

        Article summary

        Available in VPC

        This is a block storage instance.


        The syntax is as follows.

        private String blockStorageInstanceNo;
        private String serverInstanceNo;
        private String blockStorageName;
        private CommonCode blockStorageType;
        private Long blockStorageSize;
        private String deviceName;
        private String blockStorageProductCode;
        private CommonCode blockStorageInstanceStatus;
        private CommonCode blockStorageInstanceOperation;
        private String blockStorageInstanceStatusName;
        private Date createDate;
        private String blockStorageDescription;
        private CommonCode blockStorageDiskType;
        private CommonCode blockStorageDiskDetailType;
        private Integer maxIopsThroughput;
        private Boolean isEncryptedVolume;
        private String zoneCode;
        private String regionCode;
        private Boolean isReturnProtection;
        private CommonCode blockStorageVolumeType;
        private CommonCode hypervisorType;
        private Long throughput;
        private Long iops;
        private Long blockStorageSnapshotInstanceNo;


        The following describes the fields.

        blockStorageInstanceNoStringRequiredBlock storage instance number
        • NAVER Cloud Platform's identifier to identify block storage instance number
        serverInstanceNoStringOptionalServer instance number in which the block storage is assigned
        blockStorageNameStringRequiredBlock storage name
        blockStorageTypeCommonCodeRequiredBlock storage type
        • BASIC | SVRBS
          • BASIC: basic block storage
          • SVRBS: block storage added to the server
        blockStorageSizeLongRequiredBlock storage size (byte)
        deviceNameStringOptionalDevice name on the assigned server instance
        • <Example> /dev/xvda, /dev/xvdb
        blockStorageProductCodeStringRequiredBlock storage product code
        • Product code corresponding to the block storage managed by NAVER Cloud Platform
        blockStorageInstanceStatusCommonCodeRequiredBlock storage instance status
        • INIT | CREAT | ATTAC
          • INIT: initiated
          • CREAT: created
          • ATTAC: attached
        blockStorageInstanceOperationCommonCodeRequiredBlock storage instance operation status
        • ATTAC | CREAT | NULL
          • ATTAC: attach
          • CREAT: create
          • NULL: no operation
        blockStorageInstanceStatusNameStringRequiredBlock storage instance status name
        • Pass the current block storage instance status name by combining the block storage instance status with the block storage instance operation status
        createDateDateRequiredCreation date and time (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ)
        blockStorageDescriptionStringOptionalBlock storage description
        blockStorageDiskTypeCommonCodeRequiredBlock storage disk type
        • NET
          • NET : network disk
        blockStorageDiskDetailTypeCommonCodeRequiredDetailed type of block storage disk
        • HDD | SSD
        maxIopsThroughputIntegerOptionalMaximum IOPS
        • Meaningful values are assigned only for SSDs
        isEncryptedVolumeBooleanRequiredVolume encryption status
        • true | false
        zoneCodeStringRequiredZone code where the block storage is located
        regionCodeStringRequiredRegion code where block storage is located
        isReturnProtectionBooleanRequiredTermination protection status
        • true | false
        blockStorageVolumeTypeCommonCodeRequiredBlock storage volume type
        hypervisorTypeCommonCodeRequiredHypervisor type
        throughputLongOptionalBlock storage throughput
        iopsLongOptionalBlock storage IOPS
        blockStorageSnapshotInstanceNoLongOptionalBlock storage snapshot instance number

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