

        기사 요약


        서버 인스턴스(VM)를 시작합니다.


        요청 파라미터

        파라미터명필수 여부타입제약 사항설명
        serverInstanceNoList.NYesList<String>중복 불가- 시작할 서버 인스턴스 번호 리스트
        운행중 상태의 서버는 적용 불가
        serverInstanceNo는 getServerInstanceList 액션을 통해 획득 가능
        ex) serverInstanceNoList.1=937507&serverInstanceNoList.2=1021003


        응답 바디


        요청 예시

        GET {SERVER_API_URL}/startServerInstances

        응답 예시

                <codeName>Linux 32 Bit</codeName>
                <codeName>Server normal stopped state</codeName>
                <codeName>Server START OP</codeName>
                <zoneDescription>평촌 zone</zoneDescription>
                <codeName>Network Storage</codeName>
                  <accessControlGroupDescription>Default AccessControlGroup</accessControlGroupDescription>

        오류 코드

        아래 오류 코드는 이 액션(Action)에서 특징적으로 발생하는 오류입니다. 공통적으로 발생하는 오류에 대한 상세한 설명은 NAVER Cloud Platform API를 참고해주세요

        HTTP Response Code리턴 코드리턴 메시지
        40022001{1} among {0} servers failed for operation. The problem is being handled. Please hold for a moment.
        40024109The input parameter instance number is invalid
        40024120The input parameter server instance number is invalid.
        40025014Unable to control the server since (other) user is currently operating storage allocated to the server.
        40025041Unable to perform operation command since (other) user is either manipulating the target server or a problem in target server. Please confirm server status once again.
        40028001Unable to perform start command since target server is currently in operation. Please confirm the server status.

        이 문서가 도움이 되었습니까?

        Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
        First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
        Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
        Enter a valid email
        Enter a valid password
        Your profile has been successfully updated.