAMEThe restream targetName value that you specified is not allowed : [STEAM, MIXER , TWITCH , YOUNOW , USTREAM , AFREECA_TV , NAVER_TV , V_LIVE, LINE_TV , PRISM, LIVESTATION, CUSTOM] ar e supported.
        250131INVALID_RESTREAM_CHANNEL_NAMEThe channel value that you specified is not allowed.
        250132CHANNEL_CAN_UPDATE_ONLY_READYChannel can be updated only in 'READY' state.
        250133WRONG_RECORD_START_REQUESTThe request channel did not set useDvr
        250134INVALID_RECORD_START_REQUESTThe request channel status is no "PUBLISHING"
        250135DUPICATE_RECORD_STARTThe request does not allowed : the recording has been start already
        250136INVALID_RECORD_STARTThe request does not allowed : the recording has been start already
        250137WRONG_RECORD_STOP_REQUESTThe request does not allowed : the recording status is not "TRUE"
        250138NEED_TIME_MACHINE_MINThe param timemacineMin is needed when useDvr is true.
        250139IMMEDIATE_ONAIR_SHOULD_FALSEThe param immediateOnair should be false when NO_RECORD set
        250140CREATE_CHANNEL_CDN_RUNNINGCdn status should be running when create channel.
        250141NOT_ONAIR_STATUSYou can get time machine url only recording status is TRUE.
        250142CHANNEL_NAME_NOT_NULLChannelName should not be null.
        250143MISSING_STREAM_KEYThe request did not include the required "stream key".
        250144CHANNEL_REACH_LIMITThe creation limit is set.
        You can no longer create {0}.
        Please contact customer support or your administrator to modify the limit.
        Generation limit: {1} / Number of generations: {2}
        250145CHANNEL_REACH_LIMIT_GBThe creation limit is set.
        You can no longer create {0}.
        Please contact customer support or your administrator to modify the limit.
        Generation limit: {1} / Number of generations: {2}
        250146DETAIL_REACH_LIMITThe creation limit is set.
        You can no longer create {0}.
        Please contact customer support or your administrator to modify the limit.
        Product Type : {1} / Generation limit: {2} / Number of generations: {3}
        250147DETAIL_REACH_LIMIT_GBThe creation limit is set.
        You can no longer create {0}.
        Please contact customer support or your administrator to modify the limit.
        Product Type : {1} / Generation limit: {2} / Number of generations: {3}
        250148LIMIT_SETThere is a restriction set on how many can be created. No more {0} can be created.
        250149DUPLICATE_CHANNEL_ONThere is a restriction set on how many can be created. No more {0} can be created.
        250150CHANNEL_CAN_NOT_OFFIt may be set as OFF only when the channel status is READY or PUBLISHING.
        250151RECORD_FILE_DETAIL_PATH_ERRORThe detail path can be at least 1 character, up to 20 characters and must start with '/'. (include English, /, -, _, numbers)
        250152VOD_CHANNEL_CAN_NOT_OFFIt may be set as OFF only when the channel status is RESERVED or PUBLISHING.
        250153QUALITYSET_NOT_ALLOWEDThe request qualitySet not allowed.
        250154VOD_CHANNEL_BAD_STATUS_FOR_SERVICE_URLQuality is not found.
        250155VOD_CHANNEL_UPDATE_IN_INVALID_STATUSQuality is not found.Channel setting can be update available only in READY, RESERVED.
        250200SCHEDULE_MAX_FILE_SIZEThe schedule vod files size limit is 50.
        250201SCHEDULE_INVALID_START_TIMEThe valid start time is bigger than now+10 minutes and less than now+14 days.
        250202VOD_FORMAT_NOT_VALIDThe request does not allowed : it allowed only MP4 format.
        250203SCHEDULE_VOD_DOWNLOAD_FAILEDDownload vod files failed.
        250204SCHEDULE_VOD_INVALID_FORMATUn-support vod file type.
        250205SCHEDULE_VOD_OVER_MAX_DURATIONThe total video duration over 24hours.
        250206SCHEDULE_NOT_FOUNDSchedule not found.
        250207SCHEDULE_EVENT_PROCESSINGschedule processing
        250208SCHEDULE_EVENT_PROCESSING_FAILschedule processing failed
        250209SCHEDULE_EVENT_CREATINGschedule creating
        250210SCHEDULE_INVALID_START_TIME_FORMATInvalid start time format, the valid format is yyyyMMddHHmmss.
        250211SCHEDULE_UPDATE_WITH_INVALID_CHANNEL_STATUSYou can update schedule when channel status is RESERVED.
        250212SCHEDULE_ALREADY_BIND_CHANNELYou can't create schedule for this channel, because a schedule has bind to the channel.
        250213SCHEDULE_CREATE_INVALID_CHANNEL_STATUSYou can create schedule when channel status is READY
        250214SCHEDULE_VOD_PATH_NOT_EXISTSInvalid vod file paths : {0}.
        250215SCHEDULE_UPDATE_NEED_ONE_OR_MORE_FIELDYou should request update one or more fields.
        250300QUALITY_NOT_FOUNDQuality is not found.
        250301QUALITYSET_ID_NOT_FOUNDThe qualitySetId that you specified not found.
        250302QUALITYSET_MUST_HAVE_ONLY_ONE_1080PQuality set must have only one 1080p quality.
        250303OPEN_API_SYSTEM_QUALITY_PROFILE_CANNOT_DELETEDelete system quality profile is not allowed.
        250304QUALITY_INVALID_USER_INFOInvalid user info.
        250305QUALITY_SET_FORBIDDEN_UPDATESystem resource cannot updateSystemリソースはアップデート不可
        250306RESOURCE_IN_USEResource is in use現在使用中のリソース
        250307INVALID_SEGMENT_DURATIONThe segment duration value that you specified is not allowd (exceeds valid limit or wrong type) : valid value is allowed integer value between 1000 and 10000 in 500 units is supported. (unit : milliseconds )
        250309OPEN_API_INVALID_SEGMENT_COUNTThe segment count value that you specified is not allowed (exceeds valid limit or wrong type): valid value is allowed integer between 2 and 10
        250311OPEN_API_SYSTEM_QUALITYSET_CANNOT_DELETEDelete system quality set is not allowed.Systemリソースの削除不可
        250312QS_NAME_RULEOnly Alphabets, Numbers and Hypen are allowed. The length must be between 3 and 20 characters.영문, 숫자, "-" 허용, 3자 이상 20자
        250313QUALITY_SIZE_RANGEquality size error (min:1, max:4)Qualityは少なくとも1個、最大4個まで設定可能
        250314QUALITY_VIDEO_NEED_CODECVideo codec must have a value
        250315QUALITY_VIDEO_NEED_CODEC_PROFILEVideo codec profile must have a value
        250316QUALITY_VIDEO_NEED_CODEC_PROFILE_LEVELVideo codec profile level must have a value
        250321Video bitrate must be greater than or equal to 1
        250322QUALITY_VIDEO_BITRATE_SMALLERVideo bitrate must be less than or equal to 20000000
        250323QUALITY_VIDEO_BFRAME_BIGGERVideo B frames must be greater than or equal to 0
        250324QUALITY_VIDEO_BFRAME_SMALLERVideo B frames must be less than or equal to 4
        250325QUALITY_AUDIO_NEED_CODECAudio codec must have a value
        250327QUALITY_AUDIO_NEED_SAMPLERATEAudio sampling rate must have a value
        250328QUALITY_AUDIO_NEED_CHANNELAudio channels must have a value
        250333QUALITY_AUDIO_PROFILE_AAC_ONLY{0} Profile only when AAC
        250334QUALITY_VIDEO_BFRAME_480PbFrames only 0 is available if resolution less than 409920(854*480)
        250335QUALITY_VIDEO_BFRAME_720PbFrames only 0,1,2 are available if resolution less than 921600 (1280*720)
        250336QUALITY_VIDEO_FRAMERATE_BIGGERVideo frame rate must be greater than or equal to 1Video frame rateは1以上に設定する
        250337QUALITY_VIDEO_FRAMERATE_SMALLERVideo frame rate be less than or equal to 60Video frame rateは60以下に設定する
        250341QUALITY_VIDEO_ONLY_BASELINE_PROFILEOnly profile 'BASELINE' available for resolution less than 921600 (1280*720)
        250342QUALITY_VIDEO_SIZE_EVEN_INTEGEROnly even integer are available for video width and height
        250343QUALITY_TICKTOK_INTERVALInterval must bigger than 0Intervalは必ず0より大きくなる
        250344QUALITY_TICKTOK_KEYMust input key
        250345QUALITY_TICKTOK_HEADERMust input header
        250348INVALID_CONTENT_TYPEThe request did not set content-type to "application/json"
        250351OPEN_API_INVALID_TIMEDMETA_INTERVALThe timedmeta that you specified is not allowed: only integer "1000" is supported.
        250353WRONG_AUDIO_CODECThe audio codec that you specified is not allowed: only "AAC", "MP3" audio codec is supported.
        250354WRONG_AUDIO_CODEC_PROFILEThe profile value of audio codec that you specified is not allowed: only profile LC is supported.
        250355WRONG_AAC_AUDIO_CHANNELThe audio channel value that you specified is not allowed: only audio channel value [0, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8] are supported
        250356WRONG_MP3_AUDIO_CHANNELThe audio channel value that you specified is not allowed: only audio channel value [0, 1, 2] are supported.
        250357WRONG_AUDIO_BITRATEThe audio bitrate value that you specified is not allowed(exceed valid limit or wrong type): valid value is allowed integer between 16 and 320.
        250358WRONG_AAC_AUDIO_SAMPLINGRATEThe audio sampling rate that you specified is not allowed: only audio sampling rate value AAC: [8000, 11025, 12000, 16000, 22050, 24000,32000, 44100, 48000, 64000,88200,96000] are supported.
        250359WRONG_MP3_AUDIO_SAMPLINGRATEThe audio sampling rate that you specified is not allowed: only audio sampling rate value MP3:[8000,11025, 12000,16000,22050,24000,32000,44100,48000] are supported.
        250360WRONG_VIDEO_CODECThe video codec that you specified is not allowed: only "H264" format is supported.
        250361WRONG_VIDEO_CODEC_PROFILEThe profile of video codec that you specified is not allowed: only profile value [BASELINE, MAIN, HIGH] are supported.
        250362WRONG_VIDEO_ORIENTATIONThe orientation of video that you specified is not allowed: only [FIX] is supported.
        250363WRONG_VIDEO_PROFILE_LEVELThe profile level of video that you specified is not allowed. only [0] is supported
        250364WRONG_PRESET_VIDEO_CODEC_REFERENCE_FRAMESThe reference frames of video that you specified is not allowed, only [1] is supported.
        250365WRONG_PRESET_VIDEO_BITRATEThe video  bitrate value that you specified is not allowed: video bitrate value is an integer greater than 0 
        250366WRONG_PRESET_VIDEO_WIDTHThe width of video that you specified is not allowed: only width [integer between 128 and 1920] are supported.
        250367WRONG_PRESET_VIDEO_HEIGHTThe height of video that you specified is not allowed: only height [integer between 96 and 1920] are supported.
        250368WRONG_PRESET_VIDEO_FRAMERATEThe frame rate of video that you specified is not allowed : only frame rate value [10, 15, 23.97, 24, 29.97, 30, 50, 60] are supported.
        250370WRONG_PRESET_VIDEO_RATE_CONTROLThe rate control of video that you specified is not allowed : only width [VBR, CBR] are supported.
        250372MISSING_OBJECT_VIDEOThe request did not include the required "video" object
        250373MISSING_OBJECT_AUDIOThe request did not include the required "audio " object
        250374SYSTEM_QUALITY_PROFILE_CANNOT_DELETEDelete system quality profile is not allowed.System quality profileは削除不可
        250375MISSING_TIMED_METADATAThe request did not include the required "timedMetadata" object.(if "enableHlsTimedMetadata": true, timedMetadata object should be included.)
        250376TIMEDMETADATA_KEY_INVALIDThe timedmeta that you specified of key is not allowed: only "utc" is supported.
        250377MISSING_ENABLE_HLS_TIMED_METAThe request did not include the required "enableHlsTimedMeta"
        250378MISSING_AUDIO_BITRATEThe request do not include the required "audio bitrate"
        250502RECORD_FILE_UPLOAD_ERRORRecord file upload errorレコーディングファイルをアップロード中にエラー発生
        250504RECORD_FILE_CANNOT_DELETECan not delete Record file: {0}レコーディングファイルの削除不可
        250505COULD_NOT_GET_OBJS_OAUTHCan't get objectStorage's access oAuthObject Storageにアクセスできる権限取得失敗
        250506RECORD_LIST_NEED_CHANNEL_IDChannelId param should not be null when get record list.レコーディングリストを照会する際にチャンネル IDのパラメータが必要
        250507RECORD_UPLOAD_WRONG_STATUSRecord status should be TRANSFER_READY or TRANSFER_FAIL when upload.レコーディングファイルがアップロードできる状態ではない
        250508NOT_APPLY_OBJECT_STORAGEObject storage do not apply.Object Storage未サブスクリプション
        250701INVALID_RECORDID_UPLOADThe record id that you request upload does not exist.
        250702NOT_FOUND_RECORDIDThe record id does not exist.
        250703INPUT_BUCKETNAMEThe input bucket name that you specified is not allowed.
        250704OUTPUT_BUCKETNAMEThe output bucket name that you specified is not allowed.
        250705BUCKET_NOT_FOUNDThe input bucket name doesn't exist.
        250706RECORD_FILE_NOT_FOUNDThe record file not found
        250707BUCKET_LOAD_ERRORCould not find object bucket.
        250156SNAPSHOT_CREATE_INVALID_CHANNEL_STATUSSnapshot can create only in RECORDING
        250157SNOASHOT_CREATE_NOT_ALLOWEDSnapshot can create since publishing minimum 1 second
        250158SNAPSHOT_CANNOT_CREATE_IN_DVR_FALSESnapshot can not create in dvr false.
        250159SNAPSHOT_NOT_FOUNDRequested snapshot not found.
        250160SHORT_CLIP_FILE_PATH_ERRORThe file path should be between 1 and 800 characters. It must begin with "/" and can include English letters, /, -, _, and numbers.
        250161SHORT_CLIP_INVALID_STARTInvalid start time, the minimum start is 0
        250162SHORT_CLIP_INVALID_ENDInvalid end time , the end time minus start time must bigger or equal to 100.
        250163SHORT_CLIP_UNSUPPORTEDThe request not allowed, you can create short clip when channel status READY or PUBLIHSING
        250164SHORT_CLIP_CREATINGThe short clip file {0} is being created. (Snapshot ID: {1})
        250165SHORT_CLIP_COMPLETEDThe short clip {0} file has been created. (Snapshot ID: {1})
        250166SHORT_CLIP_PROCESSING_FAILFailed to create short clip file {0}. (Snapshot ID: {1})
        250167SHORT_CLIP_UPLOAD_FAILFailed to upload short clip {0} file. (Snapshot ID: {1})
        250168SHORT_CLIP_NOT_FOUNDShort clip not found.
        250169SNAPSHOT_CREATEDSnapshot ID: {0} created.
        250170SNAPSHOT_CREATE_FAILEDSnapshot ID: {0} create failed.
        250171CHANNEL_SNAPSHOT_MISMATCHThe request not allowed,channel and snapshot info mismatch.
        250172SHORT_CLIP_START_TIME_TOO_BIGThe request start time too big.
        250173SHORT_CLIP_END_TIME_TOO_BIGThe request end time too big.
        250174SNAPSHOT_EXPIREDShort clip create not allowed: Snapshot expired.
        250400CONTENT_NOT_FOUNDContent not found.
        250401CURTAIN_INSERT_FAILEDLive curtain insert failed.
        250402CURTAIN_REMOVE_FAILEDLive curtain remove failed.
        250403HAS_INVALID_CONTENT_IDYour request not allowed: invalid content id.
        250404CURTAIN_INSERT_INVALID_STATUSYour request not allowed: invalid status.
        250405CURTAIN_CONTENT_HAS_DIFFERENT_RESOLUTIONYour request not allowed: the content you requested has different resolution.
        250406CURTAIN_REMOVE_WITH_INVALID_STATUSYour request not allowed: remove live curtain with invalid status.
        250407LIVE_CURTAIN_CONTENT_CREATINGCreating curtain content.
        250408LIVE_CURTAIN_CONTENT_READYReady curtain content.
        250409LIVE_CURTAIN_CONTENT_PROCESSING_FAILCurtain content process fail.
        250410LIVE_CURTAIN_CONTENT_DELETEDCurtain content deleted.
        250411CURTAIN_CONTENT_DOWNLOAD_FAILEDCurtain content download failed.
        250412CONTENT_FILE_NOT_FOUNDThe input content file not found: {0}.
        250413CONTENT_FILE_SIZE_TOO_BIGThe input content file size is too big,The supported max size is 100MB.
        250414CONTENT_FILE_UNSUPPORTEDThe input content file type unsupported.
        250415CONTENT_FILE_LIMIT_TO_ONE_IMG_AND_AUDIOOnly one image,one audio supported if contains both image and audio.
        250416CONTENT_CREATE_INVALID_FORMATThe request not allowed: valid format is img or img + audio or video1,video2...videoN.
        250417CONTENT_VIDEO_FILE_LENGTH_LIMITYour request not allowed: the video input count limit is 10.
        250418CONTENT_IMAGE_FILE_LENGTH_LIMITYour request not allowed: the image input count limit is 1.
        250419CURTAIN_INSERT_TIME_OUT_OF_RANGEThe insert time unsupported, allowed value is 1-10.
        250420LIVE_CURTAIN_REQUEST_NOT_ALLOWEDLive curtain feature only support general channel and quality setting that doesn’t include bypass, audio only quality profile.
        250421CONTENT_DELETE_NOT_ALLOWEDThe content can't be deleted during CREATING.
        250422LIVE_CURTAIN_STARTED_ALREADYLive curtain has started already.
        250423CONTENT_IN_USINGYour request not allowed, content is in using.


        Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
        First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
        Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
        Enter a valid email
        Enter a valid password
        Your profile has been successfully updated.