- APIの概要
- APIの概要
- APIの呼び出しと認証
- APIデータタイプ
- Platform
- Account
- AppliedCreditHistory
- AppliedProductDiscountHistory
- Coin
- CoinHistory
- CoinHistoryList
- CoinUseHistory
- Contract
- ContractList
- ContractDemandCost
- ContractDemandCostList
- ContractProduct
- ContractSummary
- ContractSummaryList
- ContractUsageList
- ContractUsageByDaily
- ContractUsageListByDaily
- CostRelationCode
- CostRelationCodeList
- CountryPeriodUnit
- CountryUnit
- Credit
- CreditHistory
- CreditHistoryList
- CreditUseHistory
- DemandCost
- DemandCostList
- Discount
- DiscountList
- PackageUnit
- PeriodUnit
- Price
- PriceList
- Product(For Billing)
- ProductList(For Billing)
- ProductCategoryList
- ProductDemandCost
- ProductDemandCostList
- ProductDemandCostByDiscount
- ProductDemandCostByDiscountList
- ProductDemandType
- ProductDiscount
- ProductDiscountHistory
- ProductDiscountHistoryList
- ProductDiscountUseHistory
- ProductPrice
- ProductPriceList
- Region(For Billing)
- RegionList(For Billing)
- SectionPrice
- SectionPriceList
- ShareCoinSnapshot
- Usage
- UseDate
- Compute
- AccessControlGroup
- AccessControlGroupList
- AccessControlGroupNoList
- AccessControlGroupRule
- AccessControlGroupRuleList
- ActivityLog
- ActivityLogList
- CommonCode
- CommonResponse
- AdjustmentType
- AdjustmentTypeList
- FlowLogConfiguration
- FlowLogConfigurationList
- HypervisorTypeList
- InAutoScalingGroupServerInstance
- InitScript
- InitScriptList
- KeyName
- LaunchConfiguration
- LaunchConfigurationList
- LoginKey
- LoginKeyList
- MemberServerImage
- MemberServerImageInstance
- MemberServerImageInstanceList
- NetworkInterface
- NetworkInterfaceList
- NetworkInterfaceNoList
- PlacementGroup
- PlacementGroupList
- PrivateKey
- Process
- ProcessList
- Product
- ProductList
- ProtocolType
- PublicIpInstance
- PublicIpInstanceList
- Raid
- RaidList
- Region
- RegionList
- RootPassword
- RootPasswordServerInstance
- RootPasswordServerInstanceList
- AutoScalingGroup
- ScalingPolicy
- ScalingPolicyList
- ScheduledUpdateGroupAction
- ScheduledUpdateGroupActionList
- SecondaryIpList
- ServerImage
- AutoScalingGroupList
- ServerImageList
- ServerInstance
- ServerInstanceList
- ServerInstanceNoList
- ServerSpec
- ServerSpecList
- SharedLoginIdList
- ServerImage
- BlockDevicePartition
- BlockStorageInstance
- Zone
- ZoneList
- BlockStorageInstanceList
- BlockStorageMapping
- BlockStorageSnapshotInstance
- BlockStorageSnapshotInstanceList
- BlockStorageVolumeType
- BlockStorageVolumeTypeList
- Storage
- Networking
- HostHeaderCondition
- HostHeaderList
- IDResponse
- IpList
- LoadBalancerInstance
- LoadBalancerInstanceList
- LoadBalancerIpList
- LoadBalancerListener
- loadBalancerListenerCertificate
- LoadBalancerListenerNoList
- LoadBalancerRule
- loadBalancerListenerCertificateList
- LoadBalancerListenerList
- LoadBalancerRuleAction
- LoadBalancerRuleNoList
- LoadBalancerSubnet
- LoadBalancerRuleCondition
- LoadBalancerRuleList
- NatGatewayInstance
- NatGatewayInstanceList
- NetworkAcl
- NetworkAclDenyAllowGroup
- NetworkAclRule
- NetworkAclDenyAllowGroupList
- NetworkAclList
- NetworkAclRuleList
- PathPatternCondition
- PathPatternList
- PolicyDetailResponse
- PolicyListResponse
- PolicyRequest
- ProfileDetailResponse
- ProfileListResponse
- ProfileRequest
- RedirectionAction
- Route
- RouteList
- RouteTable
- RouteTableList
- Subnet
- SubnetList
- SubnetNoList
- Target
- TargetGroup
- TargetNoList
- TargetSubnet
- TargetGroupAction
- TargetGroupNoList
- TargetGroupWeight
- TargetGroupList
- TargetList
- TargetSubnetList
- TargetVpc
- TargetVpcList
- Vpc
- VpcList
- VpcPeeringInstance
- VpcPeeringInstanceList
- CipherSuiteList
- Database
- CloudDbProduct
- CloudDbProductList
- Cloud DB for MySQL
- CloudMysqlBackup
- CloudMysqlBackupList
- CloudMysqlBackupDetail
- CloudMysqlBackupDetailList
- CloudMysqlConfigList
- CloudMysqlDatabase
- CloudMysqlDatabaseList
- CloudMysqlDbServerLog
- CloudMysqlDbServerLogList
- CloudMysqlEventHistory
- CloudMysqlEventHistoryList
- CloudMysqlInstance
- CloudMysqlInstanceList
- CloudMysqlInstanceForHiveMetaStore
- CloudMysqlInstanceListForHiveMetaStore
- CloudMysqlRecoveryTime
- CloudMysqlServerInstance
- CloudMysqlUser
- CloudMysqlUserList
- CloudMysqlUserForHiveMetaStore
- CloudMysqlUserListForHiveMetaStore
- Cloud DB for Redis
- CloudRedisBackup
- CloudRedisBackupList
- CloudRedisBackupDetail
- CloudRedisBackupDetailList
- CloudRedisBucket
- CloudRedisBucketList
- CloudRedisConfigGroup
- CloudRedisConfigGroupList
- CloudRedisConfigGroupVersion
- CloudRedisConfigGroupVersionList
- CloudRedisInstance
- CloudRedisInstanceList
- CloudRedisServerInstance
- Cloud DB for MSSQL
- CloudMssqlBucket
- CloudMssqlCharcterSetList
- CloudMssqlBackupDetail
- CloudMssqlCharacterSet
- CloudMssqlConfigGroup
- CloudMssqlConfigGroupList
- CloudMssqlFolder
- CloudMssqlFolderList
- CloudMssqlInstance
- CloudMssqlInstanceList
- CloudMssqlLogFile
- CloudMssqlLogFileList
- CloudMssqlServerInstance
- CloudMssqlBackup
- CloudMssqlLogBackupFile
- CloudMssqlLogBackupFileList
- CloudMssqlBackupDetail
- CloudMssqlBackupDetailList
- CloudMssqlBackupList
- Cloud DB for MongoDB
- Cloud DB for PostgreSQL
- CloudPostgresqlBackup
- CloudPostgresqlBackupList
- CloudPostgresqlBackupDetail
- CloudPostgresqlBackupDetailList
- CloudPostgresqlBucket
- CloudPostgresqlBucketList
- CloudPostgresqlConfigList
- CloudPostgresqlDatabase
- CloudPostgresqlDatabaseList
- CloudPostgresqlDbServerLog
- CloudPostgresqlDbServerLogList
- CloudPostgresqlInstance
- CloudPostgresqlInstanceList
- CloudPostgresqlServerInstance
- CloudPostgresqlUser
- CloudPostgresqlUserList
- Application Services
- GeoLocation
- Cloud Outbound Mailer
- AddressBookRequest
- AddressBookResponse
- CountByStatus
- EmailRecipientType
- EmailReservationStatus
- EmailStatus
- GeoLocation
- HistoryActionType
- NesDateTime
- AttachFile
- Recipient
- RecipientForRequest
- RecipientGroupFilter
- RequesterType
- RequestListResponse
- Sort
- SendBlockHistoryResponse
- TemplateBackupStatus
- TemplateExportRequestResponse
- TemplateStructureResponse
- UnsubscribersListResponse
- Category
- GeolocationList
- Big Data & Analytics
- Cloud Hadoop (VPC)
- CloudHadoopAddOn
- CloudHadoopAddOnList
- CloudHadoopBucket
- CloudHadoopBucketList
- CloudHadoopClusterType
- CloudHadoopClusterTypeList
- CloudHadoopInstance
- CloudHadoopInstanceList
- CloudHadoopLoginKey
- CloudHadoopLoginKeyList
- CloudHadoopNotebookBucket
- CloudHadoopNotebookBucketList
- CloudHadoopNotebookComponent
- CloudHadoopNotebookComponentList
- CloudHadoopNotebookInstance
- CloudHadoopNotebookInstanceList
- CloudHadoopNotebookServerInstance
- CloudHadoopNotebookVersion
- CloudHadoopObject
- CloudHadoopObjectList
- CloudHadoopServerInstance
- CloudHadoopVersion
- Data Forest
- AccountResponse
- CreateAppRequest
- DependableApp
- AiAppDocker
- GetAccountDetailResponse
- GetAccountListResponse
- GetAiAppDetailResponse
- GetAiAppListResponse
- GetAiWorkspaceConfigurationListResponse
- GetAiWorkspaceDetailResponse
- GetAiWorkspaceListResponse
- AiAppData
- GetAppBasicSettingResponse
- GetAppDetailResponse
- GetAppListResponse
- AiAppDocker
- AiAppResource
- AiAppResponse
- AiAppTypeSpec
- AiWorkspaceConfig
- AiWorkspaceResponse
- AppComponentRequest
- AppComponentResponse
- AppContainerResponse
- AppResponse
- QuotaResponse
- SubmitAiAppResponse
- Cloud Hadoop (VPC)
- Platform
- Classic
- Platform
- Account
- AppliedCreditHistory
- AppliedProductDiscountHistory
- Coin
- CoinHistory
- CoinHistoryList
- CoinUseHistory
- Contract
- ContractList
- ContractDemandCost
- ContractDemandCostList
- ContractProduct
- ContractSummary
- ContractSummaryList
- ContractUsageList
- ContractUsageByDaily
- ContractUsageListByDaily
- CostRelationCode
- CostRelationCodeList
- CountryPeriodUnit
- CountryUnit
- Credit
- CreditHistory
- CreditHistoryList
- CreditUseHistory
- DemandCost
- DemandCostList
- Discount
- DiscountList
- PackageUnit
- PeriodUnit
- Price
- PriceList
- Product(For Billing)
- ProductList(For Billing)
- ProductCategoryList
- ProductDemandCost
- ProductDemandCostList
- ProductDemandCostByDiscount
- ProductDemandCostByDiscountList
- ProductDemandType
- ProductDiscount
- ProductDiscountHistory
- ProductDiscountHistoryList
- ProductDiscountUseHistory
- ProductPrice
- ProductPriceList
- Region(For Billing)
- RegionList(For Billing)
- SectionPrice
- SectionPriceList
- ShareCoinSnapshot
- Usage
- UseDate
- Compute
- AccessControlGroup
- AccessControlGroupList
- AccessControlRule
- AccessControlRuleList
- ActivityLog
- ActivityLogList
- CollectingInfo
- CollectingInfoList
- CommonCode
- CommonResponse
- ConfigurationLog
- ConfigurationLogList
- InAutoScalingGroupServerInstance
- InitScript
- InitScriptList
- InstanceTag
- InstanceTagList
- LaunchConfiguration
- LaunchConfigurationList
- LoginKey
- LoginKeyList
- MemberServerImage
- MemberServerImageList
- PortForwardingConfiguration
- PortForwardingConfigurationList
- PortForwardingRule
- PortForwardingRuleList
- PrivateKey
- Process
- ProcessList
- Product
- AsgPolicy
- ProductList
- PublicIpInstance
- PublicIpInstanceList
- Raid
- RaidList
- Region
- RegionList
- RootPassword
- AutoScalingGroup
- RootPasswordServerInstance
- RootPasswordServerInstanceList
- ScalingPolicy
- ScalingPolicyList
- ScheduledUpdateGroupAction
- ScheduledUpdateGroupActionList
- AutoScalingGroupList
- ServerInstance
- ServerInstanceList
- ServerInstanceNoList
- SharedLoginIdList
- BlockDevicePartition
- SuspendedProcess
- BlockStorageInstance
- Zone
- ZoneList
- BlockStorageInstanceList
- BlockStorageSnapshotInstance
- BlockStorageSnapshotInstanceList
- Storage
- Networking
- DomainCreateRequest
- DomainDetailResponse
- DomainListResponse
- DomainQueryResponse
- DomainResponse
- DomainUsage
- LbRecordResponse
- LoadBalancedServerInstance
- LoadBalancerInstance
- LoadBalancerInstanceList
- LoadBalancerInstanceSummary
- LoadBalancerRule
- RecordCreateRequest
- RecordResponse
- RecordUpdateRequest
- ServerHealthCheckStatus
- SslCertificate
- SslCertificateList
- Application Services
- GeoLocation
- Cloud Outbound Mailer
- AddressBookRequest
- AddressBookResponse
- AttachFile
- Category
- CountByStatus
- EmailRecipientType
- EmailReservationStatus
- EmailStatus
- HistoryActionType
- MailListResponse
- NesDateTime
- Recipient
- RecipientForRequest
- RecipientGroupFilter
- RequesterType
- RequestListResponse
- SendBlockHistoryResponse
- TemplateBackupStatus
- TemplateExportRequestResponse
- TemplateStructureResponse
- UnsubscribersListResponse
- Category
- Big Data & Analytics
- Container
- AggregatedResult
- DocProperty
- AggregateSchema
- GroupBySchema
- Index
- IndexProcessor
- QueryAnalysisField
- AutocompleteSearchQuery
- AutocompleteSearchSchema
- Schema
- SearchAggregate
- SearchHighlighting
- SearchPassage
- SearchQuery
- SearchResultProcessing
- SearchScope
- SearchSetting
- Section
- UserDbUpload
- BuildInfo
- Management & Governance
- CreateOrUpdateMetricsGrpDto
- CreateOrUpdateMetricsGrpDto
- DataQueryRequest
- DataQueryRequestMetricInfo
- DeleteRuleGroupItemDto
- DimensionDto
- DimensionsSelected
- DirectRuleGroupCreateDto
- EventSearchRequest
- EventSearchRequestById
- FieldDto
- FieldDto
- MetricsGroupItem
- MonitorGroupItem
- MonitorGrpDto
- MonitorGrpDto
- PersonalRecipientNotification
- PMCreateUpdateDto
- RecipientNotification
- RuleGroupItemDto
- TypeGroupRelatedRuleDto
- WidgetMetricInfoDto
- ChartDataWidgetDto
- Platform
- Platform
- Compute
- Server (VPC)
- Server(VPC) の概要
- Server
- Login Key
- Placement Group
- getServerInstanceList
- getServerInstanceDetail
- createServerInstances
- startServerInstances
- stopServerInstances
- rebootServerInstances
- terminateServerInstances
- changeServerInstanceSpec
- getRootPassword
- getRootPasswordServerInstanceList
- setProtectServerTermination
- interruptServerInstance
- Server Image
- removeServerImageSharingPermission
- addServerImageSharingPermission
- getServerImageList
- getServerImageDetail
- createServerImageFromSnapshot
- createServerImage
- deleteServerImage
- getMemberServerImageInstanceList
- getMemberServerImageInstanceDetail
- createMemberServerImageInstance
- deleteMemberServerImageInstances
- setMemberServerImageSharingPermission
- addMemberServerImageSharingPermission
- removeMemberServerImageSharingPermission
- Storage
- Snapshot
- Public IP
- Init Script
- Network Interface
- getNetworkInterfaceList
- unassignSecondaryIps
- assignSecondaryIps
- getNetworkInterfaceDetail
- createNetworkInterface
- deleteNetworkInterface
- attachNetworkInterface
- detachNetworkInterface
- addNetworkInterfaceAccessControlGroup
- removeNetworkInterfaceAccessControlGroup
- enableFlowLog
- disableFlowLog
- getFlowLogConfigurationList
- Common
- Server (VPC)指標
- Server
- Server概要
- getServerProductList
- getServerImageProductList
- getRaidList
- getZoneList
- getRegionList
- getInitScriptList
- getLoginKeyList
- createLoginKey
- deleteLoginKey
- importLoginKey
- getAccessControlGroupList
- getAccessControlGroupServerInstanceList
- getAccessControlRuleList
- getServerInstanceList
- createServerInstances
- recreateServerInstance
- terminateServerInstances
- changeServerInstanceSpec
- rebootServerInstances
- startServerInstances
- stopServerInstances
- getRootPassword
- getRootPasswordServerInstanceList
- getMemberServerImageList
- createMemberServerImage
- deleteMemberServerImages
- getBlockStorageInstanceList
- createBlockStorageInstance
- deleteBlockStorageInstances
- changeBlockStorageVolumeSize
- attachBlockStorageInstance
- detachBlockStorageInstances
- createBlockStorageSnapshotInstance
- deleteBlockStorageSnapshotInstances
- getBlockStorageSnapshotInstanceList
- getPublicIpTargetServerInstanceList
- createPublicIpInstance
- associatePublicIpWithServerInstance
- disassociatePublicIpFromServerInstance
- deletePublicIpInstances
- getPortForwardingRuleList
- getPublicIpInstanceList
- deletePortForwardingRules
- createInstanceTags
- deleteInstanceTags
- getInstanceTagList
- addPortForwardingRules
- getPortForwardingConfigurationList
- setMemberServerImageSharingPermission
- addMemberServerImageSharingPermission
- removeMemberServerImageSharingPermission
- setProtectServerTermination
- interruptServerInstance
- Server指標
- Auto Scaling (VPC)
- Auto Scaling概要
- Launch Configuration
- Auto Scaling Group
- getAutoScalingGroupList
- getAutoScalingGroupDetail
- createAutoScalingGroup
- updateAutoScalingGroup
- deleteAutoScalingGroup
- setDesiredCapacity
- getScheduledActionList
- putScheduledUpdateGroupAction
- deleteScheduledUpdateGroupAction
- getScalingProcessTypeList
- suspendProcesses
- resumeProcesses
- getAutoScalingActivityLogList
- getAutoScalingPolicyList
- getAdjustmentTypeList
- putScalingPolicy
- deleteScalingPolicy
- executePolicy
- Auto Scaling (VPC)指標
- Auto Scaling
- Auto Scaling概要
- setServerInstanceHealth
- putScheduledUpdateGroupAction
- updateAutoScalingGroup
- resumeProcesses
- executePolicy
- deletePolicy
- deleteScheduledAction
- getLaunchConfigurationList
- terminateServerInstanceInAutoScalingGroup
- getAutoScalingGroupList
- deleteAutoScalingLaunchConfiguration
- getScheduledActionList
- putScalingPolicy
- getAutoScalingActivityLogList
- createLaunchConfiguration
- getScalingProcessTypeList
- suspendProcesses
- getAutoScalingConfigurationLogList
- getAdjustmentTypeList
- createAutoScalingGroup
- getAutoScalingPolicyList
- deleteAutoScalingGroup
- setDesiredCapacity
- Auto Scaling指標
- Cloud Functions
- Cloud Functions の概要
- v2.1
- Get Package List
- Get Package
- Put Package
- Delete Package
- Get Action List
- Get Action
- Put Action
- Post Action
- Delete Action
- Get Action's Activation List
- Get Action's Activation Detail
- Get Trigger List
- Get Trigger
- Put Trigger
- Post Trigger
- Delete Trigger
- Post Trigger Link Action
- Delete Trigger Link Action
- Get Trigger's Activation List
- Get Trigger's Activation Detail
- Get Activation List
- v2.0
- Get Package List
- Get Package
- Put Package
- Delete Package
- Get Action List
- Get Action
- Put Action
- Post Action
- Delete Action
- Get Action's Activation List
- Get Action's Activation Detail
- Get Trigger List
- Get Trigger
- Put Trigger
- Post Trigger
- Delete Trigger
- Post Trigger Link Action
- Delete Trigger Link Action
- Get Trigger's Activation List
- Get Trigger's Activation Detail
- Get Activation List
- Metadata (VPC)
- Server (VPC)
- Containers
- Container Registry
- Ncloud Kubernetes Service (VPC)
- Ncloud Kubernetes Serviceの概要
- Clusterリストの照会
- Clusterの照会
- Clusterの作成
- Clusterのバージョンアップグレード
- Cluster Audit Logの設定
- Cluster Subnetの追加
- Cluster OIDCの設定
- Cluster OIDCの照会
- Cluster IPアドレス ACLの設定
- Cluster IPアドレス ACLの照会
- Cluster LB Subnetの変更
- Cluster返却保護の設定
- Clusterシークレット暗号化設定
- Cluster認証モードの設定
- Cluster IAMアクセスリストの照会
- Cluster IAMアクセスの照会
- Cluster IAMアクセスの作成
- Cluster IAMアクセスの更新
- Cluster IAMアクセスの削除
- Clusterの削除
- WorkerNodeの照会
- WorkerNodeの削除
- NodePoolの照会
- NodePoolの作成
- NodePoolの変更
- NodePool Subnetの変更
- NodePool Labelの変更
- NodePool Taintの変更
- NodePoolのアップグレード
- NodePoolの削除
- Kubeconfigの照会
- Kubeconfigの再設定
- k8sサポートバージョンの照会
- サーバイメージの照会
- サーバスペックの照会
- Ncloud Kubernetes Service (VPC)指標
- Storage
- Object Storage
- Object Storageの概要
- ListBuckets
- PutBucket
- ListObjects
- ListObjectsV2
- HeadBucket
- DeleteBucket
- PutBucketACL
- GetBucketACL
- PutBucketCORS
- GetBucketCORS
- DeleteBucketCORS
- ListMultipartUploads
- PutObject
- PutObject (Copy)
- GetObject
- HeadObject
- DeleteObject
- DeleteMultipleObjects
- PutObjectACL
- GetObjectACL
- OptionsObjectCORS
- InitiateMultipartUpload
- UploadPart
- ListParts
- CompleteMultipartUpload
- AbortMultipartUpload
- Object Storage指標
- Archive Storage
- Object Storage
- Networking
- VPC 概要
- VPC Management
- Subnet Management
- Network ACL
- getNetworkAclList
- getNetworkAclDetail
- createNetworkAcl
- deleteNetworkAcl
- setSubnetNetworkAcl
- getNetworkAclRuleList
- addNetworkAclInboundRule
- addNetworkAclOutboundRule
- removeNetworkAclInboundRule
- removeNetworkAclOutboundRule
- setNetworkAclDescription
- getNetworkAclDenyAllowGroupList
- getNetworkAclDenyAllowGroupDetail
- createNetworkAclDenyAllowGroup
- deleteNetworkAclDenyAllowGroup
- setNetworkAclDenyAllowGroupIpList
- setNetworkAclDenyAllowGroupDescription
- NAT Gateway
- VPC Peering
- Route Table
- Load Balancer (VPC)
- Load Balancer 概要
- Load Balancer
- createLoadBalancerInstance
- changeLoadBalancerInstanceConfiguration
- setLoadBalancerDescription
- setLoadBalancerInstanceSubnet
- deleteLoadBalancerInstances
- getLoadBalancerInstanceDetail
- getLoadBalancerInstanceList
- createLoadBalancerListener
- changeLoadBalancerListenerConfiguration
- deleteLoadBalancerListeners
- getLoadBalancerListenerList
- getLoadBalancerRuleList
- addLoadBalancerListenerCertificate
- removeLoadBalancerListenerCertificate
- getLoadBalancerListenerCertificateList
- Target Group
- Load Balancer指標
- Load Balancer
- Load Balancer 概要
- createLoadBalancerInstance
- changeLoadBalancerInstanceConfiguration
- changeLoadBalancedServerInstances
- deleteLoadBalancerInstances
- getLoadBalancerInstanceList
- getLoadBalancedServerInstanceList
- getLoadBalancerTargetServerInstanceList
- addLoadBalancerSslCertificate
- deleteLoadBalancerSslCertificate
- getLoadBalancerSslCertificateList
- Load Balancer指標
- Global DNS
- Global Traffic Manager
- Profile
- Policy
- Policy の概要
- Traffic Policyの作成
- Traffic Policyの変更
- Traffic Policyの削除
- Traffic Policyの照会
- Traffic Policyの詳細照会
- Traffic Policy Resourceの詳細照会
- Traffic Policy Resourceの変更
- Traffic Policyの特定の Resourceの変更
- Traffic Policy Health Checkの変更
- Traffic Policy Health Checkの削除
- Traffic Policy Resourceタイプの照会
- Traffic Policy Health Check Regionの照会
- Traffic Policy Load Balancerタイプの照会
- Geo / CIDR Map
- Monitoring
- Database
- Cloud DB
- CloudDB概要
- createCloudDBInstance
- deleteCloudDBServerInstance
- getCloudDBInstanceList
- getCloudDBConfigGroupList
- getCloudDBImageProductList
- getCloudDBProductList
- rebootCloudDBServerInstance
- flushCloudDBInstance
- setObjectStorageInfo
- downloadDmsFile
- uploadDmsFile
- getObjectStorageBackupList
- getBackupList
- restoreDmsDatabase
- restoreDmsTransactionLog
- getDmsOperation
- getCloudDBBackupDetailList
- exportBackupToObjectStorage
- getDbServerLogList
- exportDbServerLogToObjectStorage
- Cloud DB for Redis指標
- Cloud DB for PostgreSQL (VPC)
- Cloud DB for PostgreSQL (on VPC) の概要
- addCloudPostgresqlDatabaseList
- addCloudPostgresqlUserList
- changeCloudPostgresqlUserList
- createCloudPostgresqlInstance
- createCloudPostgresqlReadReplicaInstance
- deleteCloudPostgresqlDatabaseList
- deleteCloudPostgresqlInstance
- deleteCloudPostgresqlReadReplicaInstance
- deleteCloudPostgresqlUserList
- exportBackupToObjectStorage
- exportDbServerLogToObjectStorage
- getCloudPostgresqlBackupDetailList
- getCloudPostgresqlBackupList
- getCloudPostgresqlBucketList
- getCloudPostgresqlDatabaseList
- getCloudPostgresqlImageProductList
- getCloudPostgresqlInstanceDetail
- getCloudPostgresqlInstanceList
- getCloudPostgresqlProductList
- getCloudPostgreSqlTargetSubnetList
- getCloudPostgresqlTargetVpcList
- getCloudPostgresqlUserList
- getDbServerLogList
- rebootCloudPostgresqlServerInstance
- Cloud DB for PostgreSQL (VPC)指標
- Cloud DB for MySQL (VPC)
- Cloud DB for MySQL (VPC)の概要
- addCloudMysqlDatabaseList
- addCloudMysqlUserList
- changeCloudMysqlServerSpec
- changeCloudMysqlUserList
- createCloudMysqlInstance
- createCloudMysqlRecoveryInstance
- createCloudMysqlSlaveInstance
- deleteCloudMysqlDatabaseList
- deleteCloudMysqlInstance
- deleteCloudMysqlServerInstance
- deleteCloudMysqlUserList
- exportBackupToObjectStorage
- exportDbServerLogToObjectStorage
- getCloudMysqlBackupDetailList
- getCloudMysqlBackupList
- getCloudMysqlDatabaseList
- getCloudMysqlEventHistoryList
- getCloudMysqlImageProductList
- getCloudMysqlInstanceDetail
- getCloudMysqlInstanceList
- getCloudMysqlProductList
- getCloudMysqlRecoveryTime
- getCloudMysqlTargetSubnetList
- getCloudMysqlTargetVpcList
- getCloudMysqlUserList
- getDbServerLogList
- rebootCloudMysqlServerInstance
- Cloud DB for MySQL (VPC)指標
- Cloud DB for Redis (VPC)
- Cloud DB for Redis 概要
- createCloudRedisConfigGroup
- createCloudRedisInstance
- deleteCloudRedisConfigGroup
- deleteCloudRedisInstance
- getCloudRedisBackupDetailList
- getCloudRedisBackupList
- getCloudRedisConfigGroupList
- getCloudRedisImageProductList
- getCloudRedisInstanceDetail
- getCloudRedisInstanceList
- getCloudRedisProductList
- getCloudRedisManualBackupList
- flushAllCloudRedisServerInstance
- createCloudRedisManualBackup
- deleteCloudRedisManualBackup
- getCloudRedisConfigGroupVersionList
- getCloudRedisTargetSubnetList
- getCloudRedisTargetVpcList
- exportBackupToObjectStorage
- getCloudRedisBucketList
- rebootCloudRedisServerInstance
- getCloudRedisManualBackupDetailList
- Cloud DB for Redis (VPC)指標
- Cloud DB for MSSQL (VPC)
- Cloud DB for MSSQL (VPC)の概要
- createCloudMssqlInstance
- createCloudMssqlSlaveInstance
- deleteCloudMssqlInstance
- deleteCloudMssqlServerInstance
- exportBackupToObjectStorage
- exportDbServerLogsToObjectStorage
- getCloudMssqlLogBackupFileList
- getCloudMssqlBackupDetailList
- getCloudMssqlBackupList
- getCloudMssqlCharacterSetList
- getCloudMssqlConfigGroupList
- getCloudMssqlImageProductList
- getCloudMssqlInstanceDetail
- getCloudMssqlInstanceList
- getCloudMssqlProductList
- getCloudMssqlTargetSubnetList
- getCloudMssqlTargetVpcList
- getCloudMssqlBucketList
- getCloudMssqlFolderList
- getCloudMssqlLogFileList
- rebootCloudMssqlServerInstance
- Cloud DB for MSSQL (VPC)指標
- Cloud for MongoDB (VPC)
- Cloud DB for MongoDB (VPC) の概要
- exportDbServerLogToObjectStorage
- getDbServerLogList
- addCloudMongoDbUserList
- changeCloudMongoDbConfigCount
- changeCloudMongoDbMongosCount
- changeCloudMongoDbShardCount
- changeCloudMongoDbSecondaryCount
- changeCloudMongoDbUserList
- createCloudMongoDbInstance
- deleteCloudMongoDbInstance
- deleteCloudMongoDbUserList
- getCloudMongoDbBucketList
- exportBackupToObjectStorage
- getCloudMongoDbBackupDetailList
- getCloudMongoDbBackupList
- getCloudMongoDbImageProductList
- getCloudMongoDbInstanceDetail
- getCloudMongoDbInstanceList
- getCloudMongoDbProductList
- getCloudMongoDbTargetSubnetList
- getCloudMongoDbTargetVpcList
- getCloudMongoDbUserList
- rebootCloudMongoDbServerInstance
- Cloud DB for MongoDB (VPC)指標
- Cloud DB
- Security
- Secure Zone
- Secure Zoneの概要
- addAddressGroup
- addPolicy
- checkAddressGroupNameDuplicated
- checkPolicyNameDuplicated
- deleteAddressGroup
- deletePolicy
- getAddressGroup
- getAddressGroupList
- getDefaultDenyEventLogStatus
- getHourlyTrafficUsageList
- getIpsecAddress
- getMemberActionLog
- getMemberInfo
- getPolicy
- getPolicyList
- getTrafficLog
- getTrafficUsage
- rearrangePolicy
- setDefaultDenyEventLogStatus
- updateAddressGroup
- updatePolicy
- File Safer
- Security Monitoring
- Web Security Checker
- Key Management Service
- KMS概要
- KMS API 1.0
- KMS API 2.0
- Account Auth API
- Create Key
- Get Key Info
- Get Key List
- Get Public Key
- Delete Key
- Enable Key
- Disable Key
- Enable Key Version
- Disable Key Version
- Rotate Key
- Request Key Deletion
- Cancel Key Deletion
- Enable IP ACL
- Disable IP ACL
- Get ACL Rule List
- Add ACL Rule
- Delete ACL Rule
- Create Token Generator
- Get Token Generator
- Update Token Generator
- Delete Token Generator
- Create Token Set
- Get Key Activity Logs
- Get Latest Use Info
- Get Key Version List
- Update Memo
- Update Rotation Period
- Enable Auto Rotation
- Disable Auto Rotation
- Encrypt
- Decrypt
- Create Custom Key
- Re-encrypt
- Sign
- Verify
- Token Auth API
- Account Auth API
- Certificate Manager
- PrivateCA
- PrivateCA の概要
- Activate Sub CA
- Add CA User
- Create CA
- Create Ocsp
- Delete CA
- Delete CA User
- Delete Ocsp
- Get CA
- Get CA Chain
- Get CA Crl
- Get CA List
- Get CA User List
- Get Crl Config
- Get End Cert
- Get End Cert List
- Get Sub Csr
- Issue End Cert
- Revoke End Cert
- Rotate CRL
- Sign End Csr
- Sign Sub Csr
- Trim Ca
- Update CA
- Update Crl Config
- Webshell Behavior Detector
- Secret Manager
- Secret Managerの概要
- Secret Management
- Create Secret
- Get Secret List
- Get Secret Detail
- Get Secret Value
- Update Secret Value
- Update Secret Stage Value
- Get Protection Key List
- Update Protection Key
- Update Secret Memo
- Update Rotation Period
- Update Rotation Trigger
- Delete Rotation Trigger
- Execute Rotation Job
- Cancel Rotation Job
- Retry Rotation Job
- Rollback Rotation Job
- Enable Secret
- Disable Secret
- Enable Auto Rotation
- Disable Auto Rotation
- Request Secret Deletion
- Cancel Secret Deletion
- Delete Secret
- Secret Rotate Control
- Secure Zone
- AI Services
- CLOVA Chatbot
- NCLUEの概要
- Featureの照会
- Featureリストの照会
- Featureの作成
- Featureの削除
- Taskの照会
- Taskリストの照会
- Taskの作成
- Taskの削除
- Task Runの照会
- Task Runリストの照会
- Task Runの作成
- Task Runの削除
- Shopping Intentの照会
- Shopping Intentリストの照会
- Shopping Intentの作成
- Shopping Intentの削除
- Shopping Intentのダウンロード
- Custom Attributesの照会
- Custom Attributesリストの照会
- Custom Attributesの作成
- Custom Attributesの削除
- CLOVA Speech
- CLOVA Studio
- CLOVA GreenEye
- Papago Translation
- Papago Image Translation
- Application Services
- GeoLocation
- Simple & Easy Notification Service
- API Gateway
- API Gatewayの概要
- API Key
- Authorizer
- Canary Test
- Dashboard API Key
- Dashboard Event
- Dashboard Product
- Document
- Export
- Gateway Response
- Gateway Response Header
- Gateway Response Template
- Method
- Method Request Body
- Method Request Parameter
- Method Response
- Method Response Body
- Method Response Header
- Model
- Product
- Published Product
- Resource
- Stage
- Stage Deployment
- Stage Resource
- Usage Plan
- API Gatewayのリリースノート
- Cloud Outbound Mailer
- Cloud Outbound Mailer の概要
- createMailRequest
- getMail
- getMailList
- getMailRequestList
- getMailRequestStatus
- createFile
- getFile
- deleteFile
- createTemplate
- createTemplateExportRequest
- getTemplate
- getTemplateExportRequestList
- getTemplateStructure
- updateTemplate
- updateTemplateLocationOrName
- exportTemplate
- importTemplate
- deleteTemplate
- restoreTemplate
- createCategory
- updateCategory
- deleteCategory
- createAddressBook
- getAddressBook
- deleteAddressBook
- deleteAddress
- deleteRecipientGroup
- deleteRecipientGroupRelation
- deleteRecipientGroupRelationEmpty
- getSendBlockList
- registerUnsubscribers
- getUnsubscribersList
- deleteUnsubscribers
- createConfig
- getConfig
- Big Data & Analytics
- Cloud Hadoop (VPC)
- Cloud Hadoop (VPC) 概要
- backupClusterConfiguration
- changeCloudHadoopNodeCount
- changeCloudHadoopNodeSpec
- createCloudHadoopInstance
- createCloudHadoopNotebookInstance
- deleteCloudHadoopInstance
- deleteCloudHadoopNotebookInstance
- getCloudHadoopAddOnList
- getCloudHadoopBucketList
- getCloudHadoopClusterTypeList
- getCloudHadoopImageProductList
- getCloudHadoopInstanceDetail
- getCloudHadoopInstanceList
- getCloudHadoopLoginKeyList
- getCloudHadoopMysqlInstanceList
- getCloudHadoopMysqlUserList
- getCloudHadoopNotebookBucketList
- getCloudHadoopNotebookComponentList
- getCloudHadoopNotebookImageProductList
- getCloudHadoopNotebookInstanceDetail
- getCloudHadoopNotebookInstanceList
- getCloudHadoopNotebookProductList
- getCloudHadoopObjectList
- getCloudHadoopProductList
- getCloudHadoopTargetSubnetList
- getCloudHadoopTargetVpcList
- saveExternalHiveMetaStore
- testConnectExternalHiveMetaStore
- Cloud Hadoop (VPC)指標
- Cloud Hadoop
- Cloud Search
- Cloud Search の概要
- Domainリスト照
- Domain削除
- Domain作成
- Domain修正
- Domain照会
- Domain重複確認
- Ranking default変更
- Rankingリスト照会
- Ranking削除
- Ranking作成
- Ranking照会
- 自動完成設定照会
- 一時 Domainリストの照会
- 臨時Domain削除
- 臨時Domain作成
- 臨時Domain修正
- 一時 Domainの照会
- Schema検証
- Schema修正
- Schema履歴照会
- Schema照会
- Document検索
- Document 管理
- Object Storage Document管理
- Query Analysis Count
- Query Analysis Group By Count
- Query Analysis Time Series
- DB Connection確認
- DB Connection の確認(VPC)
- DB Tableマッピング
- DB Tableマッピング (VPC)
- DB Table照会
- DB Table照会 (VPC)
- DB upload実行
- DB upload実行 (VPC)
- DB upload照会
- 自動完成検索
- 自動完成設定及び修正
- 自動完成設定履歴照会
- Container個数変更
- Containerリスト照会
- Containerタイプ変更
- Monitoring data照会
- ストップワードポリシーリスト照会
- ストップワードポリシー削除
- ストップワードポリシー設定
- ストップワードポリシー照会
- 形態素解析が可能な言語照会
- 形態素解析オプション照会 - 可能な言語リスト
- 形態素解析器照会 - 特定言語
- 同義語辞典リストの照会
- 同義語辞典のバージョン照会
- 同義語辞典の削除
- 同義語辞典の設定
- 同義語辞典の修正
- 同義語辞典名の照会
- シソーラスの照会
- 同義語辞典の重複確認
- 使用量制限変更
- 使用量制限照会
- Cloud Search指標
- Search Engine Service (VPC)
- Search Engine Service の概要
- Cluster
- Search Engine Clusterの作成
- Search Engine Versionの照会
- OS商品の照会
- Node商品の照会
- VPCリストの照会
- Subnetリストの照会
- Search Engine Cluster削除
- Search Engine Clusterのノード追加
- Search Engine Clusterの再起動
- Search Engine Userアクセスパスワードの初期化
- Search Engine Clusterリストの照会
- Search Engine Clusterデータノードの照会
- Search Engine Cluster ACGの照会
- Search Engine Cluster のノードグループ別スペック照会
- Search Engine Cluster のノードグループ別変更可能スペック照会
- Search Engine Cluster のノードスペック変更
- Search Engine Clusterノードタイプの変更
- 認証キーリストの照会
- Rolling Upgrade Pre Check
- Rolling Upgrade Cluster
- Rolling Upgrade の進行状況照会
- Dashboard
- Monitoring
- Snapshot
- Import
- Search Engine Service指標
- Cloud Data Streaming Service(VPC)
- Cloud Data Streaming Service の概要
- Cluster
- Cluster Rolling 再起動の進行状況照会
- Cluster Rolling 再起動のリクエスト
- Cluster Rolling 再起動の事前チェック
- Rolling UpGrade の進行状況照会
- Rolling UpGrade のリクエスト
- Rolling UpGrade の事前チェック
- Cloud Data Streaming Service Cluster の作成
- Cloud Data Streaming Service Cluster の作成(Return ID)
- Cloud Data Streaming Service Versionの照会
- OS Productの照会
- Node商品の照会
- VPCリストの照会
- Subnetリストの照会
- Cloud Data Streaming Service Cluster削除
- Cloud Data Streaming Service Clusterノード追加
- 全体サービスを再起動
- CMAKの再起動
- Kafkaの再起動
- ノード別Kafkaの再起動
- CMAKアクセスパスワードの初期化
- Cloud Data Streaming Service Clusterリストの照会
- Cloud Data Streaming Service Cluster の個別照会
- Cloud Data Streaming Service Clusterノードの照会
- Cloud Data Streaming Service ClusterのACG照会
- クラスタの状態確認
- ブローカーノード情報の確認
- 証明書のダウンロード
- Public Domainの有効化
- Public Domainの無効化
- ロードバランサリストを照会します
- BrokerノードのPublic Endpointを有効化します
- BrokerノードのPublic Endpoint無効にします
- ノードグループ別スペック照会
- ノードグループ別変更可能スペックの照会
- ノードスペックの変更
- Monitoring
- ConfigGroup
- Cloud Data Streaming Service指標
- Data Forest
- Data Forestの概要
- Accounts
- Notebooks
- getVpcList
- getVpcDetail
- getSubnetList
- getSubnetDetail
- getTypeList
- getServerTypeList
- getList
- getDetail
- getUserConfigurationSpecList
- checkAvailableName
- getLoginKeyList
- getObjectStorageBucketDetail
- getObjectStorageBucketList
- getAcgRuleList
- restart
- delete
- create
- setUserConfigurationList
- setObjectStorageBucket
- Apps
- AI workspaces
- AI Apps
- Data Box Frame
- Data Box Frame の概要
- Data Box Frame Code
- get-data-box-frame-list
- get-data-box-frame-detail
- get-data-box-frame-infra-list
- get-data-box-list
- get-data-box-summary-info
- get-data-box-infra-list
- get-hadoop-cluster-info
- get-linux-info
- get-tensor-flow-info
- get-bucket-list
- get-import-apply-list
- get-import-apply-detail
- get-target-nas-list
- get-export-apply-list
- get-export-apply-detail
- get-ssl-vpn-account-list
- get-source-nas-list
- get-export-file-approve-list
- get-export-file-approve-detail
- return-data-box-frame
- change-data-box-frame-nas-volume-size
- return-data-box
- change-data-box-nas-volume-size
- set-block-external-network
- apply-file-import
- apply-file-export
- return-file-export-apply
- export-file-approve
- export-file-reject
- modify-data-box-frame-admin-infra
- modify-data-box
- create-data-box
- Data Catalog
- Data Flow
- Data Query
- Cloud Data Box
- Cloud Hadoop (VPC)
- Blockchain
- Blockchain Service
- Blockchain Serviceの概要
- Networkリストの照会
- Network情報の照会
- Organizationリストの照会
- Organization情報の照会
- Organization接続情報のダウンロード
- Ordererリストの照会
- Orderer情報の照会
- Orderer接続情報のダウンロード
- Orderer Podログの照会
- Orderer Pod使用量の照会
- Peerリストの照会
- Peer情報の照会
- Peer Podログの照会
- Peer Pod使用量の照会
- CAリストの照会
- CA情報の照会
- CA Identityの照会
- CA Identityのダウンロード
- CA Podログの照会
- CA Pod使用量の照会
- Blockchain Service
- Business Applications
- Content Delivery
- Developer Tools
- SourceCommit
- SourceBuild
- SourceDeploy
- SourceDeploy 概要
- プロジェクトリスト
- プロジェクトの作成
- プロジェクトの削除
- 舞台装置リスト
- 舞台詳細
- ステージクリエイト
- 段階更新
- 段階削除
- シナリオ リスト
- シナリオ詳細
- シナリオ作成
- シナリオ修正
- シナリオの代表者
- 展開の開始
- 展開のキャンセル
- 導入承認の要求
- 導入の承認
- 構築拒否
- カナリア展開の承認
- カナリア展開の拒否
- 展開履歴リスト
- 展開履歴の詳細
- カナリアへのクエリー
- カナリア分析レポート
- Server 一覧表
- AutoScaling グループ リストの検索
- KubernetesService Cluster リスト
- targetGroup リスト(VPC)
- SourceCommit リポジトリ リスト
- SourceCommit ブランチ
- SourceBuild 一覧表
- ObjectStorage バケット リスト
- ObjectStorage オブジェクト リスト
- SourcePipeline
- Digital Twin
- Gaming
- Hybrid & Private Cloud
- Management & Governance
- Cloud Log Analytics
- Sub Account
- SubAccount概要
- サブアカウント
- サブアカウントリストの照会
- サブアカウントの照会
- サブアカウントの作成
- サブアカウントの更新
- サブアカウントの削除
- Access Keyの照会
- Access Keyの作成
- Access Keyの削除
- Access Key状態の設定
- ログインアクセスキーの照会
- ログインアクセスキーの設定
- ログイン IDのチェック
- ログインパスワードのチェック
- アイドルセッションタイムアウトの照会
- アイドルセッションタイムアウトの設定
- ログインパスワード有効期限の照会
- ログインパスワード有効期限の設定
- ログインパスワードの再設定
- ポリシーの割り当て
- ポリシーの削除
- グループの追加
- グループの削除
- コンソールアクセスルールの照会
- コンソールアクセスルールの更新
- APIアクセスルールの照会
- APIアクセスルールの更新
- 2段階認証情報の照会
- タグの照会
- タグの追加
- タグの削除
- ユーザー IDの照会
- ユーザー情報の照会
- グループ
- ポリシー
- ロール
- External Access
- Trust Anchorリストの照会
- Trust Anchorの照会
- Trust Anchorの作成
- Trust Anchorの更新
- Trust Anchorの有効化
- Trust Anchorの無効化
- Trust Anchorの削除
- Profileリストの照会
- Profileの照会
- Profileの作成
- Profileの更新
- Profileの有効化
- Profileの無効化
- Proflieの削除
- Subjectリストの照会
- Subjectの照会
- Subject Activityリストの照会
- CRLリストの照会
- CRLの照会
- CRLの作成
- CRLの更新
- CRLの有効化
- CRLの無効化
- CRLの削除
- Secure Token Service
- Web service Monitoring System
- Effective Log Search & Analytics
- Network Traffic Monitoring
- Cloud Activity Tracer
- Resource Manager
- Cloud Insight
- Cloud Insightの概要
- Dashboard
- Event
- Event Rule
- CopyRuleGroup
- CreateMetricsGrp
- CreateMonitorGrp
- CreateRuleDirectly
- CreateRuleGroup
- DeleteMetricGroupForce
- DeleteMetricsGrp
- DeleteMetricsGrpByProdKeyAndId
- DeleteMonitorGroupForce
- DeleteMonitorGrp
- DeleteRuleGroup
- DeleteRuleGroupByProdKeyAndId
- GetAllMonitorGrp
- GetMetricsGroup
- GetMetricsGroupList
- GetMonitorGrp
- GetNotificationRecipientList
- GetRuleGroup
- GetRuleGroupByMetricGroupIds
- GetRuleGroupByMonitorGroupIds
- GetRuleGroupList
- RemoveResourceFromRules
- SearchMetricList
- UpdateMetricsGroup
- UpdateMonitorGrp
- UpdateRuleGroup
- Schema
- Custom Resource
- Planned Maintenance
- Plugin
- Server
- Data
- Integration
- Cloud Insight指標
- Ncloud Single Sign-On
- Ncloud Single Sign-Onの概要
- Application
- Tenant
- External IdP
- SSO User
- SSO Userリストの照会
- SSO Userの照会
- SSO Userの作成
- SSO Userの一括作成
- SSO Userの更新
- SSO Userリストの削除
- SSO Userの削除
- SSO Userログイン IDのチェック
- SSO Userアクセスルールの照会
- SSO Userアクセスルールの更新
- SSO User Profileの照会
- SSO Userグループリストの照会
- SSO Userグループの照会
- SSO Userをグループに追加
- SSO Userをグループから削除
- SSO User状態の設定
- SSO Userセッションの照会
- SSO Userセッションのタイムアウト
- SSO User Assignmentリストの照会
- SSO Userを Assignmentから削除
- SSO User MFA Deviceの照会
- SSO Userに MFA Deviceを追加
- SSO User MFA Deviceの削除
- Group
- Permission Set
- Assignment
- Cloud Advisor (VPC)
- Organization
- Media
- Live Station
- Live Stationの概要
- Channel Management
- Quality Profile
- Quality Setting
- Recording
- Re-Stream Management
- VOD to Live Management
- Event
- Live Station のエラーコード
- VOD Station
- Video Player Enhancement
- One Click Multi DRM
- B2B Prism Live Studio
- Media Connect Center
- Live Station
- Migration
メソッド | URI |
GET | /createLoadBalancerInstance |
Load Balancer APIで共通して使用されるヘッダの詳細は、Load Balancerの共通ヘッダをご参照ください。
フィールド | タイプ | 必須の有無 | 説明 |
loadBalancerName | String | Optional | 作成するロードバランサの名前
loadBalancerAlgorithmTypeCode | String | Optional | ロードバランシングに使用するアルゴリズムタイプ
loadBalancerDescription | String | Optional | ロードバランサの説明(Byte)
networkUsageTypeCode | String | Optional | ロードバランサのネットワークタイプ
serverInstanceNoList.N | String | Optional | ロードバランサにバインドするサーバインスタンスの番号リスト |
loadBalancerRuleList.N.protocolTypeCode | String | Required | ロードバランサルールのプロトコルタイプ
loadBalancerRuleList.N.loadBalancerPort | Integer | Required | ロードバランサルールのポート
loadBalancerRuleList.N.serverPort | Integer | Required | ロードバランサルールのサーバポート
loadBalancerRuleList.N.l7HealthCheckPath | String | Conditional | ロードバランサルールのヘルスチェックパス
loadBalancerRuleList.N.certificateName | String | Conditional | ロードバランサの SSL証明書名loadBalancerRuleList.N.protocloTypeCode がSSL またはHTTPS の場合、必ず入力 |
loadBalancerRuleList.N.proxyProtocolUseYn | String | Optional | プロキシプロトコルの使用有無
loadBalancerRuleList.N.stickySessionUseYn | String | Optional | セッション別アクセスの使用有無
loadBalancerRuleList.N.http2UseYn | String | Optional | HTTP/2プロトコルの使用有無
loadBalancerRuleList.N.serverProtocolTypeCode | String | Optional | サーバのプロトコルタイプ
regionNo | String | Optional | ロードバランサ作成対象のリージョン番号 |
zoneNoList | List<String> | Optional | ロードバランサ作成対象のゾーン番号リスト
curl --location 'https://ncloud.apigw.ntruss.com/loadbalancer/v2/createLoadBalancerInstance
--header 'x-ncp-apigw-timestamp: {Timestamp}'
--header 'x-ncp-iam-access-key: {Access Key}'
--header 'x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2: {API Gateway Signature}'
NAVERクラウドプラットフォームでで共通して使用されるレスポンスステータスコードの詳細は、Ncloud APIのレスポンスステータスコードをご参照ください。
<codeName>Round Robin</codeName>
<codeName>NET INIT state</codeName>
<codeName>NET USE OP</codeName>
<zoneDescription>加山 zone</zoneDescription>
HTTPステータスコード | コード | メッセージ | 説明 |
400 | 10300 | Instance name is already in use. please use other name. | インスタンス名は重複不可 |
400 | 10105 | Unable to create load balancer anymore since contract limitation setting has been exceeded. Number of contract limitation: {0} Number of current contracts : {1} | サービス利用限度超過 |
400 | 23011 | We are sorry that {0} cannot be used for load balancer ports since the ports are in use for load balancer management. | ロードバランサ管理用として既に使用中のポート |
400 | 23017 | This version of the load balancer can not create with private IP. | プライベート IPアドレスでは作成できないロードバランサ |
400 | 23018 | Can not create the load balancer. | ロードバランサ作成エラー |
400 | 23019 | There is no resource for the load balancer. | ロードバランサにリソースがない |
400 | 24063 | The number of load balancer settings has been exceeded. | ロードバランサ設定限度超過 |
400 | 24064 | The range of usable {0} port is from 1 to 66534. | ポート番号は1~66534以内でなければならない |
400 | 24065 | {0} Duplicated port number. Port number : {1} | ポート番号は重複不可 |
400 | 24066 | When setting load balancer, Health Check route must be configured to HTTP protocol. | ロードバランサルールのプロトコルタイプが HTTPの場合、ヘルスチェックパスの入力は必須 |
400 | 24091 | No IP address is assigned to the server instance (no. {0}). | サーバインスタンスに割り当てグローバル IPアドレスがない |
400 | 24099 | When setting load balancer, Health Check route must be configured to HTTP or HTTPS protocol. | ロードバランサルールのプロトコルタイプが HTTPまたは HTTPSの場合、ヘルスチェックパスの入力は必須 |
400 | 24109 | The input parameter instance number is invalid. | 無効なインスタンス番号 |
400 | 24111 | The input parameter zone number is invalid. | 無効なゾーン番号 |
400 | 24120 | The input parameter server instance number is invalid. | 無効なサーバインスタンス番号 |
400 | 24130 | The input parameter load balancing algorithm is invalid. | 無効なロードバランシングアルゴリズム |
400 | 24131 | The field {0} in the load balancer rule parameter is invalid. | ロードバランサルールの{0}フィールドが有効ではない |
400 | 24132 | The field healthCheckPath in the load balancer rule parameter is invalid. If the protocol is HTTP, it is required. it must start with slash('/') and contain no blank. | ロードバランサルールのプロトコルタイプが HTTPの場合、ヘルスチェックパスの入力は必須。URLパスは「/」で始まり、スペースは使用不可 |
400 | 24133 | The field healthCheckPath in the load balancer rule parameter is invalid. If the protocol is NOT HTTP, it must not be specified. | ロードバランサルールのプロトコルタイプが HTTPではない場合、ヘルスチェックパスは指定不可 |
400 | 24134 | The number of input parameter load balancer rules is the minimum of 1, maximum of 5. | 文字の長さ制限: 1~5 |
400 | 24173 | Only one zone can be selected for private IP load balancer. | プライベート IPアドレスを使用するロードバランサは1つのゾーンだけ入力可能 |
400 | 24300 | The length constraints of the parameter description (memo) were violated. The minimum length is 0 byte, the maximum, 1,000 bytes. | 説明は1~1,000バイト以内で入力 |
400 | 25050 | (Other)Unable to operate load balancer since use is manipulating the applying server. | ロードバランサにサーバを適用中のため、使用不可 |
400 | 25051 | Server is already being applied to load balancer. | ロードバランサで既に適用中のサーバ |
400 | 25052 | Server {0} is unable to apply to load balancer since it is either in operation or not being suspended. | サーバが運用中か、停止されていないため、ロードバランサに適用不可 |
400 | 26034 | An error occurred during certificate verification. | 証明書認証エラー |
400 | 26035 | Not found memberNo OR certificateName. Please check your input parameter. | 会員番号または証明書名が見つからない |
400 | 26036 | Not found memberNo OR certificateName OR privateKey OR publicKeyCertificate. Please check your input parameter. | 会員番号、証明書名、秘密鍵または公開鍵が見つからない |
400 | 26037 | Certificate is being used in another loadBalancer. | 他のロードバランサで既に使用中の証明書 |
400 | 26002 | The issuer certificate of a looked up certificate could not be found. This normally means the list of trusted certificates is not complete. | 証明書の発行者が見つからない |
400 | 26003 | The CRL of a certificate could not be found. | CRLが見つからない |
400 | 26004 | The certificate signature could not be decrypted. This means that the actual signature value could not be determined rather than it not matching the expected value, this is only meaningful for RSA keys. | 証明書署名の復号化に失敗 |
400 | 26005 | The CRL signature could not be decrypted: this means that the actual signature value could not be determined rather than it not matching the expected value. Unused. | CRL署名の復号化に失敗 |
400 | 26006 | The public key in the certificate SubjectPublicKeyInfo could not be read. | 証明書の公開鍵を読み取れない |
400 | 26007 | The signature of the certificate is invalid. | 証明書の署名が有効ではない |
400 | 26008 | The signature of the certificate is invalid. | 証明書の署名が有効ではない |
400 | 26009 | The certificate is not yet valid: the notBefore date is after the current time. | 証明書の有効開始日が本日以降に設定されている |
400 | 26010 | The certificate has expired: that is the notAfter date is before the current time. | 証明書の有効期限が本日以前に設定されている |
400 | 26011 | The CRL is not yet valid. | 無効な CRL |
400 | 26012 | The CRL has expired. | CRLの有効期限切れ |
400 | 26013 | The certificate notBefore field contains an invalid time. | 証明書の有効開始日時が有効ではない |
400 | 26014 | The certificate notAfter field contains an invalid time. | 証明書の有効期限が有効ではない |
400 | 26015 | The CRL lastUpdate field contains an invalid time. | CRLの最終更新日時が有効ではない |
400 | 26016 | The CRL nextUpdate field contains an invalid time. | CRLの次の更新日時が有効ではない |
400 | 26017 | An error occurred trying to allocate memory. This should never happen. | メモリ割り当てエラー |
400 | 26018 | The passed certificate is self signed and the same certificate cannot be found in the list of trusted certificates. | 自己署名された証明書で、信頼できる証明書リストでは見つからない |
400 | 26019 | The certificate chain could be built up using the untrusted certificates but the root could not be found locally. | ローカルでルート証明書が見つからない |
400 | 26020 | The issuer certificate could not be found: this occurs if the issuer certificate of an untrusted certificate cannot be found. | 証明書の発行者が見つからない |
400 | 26021 | No signatures could be verified because the chain contains only one certificate and it is not self signed. | 署名認証に失敗 |
400 | 26022 | The certificate chain length is greater than the supplied maximum depth. Unused. | 証明書チェーンの長さ制限超過 |
400 | 26023 | The certificate has been revoked. | 証明書が解除される |
400 | 26024 | A CA certificate is invalid. Either it is not a CA or its extensions are not consistent with the supplied purpose. | 無効な CA証明書 |
400 | 26025 | The basicConstraints path length parameter has been exceeded. | 認証パスの長さ制限超過 |
400 | 26026 | The supplied certificate cannot be used for the specified purpose. | 証明書を当該用途に使用できない |
400 | 26027 | The root CA is not marked as trusted for the specified purpose. | ルート CA証明書を信頼できない |
400 | 26028 | The root CA is marked to reject the specified purpose. | ルート CA証明書リクエストが拒否される |
400 | 26029 | The current candidate issuer certificate was rejected because its subject name did not match the issuer name of the current certificate. Only displayed when the -issuer_checks option is set. | サブジェクト名が発行者名と一致しないため、証明書リクエストが拒否される |
400 | 26030 | The current candidate issuer certificate was rejected because its subject key identifier was present and did not match the authority key identifier current certificate. Only displayed when the -issuer_checks option is set. | サブジェクト鍵識別子が認証局鍵識別子と一致しないため、証明書リクエストが拒否される |
400 | 26031 | The current candidate issuer certificate was rejected because its issuer name and serial number was present and did not match the authority key identifier of the current certificate. Only displayed when the -issuer_checks option is set. | 証明書発行者とシリアル番号が認証局鍵識別子と一致しないため、証明書リクエストが拒否される |
400 | 26032 | The current candidate issuer certificate was rejected because its keyUsage extension does not permit certificate signing. | キー用途の拡張が署名を許可しなかったため、証明書リクエストが拒否される |
400 | 26033 | An application specific error. Unused. | アプリケーションエラー |
400 | 26034 | An error occurred during certificate verification. | 証明書認証エラー |
400 | 26035 | Not found memberNo OR certificateName. Please check your input parameter. | 会員番号または証明書名が見つからない |
400 | 26036 | Not found memberNo OR certificateName OR privateKey OR publicKeyCertificate. Please check your input parameter. | 会員番号、証明書名、秘密鍵または公開鍵が見つからない |
400 | 26037 | Certificate is being used in another loadBalancer. | 他のロードバランサで既に使用中の証明書 |
400 | 26038 | The certificate name required for SSL/HTTPS. Please check your input parameter. | ロードバランサルールのプロトコルタイプが SSLまたは HTTPSの場合、証明書名の入力は必須 |
400 | 26042 | Proxy protocol can be set only with TCP, SSL protocols. | ロードバランサルールのプロトコルタイプが TCPまたは SSLの場合にのみプロキシプロトコルを設定可能 |
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